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Death Island



Death Island

ok so i made a new account for me and now I'm going to move my previous thread over to this new shiny one. Im just gonna post both parts of Chapter 1 since some people might not get the "island" part of this through the first part. Really I'm writing this for my mom shes doing something with writing some book and I'm helping her out and posting on here and adding my own things on here too. Im gonna realease more if people post good comments. And give me any suggestions on how to improve it. By the way if any admin could delete my last thread about this i would give hugz.
characters are : blue guard is James, red guard is Hector, gray guard is Grom, snowsuit guard is Proth 2nd class bandit is Ellis, 3rd class bandit is Loton, Assassin is Aron, Leader is Henth

Chapter 1 part 1: The Getaway
It was a cold, stormy night. Rain pounded the ground causing hug puddles to take form. The stomping of feet echoed from the trees. Suddenly all stopped. All that could be heard was the thumping of rain drops against the muddy ground. As quickly as had it all stopped, yells and screams of curses were shouted out. The two groups had finally met in Darkwood. About 80 bandits and 75 guards all in two groups shouting and yelling orders and threats.
Under all the yelling an arrow was pulled back and was released to fly over head hitting a guard in the chest. Silence.
“We will kill ya all for that one, right lads?” a guard yelled. The other guards all screamed in agreement and the two groups charged each other.
Metal scraping against metal, the blood chilling screams of the wounded or dieing, the yells of anger and sadness erupted all too quickly. In minutes bodies of guards and bandits littered the ground. The storm was getting worst. Lightning struck nearby trees and fires raged all around the battle site. Wind was getting louder and stronger. The battle raged on though over the roar of the wind. The wind started getting so strong that trees on top of hills were getting disconnected from the ground and tost into the cloud of wind. Lightning hit the ground all around them. Almost making a perfect circle all around them. After killing a bandit, one of the guards noticed this.
When only 4 bandits and 4 guards a cry was heard, “Stop, look at the sky!” Everyone looked toward the sky. “It’s…it’s…a portal!!” The battle was slowing to a stop.
“That is no portal, you idiot! Keep fighting!” But in a few seconds the clashing of swords slowed.
“I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen anything like this,” yelled a bandit while blocking the last strike of the battle. Everyone was looking at the cloud of circling air above them. It was like a ring with the winds circling around with a hole in the middle that got bigger toward the top.
“What if this thing sucks up everything?”
“Looks like its doing it’s that job already, lad” It was true, trees and grass were being sucked into the cloud. Even some dead bodies were.
“We need to find some cover,” yelled a guard over the loud winds. But it was too late. The 4 guards and 4 bandits were being lifted up into the air getting closer and inside the cloud. After being lifted a few feet as quick as lightning they were sucked into the storm.
Lightning could be seen through the gray winds. Trees and bodies were being tossed around like they were in a giant blender. Everyone was yelling, but their voices were also sucked into the devastating winds. Then a flash of lightning went through the middle of this cloud and everyone blanked out

Let me know what you think.


Re: Death Island

Chapter 1 part 2: The Getaway

One by one the guards and bandits awoke. Sunshine blazed in their face and they sat up. Each of them had a bitter taste in their mouths as though they just drank from the sea. Sitting up one by one they noticed three shocking discoveries. First was that they were on sand, second there was an ocean in front of them and not a single piece of land could be seen, and third looking behind them was a green forest with a few hills
scattered around. They were only a few feet away from the water which brushed up against their feet. The forest started a few yards inward. Before that a few single trees and some grass lay there. The beach they were on was not that long. It was about 60 something yards blocked of by a pile of rocks on one side and two big rocks on the other.
“Well, isn’t this wonderful stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere,” said James
“Yea that storm must have umm thrown us here?” asked Aron
“Seems like it. It probably traveled in the water dumping everything around. Just look at the water, you can see a few trees floating around,” replied Hector.
“Well come on then lets build a boat and get out of here!” suggested Ellis
“What? Oh hold on there smart attic. We don’t even know how faraway land is for all we know THIS might not be an island and connected to the mainland,” replied Proth
Proth, in a second had a sword pointed to his chest barely touching his clothing. “I don’t appreciate unkind comments. I can slit your throat right here.”
“Don’t even think about it, lad,” said Hector loading an arrow into his crossbow and aiming for Ellis, who turned his head to face Hector.
Aron stepped in between the crossbow and Ellis, “You fire that crossbow and it will be the last thing you do,” he said quietly while pulling his katana out.
“Come on now, we shouldn’t be fighting right now,” Grom broke in, “Proth is right we don't even know if this is an island. We should first find shelter and any food available on this part of land and we will continue after we get back to any area that is familiar to us. But for right now if any of you would kindly not kill each other while we try to get back to land, that be great. We need to work together on this one got it?”
“I will not “work” with any of you scum, we can kill you where you stand” said Henth.
“And we can do the same to you,” replied James.
“Fine, but when we get off this thing you are all dead,” agreed Henth in a grumble.
“So it’s settled then, but for right now we need to find shelter. A cave or something would be nice. And remember: never go off alone. Also, no secrets of anything that include food or shelter anything else like a nice rock you can keep. We can kill you all as easily as you can kill us, so we should set up territories later on, but for right now we have two teams all the bandits on one and all the rest on the other. We need as much help as we can get. Travel in pairs as much as possible. Who knows what’s on this island.” said Grom
“And how do we know that you will not kill us while we are sleeping or set up a trap in the woods,” asked Henth.
“Hey, you heard him the more people die, the less chance of survival we have,” responded Loton.


Re: Death Island

Chapter 2: The search
In a few minutes everyone was assigned a job to do. In pairs the 4 groups spread out in search of many things. Aron and James were assigned to get any food that could be found. “Don’t go too far into the forest just along the edges. Remember where you are going to if you find anything we will know where to find it,” Aron remembered Grom saying. Don’t go too far he says? That’s where all the food is! Aron thought. He had us tell our names to each other so everyone should know everyone! Who does that?
“Hey, James did you see that?” Aron asked stopping near a palm tree and pointing to a bush.
“What?” asked James in a worried and terrified voice. Looking where Aron was pointing he didn’t see anything.
James stared at the bush for a few seconds. Suddenly he nearly jumped back into a tree as the bush rustled a bit then froze as if it was a statue.
In a second, Aron had his katana out. It was suddenly quiet. All that could be heard was the sound of birds and various insects. Sunlight was shining through the leaves of trees and bushes making the forest air look green. The sky was bright blue with a few puffy clouds sailing across the sky.
Aron thought he saw something run from the olive green bush. “No time to stand around we got us a chase!” Aron said quietly and flew through the bush.
James was about to run in after him when something hit him on the head. Looking up he just saw a palm tree. “What in the world…ouch!” he screamed as another object fell on his head.
He took a few steps back away from the palm tree. In a blink of an eye he had a coconut flying directly toward his head. It hit him in the forehead. “Ok, who is up there?” he yelled out to the tree. No response. “Hmm, well then I guess I should catch up with that Aron,” he said turning around.
But before he could take a step another coconut hit him in the head. He turned around angrily. Taking a good look at the tree he realized nobody could hide up there without him noticing. “Tree…?” he croaked out as he got hit in the head with yet another coconut.
“YOU ARE A BAD EXCUSE FOR A TREE!” he yelled. He stood there pointing to the top of the tree. Then there was a creaking noise. It was the sound of leaves rustling and wood breaking. He noticed that the top of the tree was getting closer to him. “Oh, boy. Umm I didn’t mean that it…it just slipped out…?”
The tree was now about a quarter of the way down when it suddenly rose back up bending the opposite direction then throwing its entire weight onto the front bending it forward toward James. “Oh my god! Help!” he screamed a second before being crushed. The tree made a huge noise so loud, all of the men could hear. The tree then rose back up to its original position. “Ooooh,” James groaned. “Sorry...”

“Has anyone seen James?” asked Grom when everyone sat down on their logs around the campfire they had built on the beach eating their chicken,“Aron, you were with him last where did he go?”
“Don’t look at me. I was the one who almost got his eye poked out by this very chicken you’re eating. But if you insist I ran after this meatball telling James to follow. In a minute after capturing it I noticed James was not there with me. Then I heard a thud as loud as a wall crashing down. I went looking for him didn’t find anything except a little dent in some sand around this palm tree. Looked for ‘bout and hour didn’t find anything,” he said in his quiet voice.
“What did you do to the poor lad?” asked Loton.
“I didn’t do anything to him I even tried looking for him,” Aron declared a bit angrier and louder voice, “He’s probably dead by now anyways. No point in looking for him,” Aron said calming down.
“No, I am not loosing one of my own team. I’m going out there to look for him,” declared Grom.
“Go out there and you’re dead,” said Henth chewing his meat.
“I don’t care as long as…” he stopped talking as they heard a rustle in a nearby bush. Out stepped James. His boots were torn with some dirt over his clothes.
“Thank Avo you’re here, James. Where have you been?” asked Proth.
“Huh? Oh, nowhere just taking a walk,” said James.
“In the middle of the night, with torn clothes?” Ellis challenged him.
“I fell down and got knocked out,” he replied. Then he went off toward the sea.
“I swear that boy is stranger then Ellis’s father,” said Loton.
“I bet you would know all about that wouldn’t you?”
“Yep, ever since you told me,” Loton struck back.
“Ooooooh,” everyone started.
“My god…” said Ellis.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Re: Death Island

It really is great how you made up this story cuz i havent got that much fantasy to write it lol
you are the best lol:ninja:


Re: Death Island

Chapter 3: Unhappy Ideas part one

“I really do swear,” said Hector, “sometimes I wish that those bandits were a little less dedicated on killing us.”
“I’m sure they think the same of us,” said Proth. “But we can’t let that do anything to us. I don’t trust Henth one bit; I’m even going to start patrolling around here.”
“Just around the beach where we are right now or around the forest too,” asked Hector.
“Around the beach and forest, and also I would keep a close eye on those bandits I have a feeling they got something planned for these few days.”
“You got to relax Grom, maybe take a swim in the lake me and James found,” said Proth.
“Yea it’s a good lake…”
“Wait, did you say you found a lake?” Grom interrupted.
“Yeah, into the woods staying near the rocks on the beach, take a left, count three trees, and take a right again, over the big rock and there it is,” instructed James.
“Whoa how’d you remember that? Last night you couldn’t remember what the bottom part of a sword was, even though there was a paper on it saying what it was. Then you spent 2 hours trying to read the word…” said Proth
“It doesn’t matter right now for now lets go find that lake,” said Grom, “Lead the way Proth.”
“Ugh, being a tour guide again? I did not sign up for being a guard for this,” said Proth.
“Yeah, it was probably for the cookies and beer, huh Proth?”
“Well, don’t tell them...”

“So why are we doing this again,” asked Ellis.
“Why are we sitting in the bushes like this?”
“We are waiting for something to come this way,” said Henth.
“Umm, ok sorry to interrupt, but I don’t think anything big will come to a bush that’s five inches away from a 50 foot high cliff,” said Loton.
“Well, let’s find another bush,” suggested Aron.
“No, let’s find store,” said Loton sarcastically.
“Curse this, let’s go get some wood,” said Henth.
“House building?” asked Aron.
“Got a better idea?”
Aron was quiet for a few seconds. Everyone was looking at him.
“Fine,” he said in a quieter voice.
They set off to find the guards. After getting to the beach and finding that the guards were not there Henth started to get a smile on his face.
“Where do you think they went,” asked Ellis. Everyone looked back at the forest.
“If we are lucky dead,” said Henth.
“Man, what is with you and those guards,” asked Ellis turning to Henth.
“I don’t think they are too sour what about you Aron?”
“I don’t really care what happens to them.”
“You all have a lot to learn about trust,” said Henth turning to his team. Everyone was silent. Then the guards came through the forest talking to themselves. Then the two teams saw each other.
“Oh good Henth, we found a lake. Kind of hidden, but…”
“You found a lake and you never told us?” yelled Henth.
“We just found it calm down,” said Grom.
“So, why are you wet? You obviously drank from it, or even bathed in it without telling us?”
“We just went for a little swim in a separate part but…
“This is why we shouldn’t trust them keeping secrets from us,” said Henth turning to his team.
“Now wait a minute…”
“I have waited long enough I will not go on like this,” said Henth drawing his sword.
“Do you really want to swing that sword Henth?” asked Hector aiming his crossbow at his head.
“You will not dare shoot me. I will not die by you dogs,” said Henth turning to him, putting the tip of his sword to Grom’s throat. Suddenly there was a sound of two metal pieces hitting each other. Henth’s sword was on the ground and Grom had his sword pointed to Henth’s throat.
“We might be dogs, but we still bite hard,” said Grom. Everyone was taking their swords and crossbows out now. Ellis had his sword out, Loton his bow, Aron his Katana, James his sword, Hector his crossbow, and Proth his crossbow, all aiming at each other waiting for a someone to do something.
“So who’s going to make the first move?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Re: Death Island

Again its great :)


The Widowmaker
Jul 6, 2007
Reaction score
Re: Death Island

Awesome... Simply awesome.


Re: Death Island

This is kind of long, but oh well :D
Chapter 3 part 2: Unhappy ideas
“I would say goodbye, but you are not worthy to hear that kindness,” said Hector. He aimed his crossbow at Aron and shot. But as fast as Hector shot his arrow, Aron deflected it with the tip of his sword. That’s when the fighting began.
Henth picked up his sword and went one-on-one with Grom slashing and blocking one another. Loton shot accurate arrows at James who dodged them easily. Ellis went for Proth who shot his crossbow at Ellis until he got to close and forced Proth to take his sword out. Arrows were flying through the air and the sound of metal clanging against metal arose from the beach.
Ellis kept on Proth pushing him back. He tried to jab him, which was a fatal mistake. Proth knocked Ellis’s sword out of his hand and slashed successfully making a cut on his leg causing Ellis to fall. “Go ahead kill me! I would do the same for you,” said Ellis.
“I’m not going to kill you, mostly because I am not you. But if you make one move toward your sword, and I will not hesitate to kill you,” answered Proth running toward Grom to help.
Ellis sat up. “No, I will not go for my sword,” he said out loud, “because I am the kind of person who accepts defeat.” Then he sat back and watched the battle.
Loton was shooting multiple arrows at James now all flying at a direct angle to hit anybody in the head. But Loton had never seen James’s dodging ever before. He could not hit him a single time, but the arrows were but an inch away from hitting his body.
How does he do that?” Loton asked himself, “I have never seen anyone do that before…”
Grom and Henth were fighting with more effort than ever before in battle. Sweat rolled down their faces and their heartbeats were beating very rapidly. But they were not fighting to kill. Grom knew that, however Henth did not. Grom was fighting to show that he knew what he was doing, while Henth was fighting to show Grom he is also a good leader.
Suddenly in the middle of the battle an arrow was shot. But it was on fire. It landed right in between Henth and Grom who stopped fighting and looked to the direction in which it was fired. Toward the forest. More arrows on fire were shot in between everyone in battle. Almost as if someone was trying to get the battle to stop.
Everyone was looking toward the forest now. It was quiet and the sunset almost upon them. “I think I know why these arrows were shot,” said Grom, “they were shot to make us stop fighting. Listen, Henth you can kill us anytime other than this time. There are other people on this island and we need to find them.”
“For the first time, I must agree with you. Come on lads, lets go find whoever shot these arrows at us,” shouted Henth. They all ran into the forest. Behind a few bushes they pushed aside they started looking at something they have never expected to be here. Three figures with double bladed swords in strapped on amour stood before them.
“Minions..?” said Aron quietly. “They shot the arrows?”
“Something tells me they wanted us to stop fighting to kill us themselves,” said Grom.
Three crossbows were next to them on a rock. The Minions wantrd them to come because they attacked. Henth went one-on-one with a Minion pulling back toward the beach while Grom and Proth took on another one near some trees. The rest were fighting the third one. One of them fell quickly turning into bits of it and crumbling to pieces. However Grom and Proth didn’t have the same kind of luck. Proth got a bad cut on his arm and fell backwards. Seeing Proth wounded the Minion pushed aside Grom and went in to kill Proth.
The Minion stood over Proth and lifted its sword, but then the Minion froze. It stood there looking over Proth with its sword in its hands over its head breathing slowly. Then the Minion relaxed its muscles and crumbled into pieces dieing with Ellis standing behind it with his sword in both hands above his head.
“Nice way to repay me,” replied Proth. Ellis nodded and ran to help Henth. Everyone was running toward Henth now, but they all knew it was too late.
The Minion had Henth pulling back fast. Then the Minion swung its double bladed sword and made a bloody mark on Henth’s chest. He fell to his knees wounded. His sword cluttered out of his hand as his head slowly rose up to face the Minion looking at him, waiting for the right time to kill.
Its foot moved back and it was about to swing its sword, but Grom slashed at the Minion’s side causing it to fall. It got up quicker than Grom expected and caught him off guard. It twisted its body and swung its sword. Grom dodged it by crouching and started slashing at the Minion’s feet hoping to bring it down. It dodged all his strikes with ease its wound seeming like it was but a bite from a small insect. Grom thrusted and got blocked. He went in close to the Minion who kept backing up and swinging its sword.
Everyone watched Grom and the Minion battle. Even Henth who was now lying on his back had his head up, his long brown hair buried by the sand. Grom was now retreating, but trying not to show it. He stepped up and then back his back steps larger than his forward ones. The Minion tried to thrust only to be sidestepped and be killed with Grom’s sword in its neck.
He was panting hard and sweating. He looked up toward everyone else. The sunset was only a few minutes away so they sky was orange and the clouds were very puffy. He nodded to Proth who stood up and went somewhere into the forest.

Everyone was around Henth and Grom at the campfire that night, who were all injured the most. “Well,” said Proth “their wounds are not fatal and will heal as I suspect from my 2 years in medical school.”
“Ah, don’t worry about us,” said Grom “We will be alright. And in a few days we can start working on our houses.”
“Touching moment don’t you think Ellis” asked Loton.
“Yeah, and to think we tried to kill each other an hour ago,” he replied.
“Now why did you have to go off and say that?” Loton asked.
“Ok come on now. I ain’t no killer if that’s what your talking about.”
“Well, lets ask James…Hey wait where is James,” asked Loton.
“Hey guys, anyone see James?” shouted Hector from a distance.
“James is missing again?” asked Grom. “That settles is this time I’m going in the forest to look for him.”
“Grom, calm down I’m sure he is fine,” said Hector, “me and him took a swim in the lake the other day and he wandered off somewhere, but I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Well, I’m not taking any chances, and don’t try to follow me I got to do this alone,” said Grom in a confident tone.
“Wait, I will come with you,” said Henth in an unsure type of way.
“No you’re staying here...”
“I will not stand here and not do anything I’m coming with you.”
“Fine, but just…never mind let’s go.”
“Have fun you two,” called Ellis.
“I swear, I really can’t believe you’re here,” said Loton.

“Oh my god guys,” complained Hector, “they have been gone for 3 hours now.”
“Maybe we should go look for them,” suggested Loton. “Me and Ellis will go.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there. I never said I was coming.”
“Well you are and your going to like it,” replied Hector.
“Fine let’s go, Loton.” They walked up toward the forest and then stopped near a few trees and bushes that blocked their view into the rest of the forest.
“Let’s go Ellis. Don’t lag us.”
“Right, after you Loton,” said Ellis.
“Wait, who said I was going first? You’re going first.”
“What? No way,” Ellis said quickly.
“What’s the matter?” asked Loton, “Why can’t you go in first?”
Ellis looked past the little bit he could of the trees then back at Loton. “Well, it’s dark in there man.” Then Aron suddenly appeared next to both of them.
“Whoa, where’d you come from?” asked Ellis scared to death.
“They said I should tag along I really don’t care much,” he said in a calm voice.
“Ok, Aron after you,” said Ellis quickly.
“How about Loton pulls aside the trees and you shoot a few arrows in there to make sure it’s safe and Loton goes first.”
“That’s got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard… Ellis cant even aim,” said Loton.
“Yes, now why don’t you stop complaining and pull aside the bushes instead of standing there and looking like a retard,” said Ellis in a calm voice.
“With pleasure, I hope you die and get mauled by a Hobbe,” said Loton in the same calm voice as Ellis.
“I take that as a suggestion and pass it on to you,” said Ellis still in his calm voice.
“Hope to see you dead by morning,” said Loton in his calm voice.
“Well then I’ll see you in hell, Loton,” said Ellis.
“I’ll be waiting for you with smiles and pie.”
“Ugh, I should have stayed in the campsite,” said Aron. He took something out of his pocket and threw it over the bushes. Suddenly there was a bright light. “No more darkness, happy? Let’s go.” They all walked into the forest.
“And you couldn’t have done that earlier could you now,” asked Ellis while walking.
“I would have, but I didn’t want to interrupt your little special friends’ moment there,” said Aron.
“Oh ok,” Ellis said. Then he stopped. “Wait we are not special friends!”


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Death Island

Its getting better and better :)