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I'm a cat guy. I had two back home. I'm not allowed to have pets here but the community has a bunch of friendly strays that run around and everything. I liked two in particular: Siam that Siam and Tabby.
A couple months ago Tabby and I were hanging out, I went inside, and half an hour later I looked out my window to see a pack of dogs tearing him to pieces. Tabby managed to scratch out an eye off one of the dogs, who I still see from time to time. The injury is still very noticeable, so I call him Olaf One-Eye. Earlier today I chased off Olaf and found a very wounded Siam. I got him off the street and put him under a tree. I went to fetch him some water but he was too far gone to drink, he just squirmed around a bit in my hands, took a few breaths and that was that.
I can't get animal control to do anything. With this being Texas and with there being more guns than people, I thought I'd get a courteous neighbor who would do me a favor but I guess the guns are just for show. For weeks I'd find Olaf trying to get into the community and I'd deny him access. He'd stand there on the street, growling and barking, howling and frothing. I'd want to bash him over the head, swing him around by his tail, curb stomp the son of a bitch but I can't. As it happens, I'm a dog guy too, and I don't know if I can kill a dog without crying nonstop the entire time as well as the following thirty days.
But I'm not going to spend the night being mad at a dog. I'm just going to mourn my friend. I know my experience is not unique; anyone who is a human being has some love for at least one animal. Anyone else have a story they'd like to share?
I'm a cat guy. I had two back home. I'm not allowed to have pets here but the community has a bunch of friendly strays that run around and everything. I liked two in particular: Siam that Siam and Tabby.
A couple months ago Tabby and I were hanging out, I went inside, and half an hour later I looked out my window to see a pack of dogs tearing him to pieces. Tabby managed to scratch out an eye off one of the dogs, who I still see from time to time. The injury is still very noticeable, so I call him Olaf One-Eye. Earlier today I chased off Olaf and found a very wounded Siam. I got him off the street and put him under a tree. I went to fetch him some water but he was too far gone to drink, he just squirmed around a bit in my hands, took a few breaths and that was that.
I can't get animal control to do anything. With this being Texas and with there being more guns than people, I thought I'd get a courteous neighbor who would do me a favor but I guess the guns are just for show. For weeks I'd find Olaf trying to get into the community and I'd deny him access. He'd stand there on the street, growling and barking, howling and frothing. I'd want to bash him over the head, swing him around by his tail, curb stomp the son of a bitch but I can't. As it happens, I'm a dog guy too, and I don't know if I can kill a dog without crying nonstop the entire time as well as the following thirty days.
But I'm not going to spend the night being mad at a dog. I'm just going to mourn my friend. I know my experience is not unique; anyone who is a human being has some love for at least one animal. Anyone else have a story they'd like to share?