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Because there hasn’t been anything posted here in over a year...

The usual, mainly work and juggling a teenager and 2 young kids. Have tried to make some more time to get online and fit some games in with Steve and have a proper catch up whenever I can.

Currently on maternity leave myself but Mini-Scotty is keeping me on my toes for sure. Essentially being a single parent due to the long distance thang means looking after baba leaves little time for gaming. I try to hop on when I can whenever she’s asleep but she doesn’t sleep for long and even then I usually try to get some myself. Truly a dilemma.

How is Steve-o et al? I spoke to Angel briefly back during my pregnancy but haven’t heard from her since.
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Same old for me. Kid growing nicely. Still slacking off a bit, but finally starting to move my lazy a** and finishing our bedroom. I'd have time for games, but nothing really excites me on that front anymore. The occasional XCOM or RPG only.
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Currently on maternity leave myself but Mini-Scotty is keeping me on my toes for sure. Essentially being a single parent due to the long distance thang means looking after baba leaves little time for gaming. I try to hop on when I can whenever she’s asleep but she doesn’t sleep for long and even then I usually try to get some myself. Truly a dilemma.

How is Steve-o et al? I spoke to Angel briefly back during my pregnancy but haven’t heard from her since.

Yeah and it only gets worse in that regard too. :lol:

I enjoyed plenty of gaming time when Ava was napping but now she doesnt nap in daytime and we have Poppy who doesnt nap for too long. Only gaming I manage to fit in is when my wife goes out with a friend for some childfree time in an evening now and again and kids are in bed.

Been trying to make sure to play some co-op games with Steve and try and recapture some of the moments we have had in gaming over the years. They both seem to be doing well though havent seen them in person for a little while now, I have been trying to make sure we regularly chat over discord.
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It's also impossible to predict, the sleeping patterns change every two weeks. Right now we're enjoying quiet evenings, because she's falling asleep already at 7 or 8 and doesn't ask for mommy until around midnight or so. But I'm still mostly idling and not doing anything productive. Granted it's a busy time overall for me so need a little off time.
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Yeah and it only gets worse in that regard too. :lol:

God help me. D:

Been trying to make sure to play some co-op games with Steve and try and recapture some of the moments we have had in gaming over the years. They both seem to be doing well though havent seen them in person for a little while now, I have been trying to make sure we regularly chat over discord.

Glad to hear they’re both well. Hopefully I can catch up with either of them soon.
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God help me. D:

Glad to hear they’re both well. Hopefully I can catch up with either of them soon.

I’ve been trying to stay in daily contact with Steve over Discord and arrange a night every week or so to catch up for a game of something.

Just hard to nail down a set time sometimes when we all have kids with varying schedules and unpredictable evenings.

TRA Rotid said:
It's also impossible to predict, the sleeping patterns change every two weeks. Right now we're enjoying quiet evenings, because she's falling asleep already at 7 or 8 and doesn't ask for mommy until around midnight or so. But I'm still mostly idling and not doing anything productive. Granted it's a busy time overall for me so need a little off time.

queenofdisco said:
What you and Rotid describe sounds like heaven. Yuna doesn’t have much of a routine, doesn’t sleep much at all really. I’m not sure if it’s the breastfeeding or that’s just a personality quirk of hers but she’s very clingy. Even if she’s not feeding she spends most of her time attached to me and cries whenever I’m not around. I know that can be pretty normal for babies but she turns it all the way up to 11. I managed to get her to actually nap this afternoon but it only lasted 30 minutes due to my mother bursting through the door shouting “BONGIORNO!”. The kid woke up startled and immediately started crying. I should have been the crying I tell you h’what!

Something has gone wrong with this post and parts aren’t displaying for me anymore for some reason. Don’t really know what’s going on with it. :wat:

These quotes disappeared for some reason but I can still see them within your post they just are not displaying for whatever reason... very strange.

She will get less clingy as she grows and be surprised how independent she gets. We have unpredictable nights still and Poppy is 15 months old. Some nights she goes to sleep at 7/7.30pm and wakes at 6am other nights she stirs between 2.30am-4am then is awake for day at 6am. Ava very rarely wakes in night and is usually out from 7.30pm-6.20am.
Yeah can't relate, as ours has been sleeping pretty well from the start. I was reminded that she had a clingy period at around 4 months or so when my parents couldn't even look at her without getting a crying response.
How's Scotty doing?
She will get less clingy as she grows and be surprised how independent she gets. We have unpredictable nights still and Poppy is 15 months old. Some nights she goes to sleep at 7/7.30pm and wakes at 6am other nights she stirs between 2.30am-4am then is awake for day at 6am. Ava very rarely wakes in night and is usually out from 7.30pm-6.20am.

I hope she does get less clingy. Even just using the bathroom is a nightmare at the moment. That said I’d rather her be hard work than not have her at all.
Yeah can't relate, as ours has been sleeping pretty well from the start. I was reminded that she had a clingy period at around 4 months or so when my parents couldn't even look at her without getting a crying response.

Yuna did that last night. As soon as she saw my brother she burst into tears. Like full on screaming tears. I was like woooooah chill kid. But yeah hopefully she grows out of it and starts to sleep more. I’m hoping when she’s weaned she might grow more independent.
How's Scotty doing?

He’s alright. Missing Yuna desperately. I keep telling him to drop by but he’s stubborn as a mule. :lol:
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Wish I could share everything that happened this last year, but I signed a non disclosure agreement. I've never done this well in my life and it keeps getting better. I'm about to become a first time home owner! Gainful employment is the only way for men to be happy.

I have ascended to Pc, I bought a great car, I finally have overcome my mental health issues. I've been working 12 hours a day 6 days a week front to back. When things pick up again most of you would not even recognize me!
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I hope she does get less clingy. Even just using the bathroom is a nightmare at the moment. That said I’d rather her be hard work than not have her at all.

They have so many phases its crazy but insane how fast they go from helpless little baby to fully independent toddler. Our youngest currently has 6 teeth coming through at once which is great fun... and Ava is 3 but seems to think she is 16 shes a full on Threenager.

Yuna did that last night. As soon as she saw my brother she burst into tears. Like full on screaming tears. I was like woooooah chill kid. But yeah hopefully she grows out of it and starts to sleep more. I’m hoping when she’s weaned she might grow more independent.

Ava did this for some time and cried at random strangers if they even looked at her in supermarkets and even my mum and dad who she saw all the time. One day as soon as we would walk into their house or they came to mine she would burst into tears. Poppy however is the opposite and would quite happily run off with another family with no questions asked.
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I've been working 12 hours a day 6 days a week front to back. When things pick up again most of you would not even recognize me!
I'll tell you something I wish someone told me. That's fine right now but when you're older and start taking on more commitments, take more value in your time and preserve a work/life balance. It's worth it.
Wish I could share everything that happened this last year, but I signed a non disclosure agreement. I've never done this well in my life and it keeps getting better. I'm about to become a first time home owner! Gainful employment is the only way for men to be happy.

I have ascended to Pc, I bought a great car, I finally have overcome my mental health issues. I've been working 12 hours a day 6 days a week front to back. When things pick up again most of you would not even recognize me!

But it's also nice to set yourself up with a solid economic foundation so good for you!
The little one turned 6 months old the other day and has began weaning. Do any of you doting fathers have any helpful hints and tips? She’s not doing bad so far but I always appreciate outside advice.
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The little one turned 6 months old the other day and has began weaning. Do any of you doting fathers have any helpful hints and tips? She’s not doing bad so far but I always appreciate outside advice.
You're asking the dads?

For my ex-wife and son, it was an emotional process. She'd cuddle him instead of nursing, I'd play with him during his usual nursing times. She phased out her nursing clothes, we switched to bottled breast milk and then formula. It happened slow and steady. He friggin' hated it, and we had to decide if we wanted a disgruntled misanthropic child with abandonment issues or a sheltered coddled child still on the boob when he's 16. He'll be turning 6 in a couple weeks and he's a sweet and gentle boy. If I have a second child, my advice to myself is to not worry so much about a fussy baby.

I don't know if that helps you at all, but it's what I can offer. :)
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You're asking the dads?

For my ex-wife and son, it was an emotional process. She'd cuddle him instead of nursing, I'd play with him during his usual nursing times. She phased out her nursing clothes, we switched to bottled breast milk and then formula. It happened slow and steady. He friggin' hated it, and we had to decide if we wanted a disgruntled misanthropic child with abandonment issues or a sheltered coddled child still on the boob when he's 16. He'll be turning 6 in a couple weeks and he's a sweet and gentle boy. If I have a second child, my advice to myself is to not worry so much about a fussy baby.

I don't know if that helps you at all, but it's what I can offer. :)

Sorry, perhaps a small bit of confusion here. My fault. Probably a culture difference. Maybe?

I’m still breastfeeding and still aim to do so until she’s at least one years old(fingers crossed.)

Over here(the UK) the advice/the way you go about things is exclusively BF/FF until 6 months and then you slowly introduce food. But breast milk or formula remains their main calorie intake and hydration source until at least one. I think the term weaning is very misleading of course. Like I don’t intend to actually wean her off the breast until she’s at least one. I’m well aware the dads won’t be too much help in that department. :P She also already receives bottles now and again with some formula.

Anyway I meant more hints and tips for introducing foods. Where you all started. I’ve been giving her baby rice once a day along with a few other bits to get her used to the whole idea of spoon feeding, chewing and swallowing. Also some finger foods. Basically a combo of what they call “baby led weaning” and purées.
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Not a cultural difference, I'm sure. My wife used to get on my case for not knowing the terminology that her and her mom group would use. Also probably all moms. How the hell I'm I supposed to wear a baby? Put him down, like insult him? No trouble, confusion's on my end.

I'm no good here. I tried fine cuts of hot dogs and yogurt before I was banned from feeding my son until he was 2. :P Now he's determined to be a vegan so she didn't do much better I'd say.
Anyway I meant more hints and tips for introducing foods. Where you all started. I’ve been giving her baby rice once a day along with a few other bits to get her used to the whole idea of spoon feeding, chewing and swallowing. Also some finger foods. Basically a combo of what they call “baby led weaning” and purées.

We did baby led weaning and really helped both of mine learn to feed themselves pretty quickly. Cherry tomatoes chopped in quarters, baby wafers, cucumbers sliced into batons and things like that were all good starts. People tend to worry when they see babies gag as if they will automatically start choking but they are really good at spitting out anything too big and get themselves used to the sensation.

My wife has a blog about what we did with ours here though at time of posting this shes currently renovating it. Ive got to help her fix some issues with some parts (such as search not working) after guy who created the theme she was using was discovered to be dodgy. When she tried to change the theme yesterday it locked her out and I had to find the malicious code and remove it and restore some things and currently in process of rebuilding it.
As I mentioned before I’m sort of dabbling in some aspects of BLW. I’ve been trying to give her bits and pieces of food that she can feed to herself. Otherwise I’ve mostly been giving her spoonfed meals. She had a homemade vegetable purée/mash thing tonight and loved it. I read your wifey’s blog and it’s very informative. I’ve taken a few notes for sure. ^_^

I find it crazy that no matter how much you read, or get told about how to parent for the most part you’re basically winging it. You can’t teach someone to ride a bike just by explaining it to them and I think it really is the same with bringing up a kid. I was totally unprepared and I’m the sort of person who likes to be very organised. I basically ticked off a list in my head of everything she would need. I thought while I was pregnant that while I was totally terrified that I had this. I could do it. And I can and have but damn is it hard. All the encouragement to breastfeed for example - no one ever really tells you how hard it is. And that your supply is literally liquid gold. Every ounce you produce is worth a fortune in your eyes. Might be TMI for some of the male/childless forum members but I don’t want to be small minded and assume I can’t talk about that sort of thing.

All I can say is that what you get back from them makes it all worth it. The love, that smile they give you when you walk into a room. Or just any smile. They poop all over themselves and then bam! They make some new sound or do something new, or even just give you that look of love and then you’re like “Damnit. I just can’t be annoyed with you.” She’s the greastest thing that’s ever happened to me. Don’t tell Scott I said that. :steve:

Though I’m sure he’d probably say the same thing. <3