They're not too hard, believe it or not. And if I can say that then it must be true :lol:
For The Winter Contigency level (second mission, straight after the intro sequence) you can avoid a lot of unnecessary hassle by just sticking to the right hand side of the area and bypassing a lot of Covenant. Then when you have the final part, just sit it out inside the bunker and nothing can touch you. Yeah, it's a cop out, but why strain when you don't have to?
You'll get it - and I'll bet it won't take nearly as long as you think or be nearly as hard. There are few hunters, which is good, and only a couple of occasions when the Elites are in full camo and you can't see them. There are frequent checkpoints too so even if you do die, you won't be miles behind when you respawn.
Try co-op with some of the guys here - you might enjoy it