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My Blackbook


The Six Gun Caballero
Nov 16, 2010
Last updated: 04/28/2011, 8:41am.

I am L0ki:


I've been doing a lot of work in my blackbook lately and I barely have anyone to show it to, so I'm going to toss a bunch of my pages on here. I hope you all enjoy em. Also, if you want me to do your name or a word, feel free to request it, it's good practice for me and also helps fill up my blackbook. Just remember, I have a 5 letter/number/character limit. If you're going to use any of my work, please ask permission first. I'd greatly appreciate it.

I have a bunch of tag names. I mostly use "Evoce" and "Jest", so you'll be seeing a lot of those words. I also go by the gaming name of "L0ki", so you'll be seeing a few of those in here, as well. I also graffiti on boards for a skateboard shop called Nomad, so you'll be seeing a few of that, as well. I belong to two Amateur gaming teams, "Full Metal Jacket" and "Parking Lot Crew". I also belong to a Graffiti Crew called "Night Time Kings", so again, you'll be seeing them frequently. I also give a lot of credit to previous graffiti crews I've been a part of such as: "Da Bomb Squad", "Dream Squad Productions", and my brothers in "Hellion Squad".

Many people ask if I've done trains, subways, etc. My answer is no. What I have done are walls, slap ons, semi-truck containers/freights, and buses. Due to what I've done, I've been called "The Mad Bomber". I'm also the self proclaimed "Red Baron of Graffiti". Do I still do walls? No. I'm in the Military now and I've got a lot to lose if I ever did get caught, but I assure you, when I'm out, I'm definitely going back to the pure true street art that I love so much.

So it begins...

My cover:


Inboard of cover:


Page beside inboard:


In case you couldn't read it, it says:

"This is my Blackbook. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My Blackbook is my Best Friend. It is my Life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me, my Blackbook is useless. Without my Blackbook, I am useless... Amen."

Page 1:


Page 2:


I wanted to try doing graff of Cheez's name and that was the outcome.

Page 3:


I did that one to try out a word for Cheez.

Page 4:


Page 5:


Page 6:


A slap on I did of my wife's name put on the sixth page.


A slap on I added to page 6 with my wife's gamer name.

Page 7:


Page 8:


Did this one for Purple Nurple.

Page 9:


Did this for Azer249.

Page 10:


What Projects you from? "I'm from ProjectEgo".

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Page 12:


Jest the Mad Bomber done old school throw up style.

Page 13:


Evoce the Mad Bomber! Night Time Kings represent!

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Did this for my homegirl who uses this gamertag.

Page 15:


This was my very first graff name. Never got it famous or anything. It was inspired by the song "C.R.E.A.M." by the Wu-Tang Clan.

Cash Rules Everything Around Me. CREAM get the money. Dolla, dolla bills y'all.

To be continued...

Due to the fact that there is a 20 image limit per post, I had to edit this post and this is where I'll be sticking the rest of my Blackbook. Until I hit 20 images, again.

Page 16:


"MC Mcr33py"

Page 17:


Did that for my homeboy. A fellow Military man. "King".

Page 18:


Did a fast "Throw-up" style bombing of my graff/tag name.

Page 19:


Did this for my homeboy's Mixtape album cover.

Page 20:


Did this for my home girl. She used to tag "Shirk", now she tags "Anon".

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This is my wife's dogs name.

Page 22:


My other Gamer Name: "Epiclepsy".

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"ProjectEgo", 'cause I love you guys.

Page 24:


I did this one for a friend. Her name is obviously "Kayla".

Page 25:


Did my old gamer tag/name, "L0ki", again.

Page 26:


Did this for another friend of mine. "The Wyre".

Page 27:


Piece style of my tag/graffiti name: "Evoce".

To be Continued...
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Reactions: Daemon300
Wow.. There amazing after purp could you do me an Azer on a white backround i will loves you!
keep 'em coming man, i love having another graffiti lover here.
by the way, i haven't gotten a chance to mess around with hawth yet, but i'll get around to it when my finals are over.
i'm brainstorming for other words in the mean time. :thumbsup:
Awesome, you have some mad skills there.

Do you do street tags as well? It would be awesome if you could do one of, 'Purp' but it's cool if you can't fit it in anytime.
Alright. Just got done. It's slightly hard to see. I use my phones camera to take these pics, but I hope you like it. It's under my first/original post. It's under Page 8.

Wow.. There amazing after purp could you do me an Azer on a white backround i will loves you!

And you're next. I'm either going to do it tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.
Heh. These are pretty good. [high five]

Have some cake. :D
Could you do my friend one please? :) he wants something he can use for his gfx :) he would like it to say

Sc Mcr33py

Thanks mate :) also noiceeeeee :P