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TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Haha, everyone's really scared of it. Strange. Although maybe a job well done.
Nekker? No. This will explain it (read description),

It was loosely based on the HoMM V Imp design.
Ohh okay, 'cause it really reminded me of those nasty little buggers from The Witcher series. See?

Still cool though, and a drastic improvement over your old drawing of it. How long have you been drawing?
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Hard to say, really. I always doodled when I was younger, but I guess around the time I went to high school was when it became more serious - really thinking about the anatomy and stuff. That was 8-9 years ago. Ended up taking a drawing course on 12th grade and eventually art school.
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
It's still rough around the edges (and one knee I forgot to finish, notice the black line), but I wanted to more or less finish it. Will keep working on it from time to time. I got another thing going on at the moment, which I think you'd like as well. ;)
Rough around the edges or not, I dig it. Makes me wish I had kept up on my drawing regularly, but lately have been trying to get back into it. Do you use Corel Painter or Photoshop for your work?

New stuff? Ooo, what is it? Gimme a hint. D:

Much respect. I have enough troubles and I USE a pen tablet, I use the Wacom Bamboo tablet since it was the best bang for the buck. Might be something for you to give a look at.

Niice, are we talking uhh.... nude artwork? P:
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
I've been hearing awfully lot about the Wacom Bamboo for some reason. I guess it's that good then. I might consider it after returning from my military service.

Yeah, pretty much. Wouldn't do normal art now would I? :D It should be done soon, actually. In a couple of days depending on how much I do tomorrow.
Yeah, the bamboo is quite nice. Works very smoothly and of course affordable. Grabbed mine for around $70, but the best tablets are the ones with the screens you can draw on... I'd kill for those big beauties.

Couple of days?? Nice, please say Giki will get to see it. D:
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Yeah I checked some prices in Estonia and the really juicy ones - the "drawscreens" - were like 1000 EUR. Ouch. I'd like to test a cheaper one before, though, just to see if I actually want it.

There isn't much left to do now. I'm rather just torn between stylistic changes (like hair and proper body position). I was planning on doing a big reveal, but not sure yet.. :D
I wouldn't even know where to get my hands at trying out a tablet monitor (for cheap or free), granted using a cheapie with no screen works just as fine.. but, doesn't feel as natural. I like to be able to look down and see exactly what I'm doing for better precision.
Could have the hair down and go like Titanic where she's laying all on her side, maybe part of the hair covering one breast... dear god yes. Hey, could always do an initial private showing. :}
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
I guess the cheaper tablets don't fully replace the mouse, they just give an option to make some smooth lines and shading as you would in pencil drawings.

Well I do have the pose in place, I was talking about final adjustments in hand and lower body positions. There are two main dilemmas atm.
Show more ass/lower body or not.
Neat slicked back hair or loose hair.
TRA Rotid
TRA Rotid
Hmm I'd rather not show the image before it's done, but maybe I'll ask you about the hair after all just to get a second opinion.
As for the lower body, perhaps if you had a cloth in place? Like covering the privates but with a teased nature to it (a la tip of crack showing or something). Don't have to show it now, can wait till it's done.