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Bohemian Knight
Bohemian Knight
I've always liked TSM, and right now they are clearly the best team in North America but I'm not sure how they would fare against some of the new Asian teams that are rising like the World Elite or Taipei Assassins.
Bohemian Knight
Bohemian Knight
I have actually scrimmed against CLG before, and of course my team lost but it was a fun experience. They're currently playing with a new member on their team, I'm really looking forward to seeing their progress with VoyBoy in the lineup! Maybe they would have even won the recent tournament if he were available at the time.
Bohemian Knight
Bohemian Knight
Do you play league too? What made you ask that question? :] Sorry for such a lengthy message, I got carried away a little heh.
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Yeah I play League on EUW. And why did I ask? Just out of the blue. I generally like M5 and Fnatic the most, though the latter has fallen off lately. I hope they are going to perform well again with their new lineup.

So you scrimmed against CLG, that's interesting. Should I recognize your team name?
Bohemian Knight
Bohemian Knight
You wouldn't recognize it hehe, it wasn't a professional team just had a high level of play. It's why I said 'semi-professional' in my introduction - I'm basically a pro player without a team to play on, meaning I'm just there to potentially sub for teams.
Bohemian Knight
Bohemian Knight
I'm not too familiar with the EU teams, but I do like Fnatic, M5, CLG EU and aAa. I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting, but it's nice knowing there's already something in common we have haha
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Well that's pretty much it, actually. I'm not very familiar myself either.
Shame you play on NA servers or we could have a game or two. I'm mostly playing with my old clanmates back from Lineage 2 days. Currently teaching LoL to one who resisted for so long.