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Recent content by Necromancer

  1. Necromancer

    Whats Rocked And Sucked?

    Rocked: -Got the day off. Just playing some games and listening to podcasts. -Saw a new post from Dark Drakan :love: Sucked: -Day off means I'm making zero dollars today. -Sad news about pets makes me sad.
  2. Necromancer

    I'll end up buying this new fable game ....

    I don't think it makes sense to decide how we feel about the new game yet. We know virtually nothing about it. That being said, I definitely agree with keeping an open mind. No reason for pessimism at this stage.
  3. Necromancer

    "I should go pro!"

    Oh absolutely. The game tends to stay decently balanced across all generations of Pokemon, though sometimes it can skew a little bit in favor of newer Pokemon. Sometimes older Pokemon get direct buffs that keep them relevant and powerful (or even sometimes catapult them to the top of the usage...
  4. Necromancer

    What's the weird food you didn't know was weird?

    In some parts of the US, I think you're probably right, but subcultures can vary widely depending on where you are. I think a lot of people in California (though not everyone) might be slightly embarrassed to go to a grocery store and buy a jar or can of "cheez whiz." Restaurants here almost...
  5. Necromancer

    "I should go pro!"

    I've been playing in the official Pokemon video game tournament circuit since 2014. I've won a couple of local tournaments and had some strong performances at big ones as well. And with the circuit oh hiatus this year, the world championships was converted to an online tournament. I didn't get...
  6. Necromancer


    Well I lived up in Northern California until about a month & a half ago. The city's population is about 110K, but the surrounding area is pretty rural, so the county only had a few hundred cases even by June (It's up to about 1,200 now). Restrictions have been pretty much the same across the...
  7. Necromancer

    What's the weird food you didn't know was weird?

    I can't speak for the rest of the country, but my go-to cheeses are usually sharp cheddar, pepper jack, and smoked gouda. American cheese is fine if I'm just getting a burger or something and that's all they have (typically this means I'm hungover and getting fast food :lol:), but I'll typically...
  8. Necromancer

    What's the weird food you didn't know was weird?

    I am 100% behind Scott on all of this.
  9. Necromancer

    Fable 4 officially announced!

    Just joined this last night by the way. Got a chance to say hi to Rumford. Y'all should join up. Shoot me an @ if you do. I'd love to see more of us in there. I'm Matt Alcina#1376 on Discord. (Yes, I'm using my real name now :P)
  10. Necromancer

    What's the weird food you didn't know was weird?

    Really? People think calamari is weird? Huh, interesting. (I should get some for lunch) I can't really think of anything that for sure fits into this category though. I feel like I've had a lot of access to a wide variety of different foods from different places just by living in California all...
  11. Necromancer

    Fable 4 officially announced!

    I feel like there's a story behind me being a violently energetic raver, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was. I've been away too long.
  12. Necromancer

    Fable 4 officially announced!

    I always had hope this would happen, but I honestly never expected it to. Cheers, lads. It's been a while. Very glad to be sharing this news with you all.
  13. Necromancer

    What platforms do you game on?

    Primarily the Xbox One and the 3DS for me, but I also go back to the 360 sometimes. And very occasionally I'll go back to some of the old games on my PC like Jedi Academy and Battlefront 2 (the real Battlefront 2). Recently though, I've mostly just been playing my 3DS. I play a **** ton of...
  14. Necromancer

    How did you find us?

    I definitely remember it being Firis, but now all the Chatango memories are coming back. :lol: Good to see you again, Mr. McNASTY.:thumbsup:
  15. Necromancer

    How did you find us?

    That was always one of my favorite jokes on here. :lol: And now I have no idea where it even came from. As for me, I was a very avid Fable fan for a long time, but for some reason, I never felt compelled to come to a place like this. A while after FableFreak joined up and made a name for...