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Gunslinger, they call me...



Gunslinger, they call me...

Gunslinger, they call me...
ain't never cared too much of the name..
then again...
ain't never cared too much for the game...

life certainly know how to hit you when you're down
lived as a street-urchin for several years, with my dear sister, Rose
she used to take care of the both of us, until that one gruesome day...

we overheard a traveling salesman in Bowerstone, claiming to sell ancient relics, pocessing great power
times were harder back then.. we had no money to buy food, no less magical trinkets..
Rose was obcessed with the idea of us leaving the slums behind... moving into Castle Fairfax..
since nor life, nor divine interventions, led us any closer to that Castle in the distance, she was desperate to find other means of reaching that goal

whatever came over Rose, once the salesman revealed "the magic box", claiming it to grant anyone who can use it, one single wish
perhaps it was the hunger, or the cold... perhaps that lady whom spoke with Rose, during the salesmans presentation of trinkets...
whatever it was, Rose knew that this opportunity would not come again....
five gold coins, the salesman said...
five gold coins and our despair would come to an end(?)

I did not know... I was young...
I knew nothing of magic, nor did Rose
all we knew, was what had been told of the time of Heroes...
Heroes... we certainly could have used a Hero, at that time...

Rose insisted that we'd gather the money to find out
could it be true?
could we have that one single wish and make all of this dissapear?

we started asking people if they needed favors...
running errands around Old Town, for strangers..

traversing the alleys of Old Town, we came upon a dog, being bullied by a youngster, wanting to show off his "manhood"
after he knocked Rose to the ground, I finally got use for my old wooden sword
beat him half to death, before he started crying like a little baby and ran...
no one, touches my sister

the dog seemed as lost in this world and time, as Rose and I

leaving the dog, to his fate, we started looking for tasks, to gather the five gold coins needed to buy our slice of a dream...

how we managed to scrape the five golden coins together, is beyond me...
perhaps was that the divine intervention, I had prayed for every night...
five gold coins... food for a week, or the wish of a lifetime....
we were desperate... times were desperate....

young and naive, I was...
young and naive...

Rose bought the damned box
yeah... box of the damned...

she wished for us to go live in the Castle
wished for us to leave the poverty of Old Town behind
wished for a new beginning, parents, clothes and food
alas no... the magic box dissapeared right after we cranked it up
that was the only true magic it came to pocess... the magic of crushing our hope...

I recall it being a cold winter-night, the stars were out, sending chills down our broken spines
cold and hungry, we slept in an alley, with the clouds as our blanket and the wind our lullaby

as it were, that dog was waiting for us, where we slept
exhausted and depraved of all hope, Rose could not find it in her heart to get rid of him
we found a companion in this desolate hole
Growl, I called him...

later that night, I would be awoken by Rose
a tall man, was standing next to her, explaining that we had been summoned to Castle Fairfax, by the Lord Lucien himself
could this be it?

I was a bit suspicious at first... following a stranger to the Castle
but Rose, seemed confident... Rose... naive, young, hungry and cold...
what choice did we have?
what did we have to lose?

being escorted to the Castle, we entered the magnificient hallways, blinded by the riches, which covered every square inch of this monument of wealth...

it was a long walk.. a walk, through the hallways of the always...

when finally we reached the tower, where Lord Lucien himself, would greet us, I was so excited of curiosity and happiness that I had for a moment in time, forgotten that merely a few hours earlier, I had gone to bed on a cold mattress, in the midst of Old Town

Rose knew how to "behave" in the precense of nobles
she was so polite and well-spoken, that had it not been for her tattered clothes, one would have thought, she was born in a Castle and raised by the king himself...

Lord Lucien, took little notice of this... then again... he himself was probably born in a castle and raised appropriately

all the books covering the shelves and all the little trinkets, which he had gathered, all seemed so unreal... it was all in front of me... it was as if the gods had actually looked our way
for a brief moment in time, I felt as if this was our destiny
as if though the gods had put us through all of this suffering, only to reward us, these many years later, with hapiness and wealth, beyond compare

I was lost in my daydreaming, when Lord Lucien asked us to step into the circle, in the middle of the room....
blinded by innocence, we obeyed with no questions asked
had I only known....

as soon as I stepped into the circle, a blue light emmited all around us, creating an inpenetrable wall
I tried to move, but my feet were frozen to the floor
I tried to scream, but my voice had no strength...

Lord Lucien touched the wall of light and it turned into a red shimmer...
Rose was perhaps as frightened as me, but at least she had the courage to tell Lord Lucien to stop this, stop whatever was happening

Lord Lucien read pages from a book and was speaking of things, which I did not understand
suddenly he pulled out a pistol....
Rose was desperate and begged him to stop, whatever he was doing

Lord Lucien saw her straight in the eyes as he pulled the trigger...

she fell to the ground and did not get up...

that is when he turned and looked at me, with the pistol in hand
"I am sorry", he said

last thing I remember was the gunshot and a flash of light...
suddenly I was soaring through the skies and I felt as free as I would ever be...

I woke up on a bed, in a wagon
I had no idea, how long I had been passed out, nor what had happened during this time...
all I knew was the cold, hard truth...
Rose was dead.

the woman from the market-place, came to me and told me strange tales of Heroes of the past, inclining that I was descendant of a Hero
I slightly recalled Lord Lucien stating the very same...
her name was Theresa and she called herself a "seer", in that she could foretell things of the future....
she had found me in a back-alley, with Growl trying to bring me back to life
after that, she had brought me to the gypsy-camp, where I was when I woke up

she told me the tales of the ancient times of magic and Heroes
that I would change the world
and that I could have my revenge with Lord Lucien
but it would take time...

years passed as I lived with the gypsy's and learning their ways and sharing their joys and sorrow

time did mend my wounds and my sorrow...

but it did not bring Rose back, nor get me any closer to that Castle in the distance...
but at least I had a family... for the gypsy way of life, was that every single person in the camp was part of the whole...

I learned to dance and play the lute, to laugh and to fight...

as the years passed, Theresa would come and check up on me, until that day, when she asked me to undergo the "trials of a Hero", in the "Guild of Heroes"...

I had no intentions of becoming a Hero and had put my hatred towards Lucien aside...
but deep inside, I could still feel my desire of revenge...

having passed the "test", I was granted skills beyond the comprehension of mere mortals
the ways of the Will, the ways of magic...

'til this day, I still have trouble channeling the energies, required to cast simple spells, but I know how to push bandits of cliffs with the power of the mind...

I returned to Bowerstone, where it all began...
some familiar faces were still around, remembering my good deeds as a child and thus I had at least a few friends, outside the gypsy camp

my skills with the lute and my desire to fill people with goodness, has founded me the love of many
working as a blacksmith apprentice, until I managed to buy the gear necessary for traversing these lands filled with bandits and Hobbes, I left Bowerstone and the gypsy camp behind

I have since then been traveling and visiting many a town and slayed many a bandit and Hobbe...
the purity of my actions go well together with my desire to help those less fortunate
it is what keeps me going
the gratitude of simple things....

I will not refer to myself as a Hero, although I surpass the common- folks in both guns and sword skills
they are merely means to meet an end
I have practiced my shots on many a bug and with my trusted Growl by my side, I am slowly cleansing these lands of all evil, which comes my way....

Gunslinger they call me...
ain't never cared too much for the name...
but in the end.. I guess that's my game...


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

Good job, it's ruddy long =P


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

It......is.......GREAT!!!! altough its just the story you play trough and you already knew what was going to happen it was still exciting and surprising + Rep


Illogical Process of Elimination
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

It's a great story. Well thought out.

But you really need to go back and proof read; there more mistakes than I care to count.


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

Oi, Dan, shut up. You need to empathise the fact that he's obviously spent a long time thinking and typing this up , you little pinprick.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

^LOL LOL yeah are to lazy to write this

Cleaver J

Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

wow dan, you must make a lot of friends


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

DanF2F;240408 said:
wt the fk is tht?

:L dont tell us ur life fkin story
Don't post if you have nothing constructive to say - or even anything resembling a legible sentence.

And, for the record, profanity = lack of intellect. Badly spelt profanity = retardation in the making. Might want to see a doctor and get yourself checked over, son.


Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

wow, you should publish it, really good :D


Sheeple President
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

Angel said:
Don't post if you have nothing constructive to say - or even anything resembling a legible sentence.

And, for the record, profanity = lack of intellect. Badly spelt profanity = retardation in the making. Might want to see a doctor and get yourself checked over, son.

Excellent way of putting it! :lol: +rep

Cleaver J

Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

dan got burned x10:realmad:


Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

well i thought it was NOTHING SHORT OF EPIC it was brilliant


Boy next door
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Re: Gunslinger, they call me...

Awesome Story, Guess what you get?
