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The Fascination with Let's Plays...


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
So this has been something that I've been curious and at the same time bewildered about for a couple of years now. I've viewed a handful of Let's Play channels and tried to get into some of them and found that I'm more suited with them in short bursts, like a single 15-30min episode of a game. Any longer than that and I'd rather just play the game myself instead, I've seen some 25 to 50 part Let's Play series and I just can't manage those at all.

The ones that really confuse me are the people out there that tend to strictly prefer a full blown LP than to playing any games (even when it's a game they're interested in), spoilers and the controller in your hands be damned! Then there's the financial success side of it all. Don't even get me started on PewDiePie. If I had known acting a goofball in front of a camera for a handful of hours a week while playing a game could make you a multimillionaire, I'd probably never look for another physical job again.

What are your thoughts on LPs and if you like them then who do you watch and why? Heck do you do any or have an interest in starting any?
I've actually tried getting into some of them, mainly because of a game that is particularly hard to find or get into (gameplay wise). Mostly these are games of which I used to have a demo version some 15 years ago. So it's easier to just watch what I could've been playing then than to spoil the dream with crappy compatibility and gameplay issues.

In reality, though, I never watch them more than one episode.
There are two exceptions to this:
  • I did watch an entire LP of an oldie called Sanitarium. This is one of those demo games. It had an interesting setting and atmosphere, but the gameplay wasn't intriguing enough. I watched a few episodes and the story caught me so I actually watched it until the end.
  • This guy named clunythescourge1 made excellent Total War commentary videos (not exactly LPs, but close enough). I think I've watched all of them. Top notch humour and in depth analysis of his multiplayer battles in a game I wouldn't play myself.
I did something similar with my friend. We used to play a lot of video games, naturally not all of them had multiplayer and we took turns. However, some games I totally loved, but just didn't find them enjoyable to play. I've seen multiple playthroughs of MGS, MGS 2, MGS 3, Resident Evil 4 and Extermination (less known PS 2 horror gem) played by him. I would sit and watch as the story unfolded without having to work for it. Granted, those were pretty good games in terms of story and ambiance; and my friend is a master at taking the most out of a game so I guess you could call them slightly special cases.
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Don't know about Lets Plays specifically but I do watch some live streams of games like DayZ from time to time. I prefer watching the highlights they upload to YouTube however as it can take some time for anything really good to happen.
I watch Let's play a lot for two reasons. 1. I don't owe a PS or a Xbox. So i am limited to PC. and there are a lot of games out there that haven't and probably won't come to PC. and 2. i don't have money to buy games. ^^;
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I have a deep yearning to share with the world all those special moments in gaming.

Not big on lets plays as most up loaders buck their native roles for the gravy train. They stop posting original content and usually go offsite.
I watch shorter Let's Plays to see if I might be interested in a game I've never heard of. I had to stop doing this because I'd often lose any impulse control when I saw a particularly awesome game, and I made a few more purchases than I should have. "Hello, Japan, yes, I'd like to buy all your games please."
I still watch longer Let's Plays for games I can't play because they're not on PC. Although we were never really in the console war, I'd say it's a war that PC purists lost. I still want that game content, but I don't live near any friends with any consoles, let alone any of the games I want to play.
I'm not a big fan of the personalities out there. When I've decided I'm going to watch one, I try to find one with more than one person playing. If they're talking to each other, then it's not one person trying to fill in quiet time with annoying things to tell me.
I'd never consider making my own. The idea of having to record, edit, upload and advertise a Let's Play immediately makes me not want to.
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Really good responses here and even helped open my mind more on this. Thanks guys.
I've actually tried getting into some of them, mainly because of a game that is particularly hard to find or get into (gameplay wise). Mostly these are games of which I used to have a demo version some 15 years ago. So it's easier to just watch what I could've been playing then than to spoil the dream with crappy compatibility and gameplay issues.

In reality, though, I never watch them more than one episode.
There are two exceptions to this:
  • I did watch an entire LP of an oldie called Sanitarium. This is one of those demo games. It had an interesting setting and atmosphere, but the gameplay wasn't intriguing enough. I watched a few episodes and the story caught me so I actually watched it until the end.
  • This guy named clunythescourge1 made excellent Total War commentary videos (not exactly LPs, but close enough). I think I've watched all of them. Top notch humour and in depth analysis of his multiplayer battles in a game I wouldn't play myself.
I did something similar with my friend. We used to play a lot of video games, naturally not all of them had multiplayer and we took turns. However, some games I totally loved, but just didn't find them enjoyable to play. I've seen multiple playthroughs of MGS, MGS 2, MGS 3, Resident Evil 4 and Extermination (less known PS 2 horror gem) played by him. I would sit and watch as the story unfolded without having to work for it. Granted, those were pretty good games in terms of story and ambiance; and my friend is a master at taking the most out of a game so I guess you could call them slightly special cases.
Now there's a perspective I didn't consider. I can see myself getting into some Let's Plays of games that seem aesthetically pleasing, but aren't fun to play at all. Along with games that are just downright terrible like "Drake of the 99 Dragons", not entirely for the sake of comedy but like "I'm never going to play that, might as well finally see what the heck it was all about"

There's a lot of obscure FMV-heavy games from the 90s when it was all the rage back then that I can see myself watching LPs of or even Longplays of which are devoid of commentary. As much as I would like to probably play them their controls are literally pressing a single button or two to advance to the next video so I wouldn't be missing anything. Especially since A). they're pretty rare and B). if I do find them they're painfully expensive. So those I can definitely get behind.

Yeah I get what you mean, I would do the same with some of my friends back when Smash Bros. Melee came out. I was terrible at that game and always came last or got destroyed by everyone, eventually I found more enjoyment in just watching them play instead. They were so good at it that all the matches were fun to simply watch and their verbal exchanges just made it all the more entertaining.
Don't know about Lets Plays specifically but I do watch some live streams of games like DayZ from time to time. I prefer watching the highlights they upload to YouTube however as it can take some time for anything really good to happen.
That's one of my pet peeves with many LPs out there, where you have someone fumbling around for like 20 minutes completely lost. It can be some quality cringe in a way (like watching your mom or dad play a game for the first time), but usually I just find it absolutely unbearable. Like you want to reach in and slap the crap out of 'em.

I took a stroll through some Twitch streams awhile back and some were pretty okay, but I mainly found myself channel-surfing on the site in the end. The problem was as you said, hardly anything interesting happening for the most part and it typically being random folks just playing a game like any normal day but with a camera on. Nothing too exciting.
I watch Let's play a lot for two reasons. 1. I don't owe a PS or a Xbox. So i am limited to PC. and there are a lot of games out there that haven't and probably won't come to PC. and 2. i don't have money to buy games. ^^;
That's a fair point there, I found myself watching a few LPs for the new console games to see what they were like. I didn't really wanna spoil things for myself ('cause I figured I'm probably going to get it eventually), but it's going to be a long time until I get any of the new consoles so it couldn't hurt to see what I'm going to be missing.

Plus they tend to be pretty good fill-ins for whenever there's a scarcity of reviews.
I have a deep yearning to share with the world all those special moments in gaming.

Not big on lets plays as most up loaders buck their native roles for the gravy train. They stop posting original content and usually go offsite.
Yeah I get those occasional moments as well, though conveniently ironic all those awesome moments tend to vanish once the record button is hit. Or when there's company over and they watch you play. Pssh.

Yep, that's what happened to one of my favorite channels on Youtube (GophersVids) and I had to unsubscribe. Used to always do modding videos and tutorials and he still does but you'll be lucky if it's even once a month. Now it's 95% Let's Plays every single day and it just kept clogging my feed. Once you start getting paid for sitting back and doing what you love at home, why bother with anything else?
I watch shorter Let's Plays to see if I might be interested in a game I've never heard of. I had to stop doing this because I'd often lose any impulse control when I saw a particularly awesome game, and I made a few more purchases than I should have. "Hello, Japan, yes, I'd like to buy all your games please."
I still watch longer Let's Plays for games I can't play because they're not on PC. Although we were never really in the console war, I'd say it's a war that PC purists lost. I still want that game content, but I don't live near any friends with any consoles, let alone any of the games I want to play.
I'm not a big fan of the personalities out there. When I've decided I'm going to watch one, I try to find one with more than one person playing. If they're talking to each other, then it's not one person trying to fill in quiet time with annoying things to tell me.
I'd never consider making my own. The idea of having to record, edit, upload and advertise a Let's Play immediately makes me not want to.
I like the idea of that, sometimes a review doesn't do much for me and I have to see the game in action more to have a better interest. An LP tends to fill that void and being able to see/hear someone's thoughts as they go along kinda helps with that, more so if they have experience with the rest of the series and can give recommendations for other games in it (or similar ones outside of it).

I mean yeah there's emulators out there for those games you can never get on PC, but there's something about dealing with an imitation vs. the real thing that doesn't feel all that worth it to me. Plus the unstable glitches just ruin it so you tend to be better off watching a Let's Play anyway.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the strong personality players as well, as it ends up cancelling out the other. People end up finding themselves watching for the person rather than the game, to the point where the person could be staring at a blank wall with commentary and still get by on it.
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Lost track of the amount of hours I have watched DayZ videos and I go to the same bunch of people for my content now as their footage is great and most of them are pretty entertaining on their own. My main subscribed channels for this content are (in no order):

Silo Entertainment


Sobieski Channel
Kd Wolf
Jam Jar
Pitstop Head

Like I said, I watch a lot of DayZ videos :lol: most of them do stream on Twitch too but I tend to watch their edited and highlights videos.
If I like LPs? Well, it depends.

I find them useful to decide whether I'll buy a game or not. Seeing a game in action with actual gameplay is worth more than any trailer or developer talk.

When it comes to enjoying them, I don't deny I do. Mainly because I like to see people's reactions to what happens in the game, or see how they live the experience. Kinda like seeing reaction videos. Therefore I do not watch LPs with no commentary, those are just boring to me and only useful for the point mentioned above.

Last but not least, I also like those LPs that are instructional. Where the LPer explains the game as he plays. For example, if I wanna get into a game that's part of a series, but I haven't played the other chapters and they don't appeal to me. Or if I wanna learn a game like fighting games. I've just recently approached that genre and I can't tell you how much those kind of videos have helped me. Especially Maximilian Dood's, I got to learn the technical terms, what means what and so on.

In the end, it all comes down to who is playing, for me.
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Lost track of the amount of hours I have watched DayZ videos and I go to the same bunch of people for my content now as their footage is great and most of them are pretty entertaining on their own. My main subscribed channels for this content are (in no order):

Silo Entertainment


Sobieski Channel
Kd Wolf
Jam Jar
Pitstop Head

Like I said, I watch a lot of DayZ videos :lol: most of them do stream on Twitch too but I tend to watch their edited and highlights videos.
Man I don't know any of those people, although CommanderPixel sounds kinda familiar. DayZ must've come a long way for you to love it this much. :P

So far the only channels I'm subbed to that do or dabble in LPs are:

Two Best Friends Play
Classic Game Room (they stopped doing them because it just wasn't their thing)
AVGN/Angry Video Game Nerd
World of Longplays (for well.. longplays, of games I'll never get or can never get)

And that's pretty much it. I'm slowly stumbling upon new channels out there, but there hasn't been many that end up catering to what I'm specifically looking for (frustratingly so).
If I like LPs? Well, it depends.

I find them useful to decide whether I'll buy a game or not. Seeing a game in action with actual gameplay is worth more than any trailer or developer talk.

When it comes to enjoying them, I don't deny I do. Mainly because I like to see people's reactions to what happens in the game, or see how they live the experience. Kinda like seeing reaction videos. Therefore I do not watch LPs with no commentary, those are just boring to me and only useful for the point mentioned above.

Last but not least, I also like those LPs that are instructional. Where the LPer explains the game as he plays. For example, if I wanna get into a game that's part of a series, but I haven't played the other chapters and they don't appeal to me. Or if I wanna learn a game like fighting games. I've just recently approached that genre and I can't tell you how much those kind of videos have helped me. Especially Maximilian Dood's, I got to learn the technical terms, what means what and so on.

In the end, it all comes down to who is playing, for me.
Agreed, there's a few Let's Play videos that managed to convince me to take the plunge where reviews, developer diaries, and trailers failed to accomplish such. They paid off quite well too.

I guess there's just something about seeing someone actually having genuine fun (or dread) while playing that comes off as more convincing to me than any critical viewpoint with a number attached. Especially since of a lot of reviews these days don't seem to go that in depth anymore... or get paid off.

I definitely appreciate the instructional ones, there was a channel that I can't remember that also covered multiple fighting games (mainly Smash, SF, Tekken, and MK). It was a nicely balanced blend of humor and information without ever getting overbearing with the occasional co-commentary that would bounce advice & tips back n forth. I also like the ones that reveal obscure game secrets & trivia as they play which just adds another layer to the enjoyment and can make the plays rather fascinating.
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I actually prefer watching Let's Plays, unless it's a game that should be a personal experience such as Lisa, where you should create an attachment and a sense of consequence. I think it's a personality thing in my case: I used to love watching my dad play C&C almost as much as I enjoyed playing it, I liked watching my friends playing Halo when we had to pass the four controllers back and forth between six people, it was funner for me to watch because I could try to guess the winner and view all the screens; I very much enjoyed watching my wife play games because I liked seeing her have fun, learning about games I had never played before, and being able to do my own thing on the phone.
I think it all comes down to being a wallflower who finds it fun to observe others having fun, being able to multitask, and not having enough money to buy most games; at least for me.
Man I don't know any of those people, although CommanderPixel sounds kinda familiar. DayZ must've come a long way for you to love it this much. :P

Its just very interesting to watch, knowing if your character dies you can lose all the loot you have spent hours acquiring makes for some tension filled play sessions. Especially when there are large firefights, as there is no Call of Duty style run and gunning as death matters and people dont want to die. So its interesting to see the lengths people will go to, to survive and seeing players who are friendly and calm having to hold people hostage because they fear for their characters lives and need food and water or they will die. Unless you have minimal gear and are a new spawn you have everything to lose with every move you make.

They even have a whole Hunger Games/Battle Royale tournament where players all start in a circle and are in groups of 2 and make a dash to backpacks of loot/weapons and its last team alive wins. Had a whole event streamed live on Twitch and it was very entertaining to watch from multiple camera angles and view points.
They even have a whole Hunger Games/Battle Royale tournament where players all start in a circle and are in groups of 2 and make a dash to backpacks of loot/weapons and its last team alive wins. Had a whole event streamed live on Twitch and it was very entertaining to watch from multiple camera angles and view points.

I've never played DayZ but I've watched several streams of it, and it's quite amazing. That particular stream sounds like it was epic.
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I've never played DayZ but I've watched several streams of it, and it's quite amazing. That particular stream sounds like it was epic.

Its called the Survivor Gamez I believe and its become an annual event in the community calendar and open to all the top streamers. It will apparently become part of the main game when it officially launches and game is set to enter Beta at end of the year to early next year. Was great watching it from multiple cameras and viewpoints and watching some of my favourite streamers against each other and also a couple teaming up.

I have watched some great videos and the tension in some of them is like nothing I have seen in a game before. That threat of death and losing your character and belongings can be pretty intense and ive seen loads of adrenaline packed encounters. Its some of the main things that drew me to the game and though I havent played it that much myself yet (managed 3 hours) the feeling you get while playing is very unique and like nothing ive played before.

When the infected return (numbers were lowered to tweak AI and test their effect on server performance) it will be a game changer as they have talked about hordes and multiple infected types. They will cause more players to start teaming up and will be more difficult to get in and out of cities alive and unseen with the risk of them being there.

If they can keep improving on the systems already in the game month by month and adding more features/systems and items to flesh it out even more it could be truly groundbreaking. Soon as the performance starts being tweaked too, closer to Beta it will be accessible to more people too as at the moment even amazing PC's dont run it all that well.
I watch them occasionally but tend not to. But I do watch youtube user Robbaz but only because he's funny as ****, a illiterate Viking playing vidya games is always entertaining no matter what.
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I actually prefer watching Let's Plays, unless it's a game that should be a personal experience such as Lisa, where you should create an attachment and a sense of consequence. I think it's a personality thing in my case: I used to love watching my dad play C&C almost as much as I enjoyed playing it, I liked watching my friends playing Halo when we had to pass the four controllers back and forth between six people, it was funner for me to watch because I could try to guess the winner and view all the screens; I very much enjoyed watching my wife play games because I liked seeing her have fun, learning about games I had never played before, and being able to do my own thing on the phone.
I think it all comes down to being a wallflower who finds it fun to observe others having fun, being able to multitask, and not having enough money to buy most games; at least for me.
Well said and I understand what you mean. Kath likes to do exactly that with me and at first it kinda befuddled me a bit, because I wanted her to join in but she preferred to just sit and watch. If I recall correctly, she said it was because she liked watching me have fun and seeing how I would do things, that the way I play was entertaining to her. In some games she especially preferred it if the game was too frustrating for her and found just as much pleasure from it had she been playing herself (without dying).

When Fallout 4 comes out we won't be able to play it separately, so we plan to create a character with a split-personality and will have to take turns doing sessions. So it'll be pretty interesting and fun to watch each other and see what decisions and playstyles we end up making throughout.

ZombiU was also a great game for this, you start as a randomly generated character (male/female) in the main campaign. If you die, you get respawned as someone else in a random location and continue forward. So playing at night was not only scary, but a fun way to watch someone else play and see what they do and how they survive and then take turns. Didn't get to play it much, but what we did play was pretty awesome.
Its just very interesting to watch, knowing if your character dies you can lose all the loot you have spent hours acquiring makes for some tension filled play sessions. Especially when there are large firefights, as there is no Call of Duty style run and gunning as death matters and people dont want to die. So its interesting to see the lengths people will go to, to survive and seeing players who are friendly and calm having to hold people hostage because they fear for their characters lives and need food and water or they will die. Unless you have minimal gear and are a new spawn you have everything to lose with every move you make.

They even have a whole Hunger Games/Battle Royale tournament where players all start in a circle and are in groups of 2 and make a dash to backpacks of loot/weapons and its last team alive wins. Had a whole event streamed live on Twitch and it was very entertaining to watch from multiple camera angles and view points.
Good lord, you've told me a lot about this game but this whole part in particular sounds incredible. Is that particular stream still archived anywhere? I wouldn't mind watching it sometime.
I watch them occasionally but tend not to. But I do watch youtube user Robbaz but only because he's funny as ****, a illiterate Viking playing vidya games is always entertaining no matter what.
I remember his Skyrim video when it first came out and thought it was hilarious. I didn't check out the rest of his vids though, but I might do so if the rest of his collection is just as funny (if not more so).
Its just very interesting to watch, knowing if your character dies you can lose all the loot you have spent hours acquiring makes for some tension filled play sessions. Especially when there are large firefights, as there is no Call of Duty style run and gunning as death matters and people dont want to die. So its interesting to see the lengths people will go to, to survive and seeing players who are friendly and calm having to hold people hostage because they fear for their characters lives and need food and water or they will die. Unless you have minimal gear and are a new spawn you have everything to lose with every move you make.

They even have a whole Hunger Games/Battle Royale tournament where players all start in a circle and are in groups of 2 and make a dash to backpacks of loot/weapons and its last team alive wins. Had a whole event streamed live on Twitch and it was very entertaining to watch from multiple camera angles and view points.
Good lord, you've told me a lot about this game but this whole part in particular sounds incredible. Is that particular stream still archived anywhere? I wouldn't mind watching it sometime.

I remember reading that paragraph and I thought I had posted on it. It reminds me a bit of Rust, which I can't play because it universally turns ordinarily nice people into savage goddamn werewolves for the very same reason. While being brutally and mercilessly pulverized into my base components is a mildly tolerable thing, it's not at all tolerable when it's already so damn hard to survive and put together enough stuff to continue to surviving and also hope I don't get eaten by a ****ing bear.

What's strange though, and this really gets to me, it's one of those situations where if everyone cooperates, you know, live up to the ideals of society and civilization, the difficulty is immediately vanquished. But this won't ever happen because some jerkass is going to hit you in the back of your head with a rock until you are dead and then steal your pants.
Good lord, you've told me a lot about this game but this whole part in particular sounds incredible. Is that particular stream still archived anywhere? I wouldn't mind watching it sometime.

The servers got attacked mid stream hence the lag and desync you can see in some footage (they put measures in place now to stop this).

Guy I follow on Youtube Puhdado's view

As well as SepticFalcons View


The official video from the Survivor Gamez before the ones above from the Observers viewpoint is here (doesnt quite capture the tension)


Team SyndiKatt VIEW

I remember reading that paragraph and I thought I had posted on it. It reminds me a bit of Rust, which I can't play because it universally turns ordinarily nice people into savage goddamn werewolves for the very same reason. While being brutally and mercilessly pulverized into my base components is a mildly tolerable thing, it's not at all tolerable when it's already so damn hard to survive and put together enough stuff to continue to surviving and also hope I don't get eaten by a ****ing bear.

What's strange though, and this really gets to me, it's one of those situations where if everyone cooperates, you know, live up to the ideals of society and civilization, the difficulty is immediately vanquished. But this won't ever happen because some jerkass is going to hit you in the back of your head with a rock until you are dead and then steal your pants.
Is there even a main goal whatsoever to Rust or is it just a survival sandbox?

My main experience in witnessing said game was the hilarious Penis Brothers [NSFW] Let's Play videos. Says a little something about human society when you give way to a lawless land and the reigning outcome are big floppy penis raids.
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Is there even a main goal whatsoever to Rust or is it just a survival sandbox?
Pretty confident it's just survival sandbox. I've not played it, only watched videos and listened to/read testimonials about how satanic it can get in there. Minecraft with dicks and no zombies, essentially. I don't know if the experience would or could be improved with objectives though.

My main experience in witnessing said game was the hilarious Penis Brothers [NSFW] Let's Play videos. Says a little something about human society when you give way to a lawless land and the reigning outcome are big floppy penis raids.
That video is probably my best experience with the game. Thank you for that sir. The suicidal raid turning back and running away is very delightful for some reason.
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