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Need your help


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2015
A great friend of mine from DMC.org asked me to help her and that is what i am doing

I really need the forum's help right now. One of my fics is in a competition and it needs all of your votes to reach the top 10%! That's right, I'm begging all of you to venture to the link below and vote for me to give my self-esteem a boost and help with my personal sense of fulfillment. So please go to the link below and vote. ^^

Vote here: http://www.inkitt.com/stories/14261 (Note: voting is done by clicking the heart on the bottom of the page. Note 2:The deadline for mine is October 11th.)

(Also, another friend needs votes for her comp, so make sure you guys also go and vote for her here: http://www.inkitt.com/stories/14245 ^^)(Note: The deadline for this comp is October 1st)
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DMC... bah gawd, those miserable filthy bastards. Well, at least they're honest, that much I can respect.

Still, this is just cheating. Surely their original submission is good enough to stand a fighting chance by its own merits? They're just straight up asking for votes, not even a care in the world if you plan to read the whole thing or not.
DMC... bah gawd, those miserable filthy bastards. Well, at least they're honest, that much I can respect.

Still, this is just cheating. Surely their original submission is good enough to stand a fighting chance by its own merits? They're just straight up asking for votes, not even a care in the world if you plan to read the whole thing or not.

Hello there, I’m the…ah… “miserable, filthy bastard” who wrote the story. When Abby told me he reposted my post here, I popped on to see if there was something I needed to add to it. Turns out there’s a much bigger problem I need to address. :wat: Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

I see you happened to have left your sense of sarcasm (as well as your “self-deprecating humor detector”) behind when you got up this morning, but don’t worry; I can help you sort it out now, dearie.

I see your initial concern is the legitimacy of asking for votes. This is understandable, but, in this circumstance, completely unwarranted. The site which hosts the competition, Inkitt, is a very…aggressive encourager of getting its authors to go out and hunt down votes. We writers receive both notifications and emails telling us to go forth and ask people (via Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to vote for our stories. Therefore, it is in no way cheating to ask our friends to vote for us. Not to mention that votes themselves do not determine a winner to the completion. The winner is chosen by Inkitt staff from those who reach the top 10% of contestants; which means that, even if I somehow had the highest number of votes on the site, I’d still have the exact same chance as all the other contestants who had reached that 10% line.

As for your comment that I was only asking for votes and that I haven’t “even a care in the world if you plan to read the whole thing or not”…excuse me while I have a chuckle. Here is the original part of my post where I asked for votes:

I really need the forum's help right now. One of my fics is in a competition and it needs all of your votes to reach the top 10%! That's right, I'm begging all of you to venture to the link below and vote for me to give my self-esteem a boost and help with my personal sense of fulfillment.

Disregarding the fact that I am making fun of myself (which I already am aware that you missed), I would like to know exactly where you see me saying I don’t care if anyone reads the story. Go ahead. Point it out. I’ll wait while you hunt it down. Here’s what seems to be catching you up: I have been working on this story since 2012, it is on its second posted version and I can’t even begin to tell you how many drafts of it I’ve done. It’s my baby. As I have been with the DMC forums for over five years, most of the active members that are also writers have either read it themselves or are used to me talking about it and know a lot about the story. As I was, in fact, directing the post to them, I saw no need to remind them to read it…especially given that I know they’re all clever enough to see that the story is what I was linking to even though the voting is on the same page. :)

Now, what concerns me the most is this: “Surely their original submission is good enough to stand a fighting chance by its own merits?” I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say that, judging by the fact that I don’t see any threads in this section dedicated to your writing, you haven’t had much experience with publishing of any kind. If that is indeed the case, it’s understandable that you might think as you do. The fact is, writing is a very cut-throat business. If you want to get anywhere, you have to promote yourself. If you just write something and wait and hope it gets going on its own, well…you’re going to be sorely disappointed. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best writer in the entire world, you still have to try and sell yourself.

I hope I have answered all of your queries and that this post has been helpful to you. It honestly saddened me to see just how confused you were (to have to resort to insulting people you’ve never met just to get your point across…it must have been very painful for you, especially given that one of the people you insulted is trying to get their original novel published and never posted anything asking for votes—that was my doing to help her out), and I hope it all makes more sense to you now. Have a wonderful day. :)
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DMC... bah gawd, those miserable filthy bastards. Well, at least they're honest, that much I can respect.

Still, this is just cheating. Surely their original submission is good enough to stand a fighting chance by its own merits? They're just straight up asking for votes, not even a care in the world if you plan to read the whole thing or not.

Well it seem that we got a problem in our hands.

You called us miserable filthy basterds. Why? what did any of the members of DMC did to you to desirve being called like that? You are a staff member. You should be a good example to the rest of us. i mean for F*** sake how would you feel if someone broke the rules and then said "Well Gikoku has insulted the members of DMC. If Gikoku can do it. than so can i"
I'm gonna jump in here and try to put a stop to this now. I think the other members are with me when I say that Gikoku is a good guy and was merely joking, and I do not appreciate the both of you ganging up on him like this. It is clear why we have 2 new members from the same community now. We appreciate the increase in numbers, but we do not appreciate it when people sign-up just to attack another member.

He was joking, and he is also entitled to his own opinion. If you cannot take criticism on the chin then you have a lot to learn. As for DMC, it has a reputation for being a very immature and argumentative community. I'm sorry if we've wrongfully included you in that but we like our community nice and friendly. We all get along here, so please desist.
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I'm gonna jump in here and try to put a stop to this now. I think the other members are with me when I say that Gikoku is a good guy and was merely joking, and I do not appreciate the both of you ganging up on him like this. It is clear why we have 2 new members from the same community now. We appreciate the increase in numbers, but we do not appreciate it when people sign-up just to attack another member.

He was joking, and he is also entitled to his own opinion. If you cannot take criticism on the chin then you have a lot to learn. As for DMC, it has a reputation for being a very immature and argumentative community. I'm sorry if we've wrongfully included you in that but we like our community nice and friendly. We all get along here, so please desist.

First of all i am not really looking for a fight. because i have already destroyed my rep in DMC which i have no idea that it was good. and no one is ganging up on anyone. i am just merely and innocently want to know why is did he call DMC that. If what i said felt disrespective than i apologize. and it sorta hard for us to know that he was joking because we don't know him very well like you.
first of all i am not really looking for a fight. because i have already destroyed my rep in DMC which i have no idea that it was in good. and no one is ganging up on anyone. i am just merely and innocently want to know why is did he call DMC that. If what i said felt disrespective than i apologize.

As I mentioned to others on DMC, he is actually a member there and has been for some time. He just doesn't post there very often, while he was there we had quite a few flame wars going on and some very immature members (most of which have been banned since) & a large amount of console fanboys. So it was said with tongue placed firmly in cheek and in jest as most of us here know about those times back then and the members here who did register there didn't have a very high opinion of the members there. I mean I was brought over there by Steve to help out as it was known as the forum with the most reported content out of all the forums on our network at the time.
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You have to understand it smells fishy when only a day Scott responds to your thread, your friend signs up just to respond to him. We all have a bad taste in our mouth when it comes to DMC, there was a time when it was quite the uhhh... kindergarten.

Let me take this chance to welcome your friend to forum anyway. Welcome to Fable Hero, Shadow. May you get used to our sense of humour.
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You have to understand it smells fishy when only a day Scott responds to your thread, your friend signs up just to respond to him. We all have a bad taste in our mouth when it comes to DMC, there was a time when it was quite the uhhh... kindergarten.

Let me take this chance to welcome your friend to forum anyway. Welcome to Fable Hero, Shadow. May you get used to our sense of humour.

Well to be fair Shadow didn't ask me to make this thread in this forum. I did it because she is a great friend of mine. and beause her story was inspired by Fable 3. So when i started to read it. i thought that it was logical to come here and ask for help. but i guess i was wrong. and instead of trying to help my friend i ended up hurting everyone.

And as for her joining the forum to responed to this thead. its not fishy at all. i mean it is her story to begin with and she is working really hard on it. So it makes sense that she would join and responed.

So please don't hate her. if you want to hate someone then you can hate me.
Good lord man.

Yeah as Drakan & Queenie have stated the "miserable filthy bastards" remark was tongue-in-cheek, the old DMC days were infamous for its Sony fanboyism and endless drama. The main reasons I didn't remain all that active there. Obviously times change along with the community, but that doesn't mean one is exempt from poking humor at past reputations. However the way you only signed up for this and how it was handled isn't going to do any favors.
Hello there, I’m the…ah… “miserable, filthy bastard” who wrote the story. When Abby told me he reposted my post here, I popped on to see if there was something I needed to add to it. Turns out there’s a much bigger problem I need to address. :wat: Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

I see you happened to have left your sense of sarcasm (as well as your “self-deprecating humor detector”) behind when you got up this morning, but don’t worry; I can help you sort it out now, dearie.

I see your initial concern is the legitimacy of asking for votes. This is understandable, but, in this circumstance, completely unwarranted. The site which hosts the competition, Inkitt, is a very…aggressive encourager of getting its authors to go out and hunt down votes. We writers receive both notifications and emails telling us to go forth and ask people (via Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to vote for our stories. Therefore, it is in no way cheating to ask our friends to vote for us. Not to mention that votes themselves do not determine a winner to the completion. The winner is chosen by Inkitt staff from those who reach the top 10% of contestants; which means that, even if I somehow had the highest number of votes on the site, I’d still have the exact same chance as all the other contestants who had reached that 10% line.

As for your comment that I was only asking for votes and that I haven’t “even a care in the world if you plan to read the whole thing or not”…excuse me while I have a chuckle. Here is the original part of my post where I asked for votes:

Disregarding the fact that I am making fun of myself (which I already am aware that you missed), I would like to know exactly where you see me saying I don’t care if anyone reads the story. Go ahead. Point it out. I’ll wait while you hunt it down. Here’s what seems to be catching you up: I have been working on this story since 2012, it is on its second posted version and I can’t even begin to tell you how many drafts of it I’ve done. It’s my baby. As I have been with the DMC forums for over five years, most of the active members that are also writers have either read it themselves or are used to me talking about it and know a lot about the story. As I was, in fact, directing the post to them, I saw no need to remind them to read it…especially given that I know they’re all clever enough to see that the story is what I was linking to even though the voting is on the same page. :)

Now, what concerns me the most is this: “Surely their original submission is good enough to stand a fighting chance by its own merits?” I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say that, judging by the fact that I don’t see any threads in this section dedicated to your writing, you haven’t had much experience with publishing of any kind. If that is indeed the case, it’s understandable that you might think as you do. The fact is, writing is a very cut-throat business. If you want to get anywhere, you have to promote yourself. If you just write something and wait and hope it gets going on its own, well…you’re going to be sorely disappointed. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best writer in the entire world, you still have to try and sell yourself.

I hope I have answered all of your queries and that this post has been helpful to you. It honestly saddened me to see just how confused you were (to have to resort to insulting people you’ve never met just to get your point across…it must have been very painful for you, especially given that one of the people you insulted is trying to get their original novel published and never posted anything asking for votes—that was my doing to help her out), and I hope it all makes more sense to you now. Have a wonderful day. :)
Nope, I picked up on the sarcasm and the self-humor which was why I mentioned the honesty.

To be fair, I'm not even remotely familiar with Inkitt let alone the habits of DMC's fanfic writers, so that little quote snippet post was all anyone here could go on. If those are the kind of actions that Inkitt encourages then I'm honestly not a fan. Having people actively fish for votes instead of just displaying the written pieces for all to see and be objectively decided is just asking for trouble, especially when apparently as you mentioned the voting doesn't appear to make much of a difference. I'm sure there's other places out there that doesn't have to encourage said actions.

I don't doubt you've spent countless hours on it, we have writers of our own over here who have had to deal with the same situations (as tiresome, fun, and stressful as it can be) like our good ol' Rumfy. I've written myself as a light hobby but never bothered to share, plus I draw and design so I'm familiar with the frustrations. My point was that because of the encouraged vote hunting it makes it look like that's all that's cared about, instead of the time, effort, and thought that was put into these works. Which wasn't shown in that quote from Krskull. You can't expect others from outside of DMC to already know everything that's gone on or who you were when all we had was "my friend from DMC.org"

The business is only cut-throat when people make it cut-throat, at some point it gets ridiculous and unnecessary especially when it doesn't even involve any money. It's a problem. If you thought I was directly trying to insult you then that wasn't my intention, I simply called what I saw at face value because that's all we had.

I think we'll both have a wonderful day, though it's a bit chilly on my end.
First of all i am not really looking for a fight. because i have already destroyed my rep in DMC which i have no idea that it was good. and no one is ganging up on anyone. i am just merely and innocently want to know why is did he call DMC that. If what i said felt disrespective than i apologize. and it sorta hard for us to know that he was joking because we don't know him very well like you.
The problem here is the limitation of the internet, you can only pick up so far on how someone meant something without a tone of voice or general expression to the point where you usually have to be fimilar with them to know what they meant in text. The root of so many misunderstandings that I've witnessed over the years unfortunately. No need for apology really, it's cool.
I think we can all agree that some posts need to be a little less passive-aggressive next time too.
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You can't expect others from outside of DMC to already know everything that's gone on or who you were when all we had was "my friend from DMC.org"
Maybe someone can help me out here. When I saw the first post and saw "DMC.org" I went to go look for the original post, you know, to avoid misunderstandings. Detroit Medical Center? I'm sure they've got their fair share of Sony fanboyism but I've got a sneaking suspicion that particular site isn't in the same network as this one.

The problem here is the limitation of the internet, you can only pick up so far on how someone meant something without a tone of voice or general expression to the point where you usually have to be fimilar with them to know what they meant in text. The root of so many misunderstandings that I've witnessed over the years unfortunately.
I dare say I've no earthly idea what you're talking about my good fellow.
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As I promised Drakan I'd do my best to approach this as nicely as possible, I'm going to do try to do just that. If I offend anyone...sorry.

@queenofdisco I apologize if the nature of my post was attacking, but, frankly, I was angry. I came on excited, Abby seems to like all of you and my thinking was that this might be the first time I could join a Fable forum and actually look forward to it...and one of the first posts I see is one that calls my friends bastards and is accusing me of being a cheat who can't rely on her talent to get by. Or, at the very least, that's how it read to me. Imagine you're joining a site for the first time and then, right away, you see a post (by a mod, no less) like that about you; it doesn't matter how much the other person may have been joking or how much of a good person they may be, it would still be offensive. Call it what you want, but it didn't come off as criticism; it came off as mockery. That said, I admit, my post here shouldn't have been...I probably should have made it a hello with rambling about my cat. Is it too late for me to go do that? ._. (Thank you for the welcome, by the way...hopefully this misunderstanding will be resolved and we can all get back to doing normal forum-y things. ^^)

So please don't hate her. if you want to hate someone then you can hate me.

Stop right there, Abby. Like I said, this is not your fault. My actions are my own and I take full responsibility for them. :)

Good lord man.

Yeah as Drakan & Queenie have stated the "miserable filthy bastards" remark was tongue-in-cheek, the old DMC days were infamous for its Sony fanboyism and endless drama. The main reasons I didn't remain all that active there. Obviously times change along with the community, but that doesn't mean one is exempt from poking humor at past reputations. However the way you only signed up for this and how it was handled isn't going to do any favors.

Nope, I picked up on the sarcasm and the self-humor which was why I mentioned the honesty.

To be fair, I'm not even remotely familiar with Inkitt let alone the habits of DMC's fanfic writers, so that little quote snippet post was all anyone here could go on. If those are the kind of actions that Inkitt encourages then I'm honestly not a fan. Having people actively fish for votes instead of just displaying the written pieces for all to see and be objectively decided is just asking for trouble, especially when apparently as you mentioned the voting doesn't appear to make much of a difference. I'm sure there's other places out there that doesn't have to encourage said actions.

I don't doubt you've spent countless hours on it, we have writers of our own over here who have had to deal with the same situations (as tiresome, fun, and stressful as it can be) like our good ol' Rumfy. I've written myself as a light hobby but never bothered to share, plus I draw and design so I'm familiar with the frustrations. My point was that because of the encouraged vote hunting it makes it look like that's all that's cared about, instead of the time, effort, and thought that was put into these works. Which wasn't shown in that quote from Krskull. You can't expect others from outside of DMC to already know everything that's gone on or who you were when all we had was "my friend from DMC.org"

The business is only cut-throat when people make it cut-throat, at some point it gets ridiculous and unnecessary especially when it doesn't even involve any money. It's a problem. If you thought I was directly trying to insult you then that wasn't my intention, I simply called what I saw at face value because that's all we had.

I think we'll both have a wonderful day, though it's a bit chilly on my end.

I do recall the forums being a lot different when I first joined than now (a lot more arguing, a lot more childishness), so...I can see where you're coming from in that regard. But nothing in your original comment read as a joke. (And, as I stated above, I joined the forum because of Abby's enthusiasm for the site, I popped onto this thread because it pertained to me and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything I needed to clarify. I didn't join to attack you. That was just really unfortunate timing.)

I didn't say you were familiar with Inkitt or with us over at the DMC forums, that is why I explained. :) Though, admittedly, there is a link in Abby's post to Inkitt and, if you go into the competitions, it does list the rules for each one. Which might be helpful in the event someone really was cheating. -shrugs- I'm sorry, but the fact that you think no one on other sites will "fish for votes" in a competition is very naïve. I've never, ever been involved in a competition where no one has gone and asked friends for votes, even if they're just asking one person. :/ It makes me curious who you hang around with if you've never experienced that for yourself. Temple of Light, perhaps? Temple of Avo? Maybe that's my problem, none of the temples want me. -shrugs- As for the voting "not making a difference", as I stated that was only after reaching the top 10%...which is what I was asking for help with, as stated in both my original post and Abby's original post. :)

Again, I didn't expect you to know what's going on over on the DMC forums--which, again, is why I explained it. My point was that the original post was intended for people I know, which clearly got lost when the post was moved between sites, which is why I was joking so much and, instead of writing out a heart-felt plea, I didn't bother going into detail. If you would like, I'll write out an alternate, more serious version and we can just end this thread and start over. Would that be less offensive to you? (Not making a joke; being serious.)

That's...kinda like saying all politicians could, in theory, run without the need to slander each other and tell lies. Yeah, it's a good theory and, in an ideal world, that's what would happen. Sadly, our world is less than ideal. Which is a pity. Guess we'll both just have to work to make sure to be more upfront in the future. :)

Yep, I think so, too. Looks like thunderstorms here.... :blink:
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Maybe someone can help me out here. When I saw the first post and saw "DMC.org" I went to go look for the original post, you know, to avoid misunderstandings. Detroit Medical Center? I'm sure they've got their fair share of Sony fanboyism but I've got a sneaking suspicion that particular site isn't in the same network as this one.
Ahah, it's DevilMayCry.org one of our sister sites along with DinoCrisis.org and ResidentEvil.org, we used to have a PC forum but Steve-O had to put it back in the chest since not enough bothered to play with it. Shame too, I really liked that site.
As I promised Drakan I'd do my best to approach this as nicely as possible, I'm going to do try to do just that. If I offend anyone...sorry.

@queenofdisco I apologize if the nature of my post was attacking, but, frankly, I was angry. I came on excited, Abby seems to like all of you and my thinking was that this might be the first time I could join a Fable forum and actually look forward to it...and one of the first posts I see is one that calls my friends bastards and is accusing me of being a cheat who can't rely on her talent to get by. Or, at the very least, that's how it read to me. Imagine you're joining a site for the first time and then, right away, you see a post (by a mod, no less) like that about you; it doesn't matter how much the other person may have been joking or how much of a good person they may be, it would still be offensive. Call it what you want, but it didn't come off as criticism; it came off as mockery. That said, I admit, my post here shouldn't have been...I probably should have made it a hello with rambling about my cat. Is it too late for me to go do that? ._. (Thank you for the welcome, by the way...hopefully this misunderstanding will be resolved and we can all get back to doing normal forum-y things. ^^)
Apology accepted, the passive-aggressiveness was pretty strong back there, but I'm fine with it. Understandable and you have my apologies as well. Really we're a colorful and lovable bunch when you get to know everyone better.

It's not really too late, but here's a funny story... I was banned shortly after my first time here over a minor dispute as a regular member with a staff. The person that banned me is my long time moderating partner Tsuyu, we may not have gotten along at first, but I've since been able to call him a really good friend these days. Point being, there's quite a few people with some interesting debuts but in the end, **** just happens and you move on and gain a lovely relationship with everybody. There's no hard feelings.
Shadow said:
I do recall the forums being a lot different when I first joined than now (a lot more arguing, a lot more childishness), so...I can see where you're coming from in that regard. But nothing in your original comment read as a joke. (And, as I stated above, I joined the forum because of Abby's enthusiasm for the site, I popped onto this thread because it pertained to me and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything I needed to clarify. I didn't join to attack you. That was just really unfortunate timing.)
Again, just a simple misfortune of text. Had I said it in person it would've been taken completely different than how you perceived. Whether you found it funny or not it would've at least been known it wasn't malicious intent. Heck some of my good friends are even over at DMC that you likely already know besides Drakan, like Cheez & Angel. Fair enough.
Shadow said:
I didn't say you were familiar with Inkitt or with us over at the DMC forums, that is why I explained. :) Though, admittedly, there is a link in Abby's post to Inkitt and, if you go into the competitions, it does list the rules for each one. Which might be helpful in the event someone really was cheating. -shrugs- I'm sorry, but the fact that you think no one on other sites will "fish for votes" in a competition is very naïve. I've never, ever been involved in a competition where no one has gone and asked friends for votes, even if they're just asking one person. :/ It makes me curious who you hang around with if you've never experienced that for yourself. Temple of Light, perhaps? Temple of Avo? Maybe that's my problem, none of the temples want me. -shrugs- As for the voting "not making a difference", as I stated that was only after reaching the top 10%...which is what I was asking for help with, as stated in both my original post and Abby's original post. :)
Believe me I know all too well of people asking for votes and have witnessed it countless times at other sites and forums I've been a part of lol, hell it's even happened in our past design competitions right here in our other art section. A lot of people don't like to lose and it can hurt (I know them feels), because they think their work wasn't good enough when other times it was just because someone rallied more voters on their side outside of the competition. It's not always necessary. My point before though was that there are places that don't bother with such because the community just doesn't care, they release their work and let nature take its course. I've been on a couple other sites before where competitions were handled objectively & subjectively without intervention, they're definitely out there, just not everywhere.

Don't get me wrong though I don't have a problem with someone asking a couple of their friends for help, I mean who doesn't do that? But when a competition has people actively go out and hunt for votes regardless of whether they bothered to read or view the work can look a bit awkward is all. If you get where I'm coming from.
Shadow said:
Again, I didn't expect you to know what's going on over on the DMC forums--which, again, is why I explained it. My point was that the original post was intended for people I know, which clearly got lost when the post was moved between sites, which is why I was joking so much and, instead of writing out a heart-felt plea, I didn't bother going into detail. If you would like, I'll write out an alternate, more serious version and we can just end this thread and start over. Would that be less offensive to you? (Not making a joke; being serious.)
And that right there is where the problem lies, we weren't the originally intended people for this. From our perspective we could only take it at face value and what we saw is what we got with no real backstory. Trust me I'm not even remotely offended so you don't have to bother with that, it's all good. =]
Shadow said:
That's...kinda like saying all politicians could, in theory, run without the need to slander each other and tell lies. Yeah, it's a good theory and, in an ideal world, that's what would happen. Sadly, our world is less than ideal. Which is a pity. Guess we'll both just have to work to make sure to be more upfront in the future. :)
Hah. What a dream that would be, a world where people don't feel the need to mix politics with everything and just go straight for it. Aye, works for me.
Also just for the record; how the hell has the username Shadow never been used for this forum? That's down right bizarre I tells ya. :blink:

Also Giki... Don't ever call me Rumfy again if you want to keep breathing. Got it? :|