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Lady Grey Experiment

Dorian Saignren

Prince of Masks
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Lady Grey Experiment

Hey guys, here's another guide I wrote, or rather, an experiment. It's for the two Lady Grey quests. Hope you enjoy!

Lady Grey Quests - Mayor's Invitation & Investigate the Mayor

{1} Table of Contents

~{1} Table of Contents
~{2} Intro
~{3} Ramblings
~{4} Walkthrough
=~{4.01} First Things First
=~{4.02} We're Here!
=~{4.03} Done. Now What?
=~{4.04} Bring me... a shrubbery!
=~{4.05} Homeowners Association
=~{4.06} Lost and Found
=~{4.07} Thundering Rivalries
=~{4.08} For Richer or Poorer
=~{4.09} Treasure Time!
=~{4.10} Abusing the Mayor
=~{4.11} The Boyfriend
=~{4.12} Dearly Departed
=~{4.13} Improvised Tomb
=~{4.14} Final Verdict
~{5} Not a Waste of Time
~{6} Contact, Legal, Whatever

{2} Intro

For all those of you out there still confused on the Lady Grey quest, or just haven't gotten around to testing it completely yet, I have here my walkthrough for you. WARNING: May contain spoilers. XD

{3} Ramblings

At first I went around looking for guides on these quests just like you apparently did. After finding several for it from both the original Fable and Fable The Lost Chapters, I pretty much found two strategies that I liked, one for good and one for evil.

For good, I discovered a guide by David Langstaff(1) that was actually a guide to all the expanded content in Fable The Lost Chapters. This guide helped me in many areas not just including the Lady Grey quests. Still, the best part of the guide I think was the portion within the Investigate the Mayor quest portion entitled "The Noble Collectors Guide"(1). That strategy is what I used for all my good and neutral characters with whom I've wanted the Avenger and/or Ranok the Axe. For other profiles I either merely completed the Mayor's Invitation quest or the Investigate the Mayor quest. My final choice in the Investigate the Mayor quest really depended on whether I was good or evil, for good I exposed her, for evil I married her. In the end, "The Noble Collectors Guide"(1) and simply covering up the murder can grant you all the benefits of both quests EXCEPT becoming the mayor of Bowerstone.

Still, I wondered if there was a way to obtain ALL the benefits of both quests, from start to finish. Below is the path I took to answer this question, and my findings.

For those of you who only want to do the Mayor's Invitation quest, skip to the end of the chapter "Done. Now What?". For those who want to just do the Investigate the Mayor quest, skip the Mayor's Invitation actions in said chapter and move on to the chapter "The Boyfriend". For those of you who don't want to try this experiment but want all the benefits of both quests and don't care about being Mayor of Bowerstone, just skip the chapter "Abusing the Mayor".


(((((((((((((((((((((((Upon the completion of this experiment I have discovered that you cannot marry Lady Grey AND become Mayor. Oh well. Still submitting this mainly because it has full and pretty detailed walkthroughs for both sides to the quest.)))))))))))))))))))))))

{4} Walkthrough

First of all, I primarily follow "The Nobel Collectors Guide"(1) for this guide, and though I won't be quoting said guide, it is my basis for this method. Secondly, this guide is assuming that either alignment doesn't matter to you or you'll work to compensate anything that goes away from your desired alignment. For the record, my preference is young neutral hero (so yes, I abuse the Hero Save a bit, sue me). For the record, I'm not sure whether being married already will do anything in this, but there is one point in the quest where a certain marriage can ruin everything, so whatever.

{4.01} First Things First

Alright, for those of you who either lost memory, haven't played the game yet, or are just plain stupid, you have to finish the Arena quest before you can enter Northern Bowerstone and begin either quest, so take care of that first than continue.

{4.02} We're Here!

Cool, you're in Northern Bowerstone now. Look around for a bit and do whatever you want in here before speaking to any important people. NOW SAVE IT IN A SEPARATE SAVE FROM YOUR NORMAL SAVES. Personally, I normally only ever use Save 3 for my games unless I'm going to abuse Hero Saves, which those all get saved onto Save 1. As such, my normal backup until I reach other critical points in the game is Save 5 (Save 2 goes right before the first fight with Jack of Blades, and Save 4 is right before the second).

{4.03} Done. Now What?

Simple, start the quests. As we're going to do both, I suggest you start the Investigate the Mayor quest first by talking to the crazy dude in the cage. His name is Gethyn and he has some interesting conspiracy theories, the most important one to you being that the mayor killed her sister *gasp!*. Anyway, if you agree to help him out, you'll start the Investigate the Mayor quest. He tells you to try to figure out how to talk to the ghost of Lady Grey's dead sister, and mentions her old boyfriend Rhodri. He also says that Rhodri hangs out in Barrow Fields (funny, I've never met someone named that there before...). Anyway, lets leave the boyfriend for later. Next go talk to Lady Grey, who should be easy to find, -she hangs out in the garden to the east of Gethyn and waves for you-. This will start the Mayor's Invitation quest.

{4.04} Bring me... a shrubbery!

This quest's pretty damn easy if you're like me and talk to every big green dot on the map repeatedly. You see, first Lady Grey wants you to get her a present she'll like, which is pretty damn vague don't you think? A first thought would be something shiny, sparkly, or expensive right? Well, no matter how much of those come into play, it won't work. Talking to the one big green dot on the map (a poor woman) will let you learn that she wants a Black Rose. Go buy or steal one in the Northern Bowerstone shop and give it to her.

{4.05} Homeowners Association

Next Lady Grey wants to be sure that you're not in it just for the money (and I'm sure some of you are :p). If you own a house somewhere already, you're in luck! Just talk to her again and you're done. If it doesn't work, maby you have to be living in the house, and maby alone, I'm too damn lazy to check (I normally make sure I'm alone and living in one anyway). If you don't own a house already, well, the cheapest one is in Bowerstone South at 1.5k and at this point in the game raising enough for it should be a cinch if you don't already have the dough. Well, whatever your situation, once you talk to her with the deed to a home (I doubt if the Bordello will count) you'll progress to the next step.

{4.06} Lost and Found

Well, now Lady Grey wants you to find her lost necklace. As if! You're a Hero, not a detective right? Oh, not doing it will make you fail though right? Damn... well, moving on. Talk to the poor woman again and she'll say that if you need to find out something to talk to the guys in town. Apparently, the women aren't the gossips here, it's the men. Well, there should be a ****load of green dots here now, so go gossip. Talking to them all will have you learn your next destination among other things. You gotta head to Oakvale now though, so ready your Guild Seal, but hold it a second. Don't leave for Oakvale just yet, first you gotta talk to Lady Grey. After a short monologue you can leave. Once in Oakvale you won't find out thing from anyone, but don't give up hope yet! Go into the graveyard and you'll find a pair of suspicious looking dudes hanging out. Who hangs out in a graveyard talking about the weather? Well, if they don't see you and you're close enough to hear them you'll learn the location of the necklace. I was maxed in guile with the Assassin's Outfit on at this point, all I had to do was stand at the entrance, but for the less stealthy among us all you gotta do is walk around and stand behind the wall they're near. Next you gotta swing on over to the beach, and if you dig between the two boats you'll find the necklace. Take it back to Lady Grey to finish this step.

{4.07} Thundering Rivalries

Boy this woman's a handful isn't she? Well, her majesty's next command is to defeat her other suitor, who is none other than Thunder. Talk to the poor woman again and you'll learn where to go. Head north through Bowerstone Jail and Thunder will tell you where he'll fight. Head north twice then east once to Headsman's Hill and fight Thunder. A pretty simple battle under average circumstances, just keep pounding him and have plenty of potions ready. He blocks most normal attacks, but any average player has figured out how to beat that long ago. When he does his big lightning attack thingy back up and recover a bit because you can't hurt him while he does that. Physical Shield is really useful for this battle by the way. After a bit he'll knock you down into a little crater thingy to fight, then flee into a cave to fight. Just keep using the same tactics and you should be fine. Be sure to grab the chest (mana aug) and the silver key (ripple in the puddle) and the split through the demon door and head back to town. For those of you who have high strength stats, a powerful weapon (I used the Solus Greatsword), mastered Multi-Strike and Beserk, well, it'll be a cinch. Even easier with Slow Time and Physical Shield. For me, Thunder went to the next stage of combat in one hit each time ^_^.

{4.08} For Richer or Poorer

Now you gotta make a decision, but a pretty easy one. Upon returning you can talk to the poor woman again, and she'll whine a bit and then you get a chance to marry her. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU WANT TO MARRY LADY GREY! I know polygamy is allowed in this game, but if you marry this girl Lady Grey won't want to marry you. Ignore her unless you want to listen to her whine and go talk to Lady Grey. Accept the proposal or all is for naught.

{4.09} Treasure Time!

Go collect your rewards. You get the dowry from the marriage, there's the Katana Hiryu in Lady Grey's Bedroom (15 silver key chest), a silver key in her bed (evil points for stealing it o_O), and Ranok the Axe in the Grey House demon door. If you haven't grabbed them yet there's a silver key in the pond near the demon door, a diary in a bookshelf on the first floor, Talin Clan Leg tattoo card in the other bookshelf, an Ages of Skill potion in the broken cupboard, a beard card on the second floor, a Sharpening Aug in a 10 silver key chest, an Ages of Will potion in the cupboard, the Dethlicon tattoo card in a grave behind the house, and the Talin Clan Arm tattoo card in the scarecrow behind the house. The Dethlicon card isn't there till you beat the undead spawned by the bonging of the clock in the house though, but you knew that already.

{4.10} Abusing the Mayor

I have learned through experience that you can get divorced from Lady Gray pretty much the same way you do it with any other girl. For an easier time about it, get her in the bedroom so you don't have to worry about the guards. After a severe beating I let her out of the house, and then hit her again outside, and she divorced me. Afterward I was still allowed in the house strangely enough, but it doesn't matter. If you want to get the Solus Greatsword for free (as opposed to paying around 70k for it from the shop) than you'd better work fast and make Lady Grey happy so she gives it to you. Same with sleeping with her (you gotta get her in her bedroom to sleep with her, so go there at dawn/dusk) Basically, give her whatever gifts you don't bother selling (only one of each kind per day) and flirt with her a bunch and it should work out eventually. After you're done using her, divorce her and move on.

{4.11} The Boyfriend

Time to go talk to Rhodri now. He's alone neat the demon door in Barrow Fields in case the big green dot isn't enough of a hint for you. He tells you about his relationship with Amanda Grey (Lady Grey's sister for you dimmer readers) and how they would meet.

{4.12} Dearly Departed

Go to the Grey House and flash your lamp quickly three times while in the stable area (it doesn't matter if the house is visible or not as long as you're in the brown part on your map). This should cue a scene where you get to see a ghost walk over and vanish into the cellar entrance on the side of the house.

{4.13} Improvised Tomb

Once in the basement you'll see the ghost of Amanda whines about her boyfriend and dying and her sister. After she vanishes take the chest and the barrels before you grab the note on the ground. When you grab it Lady Grey will show up, and that's when we find out whether this worked or not.

{4.14} Final Verdict

DAMN!!! It doesn't work... T_T This guide is for nothing... Well, for those of you who enjoyed this guide nonetheless, thankyou ^_^ For those of you who are going to ***** and moan about this guide being useless, take it to someone who cares. Anyway, if you did this as I did you should see a scene where Lady Grey is apparently still your wife, she takes the letter, and we all go on our merry way.

{5} Not a Waste of Time

This guide wasn't a waste of time on my part, because I learned something that I didn't know at first: The programmers might not have thought of this circumstance, or if they had they decided not to make it make sense. Either way, this guide shouldn't be a waste of time for you either, mainly because it has the walkthroughs for both quests. If you want to do both, you can ignore the wife beating and keep Lady Grey as a wife. If you want to be Mayor, just ignore the Mayor's Invitation portion. If you just want to marry her and ignore the other, don't talk to Gethyn.

{6} Contact, Legal, Whatever

This guide is copyright to me, Dorian Saignren, and it cannot be copied or altered except for personal use. This guide is only allowed to be used on ProjectEgo.net, no other sites. If anyone steals this guide by claiming it as their own, submitting it to any other site, or reproducing it for anything other than personal use, I will know. I will find you and pour boiling hot candle wax down your ear while you sleep. Should you have any preference as to color, consistency, and/or scent, please let me know beforehand so I can prepare accordingly, otherwise you won't get a choice.

I can be contacted at DoriSai26@gmail.com should anyone have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this guide. I do not respond well to people who destroy the English language or insult me so try to keep it civil and readable if you want me to do anything other than trash your email. Oh, and make sure you clearly state that it's related to this guide in the title, or I might trash or spam your email.

"The Noble Collectors Guide" strategy is taken from the guide noted below and is not my property. I did not copy anything from said guide except the name of the strategy. Further information on the Investigate the Mayor quest can be found in the noted guide and also in numerous other guides. Further information on the Mayor's Invitation quest can be found in numerous guides for both Fable and Fable The Lost Chapters.

|"The Noble Collectors Guide" is taken from:
|Written by: David Langstaff.
|Copyright 2005 David Langstaff.
|I will not link or discuss further
|information on that guide, so go find it
|and read it yourself.