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Another set of random problems [will they ever stop?]



Another set of random problems, Please Help ASAP

1) First things first, I've already explained in another thread* that Cbox has thoroughly ****ed me off and i've pretty much lost all hope in the matter, but after using it [consequence...?] it screwed up my freeroam and now i can't leave the designated areas, and my guild chests reverted to the same-old same-old junk. I did some looking around the site and saw somewhere that if you use freeroam app to rip the files and then change the name of the original finalalbion.wad file, it automatically uses the ripped files. HAZZAH it worked but when i tried to use FE it didn't work. I changed the .wad name back and FE works but freeroam crapped the bed. I'm so lost! :wacko:

*if you think you may be able to help, look here http://forums.projectego.net/multiple-different-topics-need-answers-please-13216/#post246918

EDIT: I don't have any idea what's gone wrong. I've tried a couple of different things to get everything back in line but not FE doesn't work at all. I've tried reloading my backup files, which seemed to do nothing. I tried re-naming finalalbion.wad to its original and UseFinalAlbionWad=False [don't feel like looking up exact wording] which did nothing. I've tried reloading FE, which did nothing. When i open up FE the FableTLCMod picture comes up, along with what looks like FE in the background but no hourglass [mouse/curser] pops up. x_x

2) Well seeing that Cbox hates me, I don't even know if anything like this is possible in AE, or in Cbox in the first place. I had my hopes up while downloading Cbox that i was going to create a whole custom village and place premade buildings and such around the area but i have no idea if i can, or how to do such things;
a] how to customize terrain textures
b] how to create regions from scratch [or use old ones but edit terrain] (land height, hills, etc.)
c] how to customize NPC routines [daily to-do list according to time of day]
d] I'm might be able to figure it out if i can get A, B, and C down, but i may need help configuring region entrances/exits

3) I have no idea how to make weapons from scratch but i already have a mesh [fully textured] made up for the wep I'd like. I don't know exactly who to ask for help on this but if anyone would like to help i can give them the mesh [email maybe?] they do all the fancy stuff, fine tune it, and turn it into an FMP.
I can export it to many different file types, so that won't be a problem. If anyone is interested please PM me

+repIf anybody can help with any one of these i'll love them forever!!!+rep​


Re: Another set of random problems [will they ever stop?]

Come on, its been up 12 hours and not a single post? :unsure: