Last updated: 04/28/2011, 8:41am.
I am L0ki:
I've been doing a lot of work in my blackbook lately and I barely have anyone to show it to, so I'm going to toss a bunch of my pages on here. I hope you all enjoy em. Also, if you want me to do your name or a word, feel free to request it, it's good practice for me and also helps fill up my blackbook. Just remember, I have a 5 letter/number/character limit. If you're going to use any of my work, please ask permission first. I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a bunch of tag names. I mostly use "Evoce" and "Jest", so you'll be seeing a lot of those words. I also go by the gaming name of "L0ki", so you'll be seeing a few of those in here, as well. I also graffiti on boards for a skateboard shop called Nomad, so you'll be seeing a few of that, as well. I belong to two Amateur gaming teams, "Full Metal Jacket" and "Parking Lot Crew". I also belong to a Graffiti Crew called "Night Time Kings", so again, you'll be seeing them frequently. I also give a lot of credit to previous graffiti crews I've been a part of such as: "Da Bomb Squad", "Dream Squad Productions", and my brothers in "Hellion Squad".
Many people ask if I've done trains, subways, etc. My answer is no. What I have done are walls, slap ons, semi-truck containers/freights, and buses. Due to what I've done, I've been called "The Mad Bomber". I'm also the self proclaimed "Red Baron of Graffiti". Do I still do walls? No. I'm in the Military now and I've got a lot to lose if I ever did get caught, but I assure you, when I'm out, I'm definitely going back to the pure true street art that I love so much.
So it begins...
My cover:
Inboard of cover:
Page beside inboard:
In case you couldn't read it, it says:
"This is my Blackbook. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My Blackbook is my Best Friend. It is my Life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me, my Blackbook is useless. Without my Blackbook, I am useless... Amen."
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I wanted to try doing graff of Cheez's name and that was the outcome.
Page 3:
I did that one to try out a word for Cheez.
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Page 6:
A slap on I did of my wife's name put on the sixth page.
A slap on I added to page 6 with my wife's gamer name.
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Did this one for Purple Nurple.
Page 9:
Did this for Azer249.
Page 10:
What Projects you from? "I'm from ProjectEgo".
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Jest the Mad Bomber done old school throw up style.
Page 13:
Evoce the Mad Bomber! Night Time Kings represent!
Page 14:
Did this for my homegirl who uses this gamertag.
Page 15:
This was my very first graff name. Never got it famous or anything. It was inspired by the song "C.R.E.A.M." by the Wu-Tang Clan.
Cash Rules Everything Around Me. CREAM get the money. Dolla, dolla bills y'all.
To be continued...
I am L0ki:

I've been doing a lot of work in my blackbook lately and I barely have anyone to show it to, so I'm going to toss a bunch of my pages on here. I hope you all enjoy em. Also, if you want me to do your name or a word, feel free to request it, it's good practice for me and also helps fill up my blackbook. Just remember, I have a 5 letter/number/character limit. If you're going to use any of my work, please ask permission first. I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a bunch of tag names. I mostly use "Evoce" and "Jest", so you'll be seeing a lot of those words. I also go by the gaming name of "L0ki", so you'll be seeing a few of those in here, as well. I also graffiti on boards for a skateboard shop called Nomad, so you'll be seeing a few of that, as well. I belong to two Amateur gaming teams, "Full Metal Jacket" and "Parking Lot Crew". I also belong to a Graffiti Crew called "Night Time Kings", so again, you'll be seeing them frequently. I also give a lot of credit to previous graffiti crews I've been a part of such as: "Da Bomb Squad", "Dream Squad Productions", and my brothers in "Hellion Squad".
Many people ask if I've done trains, subways, etc. My answer is no. What I have done are walls, slap ons, semi-truck containers/freights, and buses. Due to what I've done, I've been called "The Mad Bomber". I'm also the self proclaimed "Red Baron of Graffiti". Do I still do walls? No. I'm in the Military now and I've got a lot to lose if I ever did get caught, but I assure you, when I'm out, I'm definitely going back to the pure true street art that I love so much.
So it begins...
My cover:

Inboard of cover:

Page beside inboard:

In case you couldn't read it, it says:
"This is my Blackbook. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My Blackbook is my Best Friend. It is my Life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me, my Blackbook is useless. Without my Blackbook, I am useless... Amen."
Page 1:

Page 2:

I wanted to try doing graff of Cheez's name and that was the outcome.
Page 3:

I did that one to try out a word for Cheez.
Page 4:

Page 5:

Page 6:

A slap on I did of my wife's name put on the sixth page.

A slap on I added to page 6 with my wife's gamer name.
Page 7:

Page 8:

Did this one for Purple Nurple.
Page 9:

Did this for Azer249.
Page 10:

What Projects you from? "I'm from ProjectEgo".
Page 11:

Page 12:

Jest the Mad Bomber done old school throw up style.
Page 13:

Evoce the Mad Bomber! Night Time Kings represent!
Page 14:

Did this for my homegirl who uses this gamertag.
Page 15:

This was my very first graff name. Never got it famous or anything. It was inspired by the song "C.R.E.A.M." by the Wu-Tang Clan.
Cash Rules Everything Around Me. CREAM get the money. Dolla, dolla bills y'all.
To be continued...