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Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection "F" has strong US box office opening

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
Staffordshire England

Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection "F" has strong US box office opening

Deadline reports that on Tuesday it brought in $1.97 million, despite only playing one showtime per night in less than 900 theaters. Wednesday brought in another $1.6 million. Theaters are reported to have sold out in major markets, and at a budget of only $5 million it's speculated that it could bring in almost $20 million domestically, in a single week.

That would follow an already accomplished run in overseas markets, grossing almost $52 million, and beating Fast & Furious 7 for the biggest opening of 2015 in Japan. A representative for FUNimation called it "a resounding victory on all levels."
What's different about it? Is it a different story or something, I seriously have my doubts as to why it's so successful when DBZ is over fifteen years old.
What's different about it? Is it a different story or something, I seriously have my doubts as to why it's so successful when DBZ is over fifteen years old.

Along with Battle of Gods movie these have been the first new movies for a very long time along with Dragon Ball Super that's airing in Japan currently. Which is first new TV material for 18 years & by Toriyama too so its first new material fans have been asking for, for a long long time & continuation from end of DBZ (ignoring DBGT entirety).
So it picks up after the final events of the Majin Buu saga, where Goku goes off with Uub?
God, if you told me 15 years ago Dragon Ball would manage to still be greatly relevant in 2015 I'd laugh at you, console you, then laugh some more.

Seriously though, that's awesome. I've been enjoying the hell out of DBS, Battle of Gods was pretty darn good as well for Toriyama's first take at a serious Dragon Ball attempt in 18 years. Though I guess he had a bit of a nice warmup with his run with Blue Dragon. Akira must be over the moon that folks still love the hell out of his baby.
After Buu has been defeated and before the events of the Battle of Gods movie I believe the time line is (Dragon Ball Super) & I think Resurrection of F is after Battle of Gods movie too.
Yeah, both movies and DBS take place where Z left off, and F takes place after Battle of Gods. What I found interesting is that both movies are both canon for the first time, whereas all the past Z films were never canon minus the two TV specials (pity, I would've enjoyed seeing Beerus meet Broly).
Didn't know they were canon. Never watched the films, any of them. I'll have to get round to it, especially if they're canon.
Didn't know they were canon. Never watched the films, any of them. I'll have to get round to it, especially if they're canon.
Not even the old Z ones? Personally I only liked a few of them such as the Legendary SSJ, Dead Zone, and World's Strongest... although I've never seen the original Dragon Ball films yet. I need to get on those, but yeah you should definitely give both the new films a shot. They're pretty worth it in my opinion.
Not even the old Z ones? Personally I only liked a few of them such as the Legendary SSJ, Dead Zone, and World's Strongest... although I've never seen the original Dragon Ball films yet. I need to get on those, but yeah you should definitely give both the new films a shot. They're pretty worth it in my opinion.

Nope, none of em. Only ever watched DBZ, and bits and bobs of DB & GT. However, I have all five collected editions of Vizbig's DB Manga, and the nine collected editions of the Vizbig DBZ manga. Which I much prefer now to the anime.
Hope the movies don't kill the show. I know a few people who stopped watching DBS after two episodes because they said it was just the movie over again.

Are these canonical movies and DBS going to be 100% redundant?

I haven't watches either movie because I don't want spoilers.
Hope the movies don't kill the show. I know a few people who stopped watching DBS after two episodes because they said it was just the movie over again.

Are these canonical movies and DBS going to be 100% redundant?

I haven't watches either movie because I don't want spoilers.

It feels a little like the movie as plot is very similar but I'm 5 episodes in and it's just starting to vary now but basic premise is basically currently retreading parts of the movie plot.
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Nope, none of em. Only ever watched DBZ, and bits and bobs of DB & GT. However, I have all five collected editions of Vizbig's DB Manga, and the nine collected editions of the Vizbig DBZ manga. Which I much prefer now to the anime.
Nice, I don't have any of the mangas sadly, but I do want to start collecting and reading them one day. I only have the limited edition (yellow) Dragon Box sets of the anime that I managed to get before they went out of print (ebay prices are a scam now), full set with booklets. I am never selling them. Aren't the mangas more to the point than the anime as well, i.e. no filler material and plot inconsistencies?
Hope the movies don't kill the show. I know a few people who stopped watching DBS after two episodes because they said it was just the movie over again.

Are these canonical movies and DBS going to be 100% redundant?

I haven't watches either movie because I don't want spoilers.
I hope it doesn't go down that road either, but like Andy said it seems like they're only going to touch on key moments of the films for consistency sake, but also focus on the events that happened that the films weren't able to fully cover. If they repeat the films entirely in some drawn out 10-episode stretch that might kill it for me as well, it's like why even bother with the movies then. At the same time though it wouldn't be the first series to have done such unfortunately.

The films will give spoilers though as DBS starts right before Battle of Gods begins (where Episode 4 starts is BoG), I hope they fast-forward through it so it's more of "Ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Movie, 7, 8, 9, etc." so the film can just slot into there so it doesn't end up redundant.
But isn't the whole series just recycling the same basic plot over and over again?
Honestly yes, ever since the start of DBZ it's been the exact same formula locked on repeat. Everyone's happy and having a good time, new threat looms, heroes are called to action, drawn out epic battle, evil has been vanquished. Rinse & Repeat. It's more of how it's handled and what they do in between that makes it worth watching though, but I do prefer some of the old Dragon Ball sagas that focused more on character development instead of the tired Good vs. Evil retread.

The new "villain" Bills/Beerus (God of Destruction) is more of a neutral figure who does what he does because it is the natural order of things and his job to maintain balance, but just happens to also find some enjoyment out of it. So it's something different at least from the old cookie cutter evil, makes for some interesting dialogue.
I committed the sin of being extremely excited about this movie, but haven't seen it yet :/ had plenty of opportunities I've just been lazier than lazy.
Do it. Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams.

I've really enjoyed it and have found it to be better than Battle of Gods which was pretty good by its own merits.

As for Dragon Ball Super, it's episode 6 now and the show is really cutting it close to the content of the films, it's already entered redundancy territory for some of the areas of the plot. So it's getting me a little worried now, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and let it roll.
Do it. Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams.

I've really enjoyed it and have found it to be better than Battle of Gods which was pretty good by its own merits.

As for Dragon Ball Super, it's episode 6 now and the show is really cutting it close to the content of the films, it's already entered redundancy territory for some of the areas of the plot. So it's getting me a little worried now, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and let it roll.

Yesterday I said tomorrow!
I'll give it a watch, as for the show I've watched every Dragon Ball (and Z) episode, but I never got into GT and I haven't given the other shows a chance since; maybe I should.
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Yesterday I said tomorrow!
I'll give it a watch, as for the show I've watched every Dragon Ball (and Z) episode, but I never got into GT and I haven't given the other shows a chance since; maybe I should.
Same here, I enjoyed everything since the first DB episode... but GT was just too hard to watch no matter which way I tried to slice it, Eng Dub/JP Subs, both were terrible. But it wasn't Toriyama's creation which explained a lot, DBS on the other hand is along with the new films so I had no issues getting into the those.

As a side note, DBZ Abridged is some pretty good fun on YT if you ever run out of stuff.
Same here, I enjoyed everything since the first DB episode... but GT was just too hard to watch no matter which way I tried to slice it, Eng Dub/JP Subs, both were terrible. But it wasn't Toriyama's creation which explained a lot, DBS on the other hand is along with the new films so I had no issues getting into the those.

As a side note, DBZ Abridged is some pretty good fun on YT if you ever run out of stuff.

DBGT rushed parts that it could have filled out better and had slow paced parts for boring plotlines or characters which annoyed me.