All My Money and Abilities got RESET!!!! Is this a glitch????
My Wife wanted to "same screen" co-op with me and I saw that I was able to use my existing hero from my gamer profile, so I did, but had no resemblance to my character whatsoever, had none of my abilities money or suff...we played for like an hour and decided that same screen co-op was gay so she did a save and quit and then went to her single mode game.
I loaded my single mode game up this morning and I have all my items and weapons and stuff, but my money and my abilities are GONE!!!! I had like a little more than 3 mil and now all I have is the 150,000 or so I got from being away. And like I said, I have no Will, Skill, or strength abilities anymore!!!!
So I'm like WTF????!!!! Is there a way to fix this or am I screwed? How did this happen?? Thanks to anyone who can help.
My Wife wanted to "same screen" co-op with me and I saw that I was able to use my existing hero from my gamer profile, so I did, but had no resemblance to my character whatsoever, had none of my abilities money or suff...we played for like an hour and decided that same screen co-op was gay so she did a save and quit and then went to her single mode game.
I loaded my single mode game up this morning and I have all my items and weapons and stuff, but my money and my abilities are GONE!!!! I had like a little more than 3 mil and now all I have is the 150,000 or so I got from being away. And like I said, I have no Will, Skill, or strength abilities anymore!!!!
So I'm like WTF????!!!! Is there a way to fix this or am I screwed? How did this happen?? Thanks to anyone who can help.