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Baltimore attacked by SUPER AIDS


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
So my internet was out yesterday so all I could do was turn on the tv and attempt to watch it. That's when shizz got real. There was a bonified uprising last night all captured on live television. Cops need to stop targeting kids lol. But it was the way the rioters attacked that was something new and never seen before. They weren't shooting people they were running around like little aids ninjas slashing whites and running off. They weren't attacking pillars of oppression but youth centers and churches. With cellphones they were controlling police movement baiting them and then attacking. Cutting firehouses and things like that. Attacking the health and responsiveness of the city. It will take like 50 years for this city to recover lol. Martial law has been instated and the national guard is coming I don't know what today will bring.

Basically kids are screwed what with no jobs and the college cliff. Add what activists turned the internet into and you start seeing a rebellion like what is happening in the rest of the world. In short they can't win the game so they are knocking the table over. But man that was some good tv.
I'm trying to find a job at the moment but you don't see me throwing a tantrum and making things practically unlivable for other people. What the hell are these people thinking? People are rioting in the rest of the world for far more serious reasons. People are drowning while crossing vast seas on rickety boats. Risking their lives for a better life for their families. And a bunch of kids in America: Land of the Free are targeting churches. Try living in Syria for 5 minutes kids. I dare ya.

Also, Super Aids? I think you can imagine my first thought there.

EDIT: I just read the riots may have had something to do with the death of a man named Freddie Gray who died while in police custody, but the article claims the rioting did not appear to stem from any organized protests over Gray’s death.

Article here.
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An unarmed Black kid was shot in the back. What happened was some highschool kids organized some kind of thing at a mall, looting or what have you, so police confronted them. When the community saw police confronting children, while a protest was going on, you can see how things got out of control.
An unarmed Black kid was shot in the back. What happened was some highschool kids organized some kind of thing at a mall, looting or what have you, so police confronted them. When the community saw police confronting children, while a protest was going on, you can see how things got out of control.
It looks like cop's in America have gone a bit crazy in recent times, they have been killing unarmed citizens and beating them also without provocative in many cases, most of these citizens just happen to be African Americans.... Eventually it provokes a response... Certain people in the states have added fuel to the fire in the case of ferguson and here to, shapiro has been said to provoke black Americans to riot, and George soros, who is said to fund rioters, which does not make any sense really, but he basically has done the same thing in the Ukraine, why a Jewish financer would want involment in these issue's I don't know. Add to that many folk's in the USA living on food stamps, you have a recipe for civil unrest, just shows that the USA is not in a good place at the moment.
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The main issue I see is lack of communication and understanding - mixed messages. Every time a black youth gets killed by the police it makes the headlines now, and people get outraged and start rioting before the whole story gets out, and even after everything is explained the rioters continue to cause damage and claim social injustice all while degrading their cities and destroying their community. The prime example is Ferguson; when that kid got shot the whole nation was in an uproar about it, then the whole story was presented that he attacked the cop and the cop was scared and afraid and shot the youth, but the rioters didn't care about that part of it, then it comes out that the kid robbed a store like ten minutes before he got shot and the protesters went "But... but... Whatever." and kept rioting.

They are just trying to find reasons to take their anger out, and police victims make good martyrs.

On a side note: no one in America cares when a white youth is killed. :/
The main issue I see is lack of communication and understanding - mixed messages. Every time a black youth gets killed by the police it makes the headlines now, and people get outraged and start rioting before the whole story gets out, and even after everything is explained the rioters continue to cause damage and claim social injustice all while degrading their cities and destroying their community. The prime example is Ferguson; when that kid got shot the whole nation was in an uproar about it, then the whole story was presented that he attacked the cop and the cop was scared and afraid and shot the youth, but the rioters didn't care about that part of it, then it comes out that the kid robbed a store like ten minutes before he got shot and the protesters went "But... but... Whatever." and kept rioting.

They are just trying to find reasons to take their anger out, and police victims make good martyrs.

On a side note: no one in America cares when a white youth is killed. :/
Good points Firis, I am just interested in this topic because I have discussed these issues with some American friends, who are quite angry about changes in the American constitution, and taking away of guns among other things. It's still a sad situation to see American values being eroded and social changes effecting the general population, division seems to be growing among communitys, but are the government's interests to blame? More riots will eventually mean martial law in America and jade helm then kicks into play making USA a police state and George Orwells 1984. America is the land of the free ( or was) but it seems citizens freedom is being eroded by changing the constitution without consulting the citizens. Social division just pushes this along, and the end result will benefit nobody except those who wish to create a police state.
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Good points Firis, I am just interested in this topic because I have discussed these issues with some American friends, who are quite angry about changes in the American constitution, and taking away of guns among other things. It's still a sad situation to see American values being eroded and social changes effecting the general population, division seems to be growing among communitys, but are the government's interests to blame? More riots will eventually mean martial law in America and jade helm then kicks into play making USA a police state and George Orwells 1984. America is the land of the free ( or was) but it seems citizens freedom is being eroded by changing the constitution without consulting the citizens. Social division just pushes this along, and the end result will benefit nobody except those who wish to create a police state.
The truth about America is the drug prohibition. It's like that movie heartless there were safe places and bad places but now you can't tell the difference. Legalize Mary and overnight the drug lords are out of business and there is no reason to shoot everyone.

I'm more against crime than drugs and this isn't a perfect world. There is a literal War in our backyards. Seriously every time you buy a car in this country you are just legalizing someone's blood money. Like all problems, just follow the money. The reason most anyone is distrustful of law enforcement over here is because we see who they decide to jail and who goes free. Everyone knows the score.

Why these riots brake out is because no literally no one gives a crap. 'I'm starving too' Ferguson ended in shame when no one cared, so they marched into concerts and public events and everyone told them to bug off, then they started laying down in traffic to force recognition and people just gave them the bird.

With Baltimore everything was peaceful until they got the wealthy side of town where all the stores and eateries were. People cussed them out and threw food at them for interrupting their peace. White guilt has been eradicated, no one is going to apologize so they just freak out because its not as big of an issue as it is in their hearts.
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The truth about America is the drug prohibition. It's like that movie heartless there were safe places and bad places but now you can't tell the difference. Legalize Mary and overnight the drug lords are out of business and there is no reason to shoot everyone.

I'm more against crime than drugs and this isn't a perfect world. There is a literal War in our backyards. Seriously every time you buy a car in this country you are just legalizing someone's blood money. Like all problems, just follow the money. The reason most anyone is distrustful of law enforcement over here is because we see who they decide to jail and who goes free. Everyone knows the score.

Why these riots brake out is because no literally no one gives a crap. 'I'm starving too' Ferguson ended in shame when no one cared, so they marched into concerts and public events and everyone told them to bug off, then they started laying down in traffic to force recognition and people just gave them the bird.

With Baltimore everything was peaceful until they got the wealthy side of town where all the stores and eateries were. People cussed them out and threw food at them for interrupting their peace. White guilt has been eradicated, no one is going to apologize so they just freak out because its not as big of an issue as it is in their hearts.
Legalised. Drug's would cut the crime rate in any society , the Dutch have done this and been successfully to a large degree . Make drug's taxable and regulated and many crime syndicate are bust tomorrow .Often its the crap dealer's mix with drug's that get people addicted to them and often end up killing folk . Why government haven't followed the Dutch model in other countries I can't say , I personally have no interest in drug's but am aware that they are a blight on all societies . Where there is opportunity to make dirty money , there will be corruption also , and we have to ask ourselves what government interests really are .
I was watching the Baltimore riots on TV last night , and I felt it was all so unnecessary , people can achieve a better outcome with peaceful protest . We have weekly mass demonstrations here in Ireland because our governments is selling off Irish water , and now people must pay for what has always been free here . We have enough fresh water for the whole of Europe with a population of under five million people . It will probably end up in California with us picking up the tab ....... Come to think of it , peaceful protest hasn't achieved anything so far ...... Hell I'm off to break some windows , where did I leave those golf club's ...... :)
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Legalised. Drug's would cut the crime rate in any society , the Dutch have done this and been successfully to a large degree . Make drug's taxable and regulated and many crime syndicate are bust tomorrow .Often its the crap dealer's mix with drug's that get people addicted to them and often end up killing folk . Why government haven't followed the Dutch model in other countries I can't say , I personally have no interest in drug's but am aware that they are a blight on all societies . Where there is opportunity to make dirty money , there will be corruption also , and we have to ask ourselves what government interests really are .
I was watching the Baltimore riots on TV last night , and I felt it was all so unnecessary , people can achieve a better outcome with peaceful protest . We have weekly mass demonstrations here in Ireland because our governments is selling off Irish water , and now people must pay for what has always been free here . We have enough fresh water for the whole of Europe with a population of under five million people . It will probably end up in California with us picking up the tab ....... Come to think of it , peaceful protest hasn't achieved anything so far ...... Hell I'm off to break some windows , where did I leave those golf club's ...... :)
I watched a documentary when I was abit younger on what's going on over there. Ireland is always one of those places they showcase here in the US to prove the dream exists. Over here we're selling off our national parks. That postcard egging you to come here, that's for sale. I'm supposed to take solace in the fact that I'm the last generation to enjoy clean air? I say screw the old ways lets start throwing our stones again.

The people are so complacent. Just let it be..
I hate the system.
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One of the main problems I have with riots and protests is that eventually you get large mobs of people joining in that haven't a clue why they're even rioting or protesting. They're just doing it to be apart of the chaos and at that point it ends up becoming a problem for innocent people, like the riots that happened in England a few years back which also stemmed from police killing a local. Once it reaches a certain point, the reason for why the riot is happening ends up getting lost, solving nothing. Destroying your town isn't going to magically solve the issue and instead will do the very opposite.

On a side note: no one in America cares when a white youth is killed. :/
I find it more depends on the situation of the event and whether or not it gets blown out of proportion. The youngest electric chair victim (and executed person in the US) was a 14 year old black kid, wrongfully convicted, but the world didn't talk much over it. Compared to the murder of Emmett Till that caused some major waves in the civil rights movements. In 2012, a white teen was shot and killed by a black cop (claiming self defense) and there was some outcry over it, but no riots or protests.

When it comes to the media it also depends on how the situation is initially reported, in the 2012 Trevis Austin case, the cop was already painted as innocent and in self-defense. So the story was often overlooked, there was no racial controversy to be blown up. Black youth deaths are common in America, especially in the bad neighborhoods and have never blown up like this.
Good points Firis, I am just interested in this topic because I have discussed these issues with some American friends, who are quite angry about changes in the American constitution, and taking away of guns among other things. It's still a sad situation to see American values being eroded and social changes effecting the general population, division seems to be growing among communitys, but are the government's interests to blame? More riots will eventually mean martial law in America and jade helm then kicks into play making USA a police state and George Orwells 1984. America is the land of the free ( or was) but it seems citizens freedom is being eroded by changing the constitution without consulting the citizens. Social division just pushes this along, and the end result will benefit nobody except those who wish to create a police state.
America's never been free, in the proper sense of the word. You have freedom up to a certain point and for as long as you continue to live by its laws/rules (unless you're rich enough and know the right people). Followed by the various layers of red tape of many things in between, but it's better than nothing for most since it could always be worse.

Taking away guns won't solve the gun problem, not in America, I wish this country would realize that. People will always find a way around something that is illegal if they care enough. I know the zero gun law of the UK has served well thus far, but the US & UK are two completely different animals (guns are already everywhere in the US for starters). All of the gun problems in the US have stemmed from human stupidity, not the guns themselves. Responsible gun owners are just that, they don't go around giving guns a bad name.
Legalised. Drug's would cut the crime rate in any society , the Dutch have done this and been successfully to a large degree . Make drug's taxable and regulated and many crime syndicate are bust tomorrow .Often its the crap dealer's mix with drug's that get people addicted to them and often end up killing folk . Why government haven't followed the Dutch model in other countries I can't say , I personally have no interest in drug's but am aware that they are a blight on all societies .
The US government only have themselves to blame for the difficulty in it. For decades they've tirelessly propagated that drug a, drug b, drug c, etc. are horrible evils that will ruin your life, your family, your brain, and ultimately kill you and everyone you love. After such hard work on that, turning it around at the snap of a finger is no longer a cake walk. If it makes them money, they'll legalize it to the ends of the Earth, as they have successfully done so with tobacco & alcohol.

I agree that legalizing drugs would solve the majority of the crime issues they have (if done properly), America has actually already done so with alcohol following the Alcohol Prohibition amendment of the 1920s. Ceasing all illegal alcohol activities and crimes in one fell swoop. Portugal has already done so a decade ago and their crime rate collapsed rapidly because of it. On top of that, it allowed a lot of drug users to safely and legally come out of hiding to get the medical help they need for their addictions. And lastly solving another issue that has been plaguing America and that's overcrowded prisons/jails. Drug lords, dealers, and junkies no longer have a market to flourish in and thus trimming the prison fat.

But you have blind populations that have proud patriotism and those that have for so long followed the messages of the government that they'll just as easily protest in disagreement on the legalization of drugs. As has already been the case in some states over the legalization of marijuana. Soo, it's a messy situation.
One of the main problems I have with riots and protests is that eventually you get large mobs of people joining in that haven't a clue why they're even rioting or protesting. They're just doing it to be apart of the chaos and at that point it ends up becoming a problem for innocent people, like the riots that happened in England a few years back which also stemmed from police killing a local. Once it reaches a certain point, the reason for why the riot is happening ends up getting lost, solving nothing. Destroying your town isn't going to magically solve the issue and instead will do the very opposite.

I find it more depends on the situation of the event and whether or not it gets blown out of proportion. The youngest electric chair victim (and executed person in the US) was a 14 year old black kid, wrongfully convicted, but the world didn't talk much over it. Compared to the murder of Emmett Till that caused some major waves in the civil rights movements. In 2012, a white teen was shot and killed by a black cop (claiming self defense) and there was some outcry over it, but no riots or protests.

When it comes to the media it also depends on how the situation is initially reported, in the 2012 Trevis Austin case, the cop was already painted as innocent and in self-defense. So the story was often overlooked, there was no racial controversy to be blown up. Black youth deaths are common in America, especially in the bad neighborhoods and have never blown up like this.

America's never been free, in the proper sense of the word. You have freedom up to a certain point and for as long as you continue to live by its laws/rules (unless you're rich enough and know the right people). Followed by the various layers of red tape of many things in between, but it's better than nothing for most since it could always be worse.

Taking away guns won't solve the gun problem, not in America, I wish this country would realize that. People will always find a way around something that is illegal if they care enough. I know the zero gun law of the UK has served well thus far, but the US & UK are two completely different animals (guns are already everywhere in the US for starters). All of the gun problems in the US have stemmed from human stupidity, not the guns themselves. Responsible gun owners are just that, they don't go around giving guns a bad name.

The US government only have themselves to blame for the difficulty in it. For decades they've tirelessly propagated that drug a, drug b, drug c, etc. are horrible evils that will ruin your life, your family, your brain, and ultimately kill you and everyone you love. After such hard work on that, turning it around at the snap of a finger is no longer a cake walk. If it makes them money, they'll legalize it to the ends of the Earth, as they have successfully done so with tobacco & alcohol.

I agree that legalizing drugs would solve the majority of the crime issues they have (if done properly), America has actually already done so with alcohol following the Alcohol Prohibition amendment of the 1920s. Ceasing all illegal alcohol activities and crimes in one fell swoop. Portugal has already done so a decade ago and their crime rate collapsed rapidly because of it. On top of that, it allowed a lot of drug users to safely and legally come out of hiding to get the medical help they need for their addictions. And lastly solving another issue that has been plaguing America and that's overcrowded prisons/jails. Drug lords, dealers, and junkies no longer have a market to flourish in and thus trimming the prison fat.

But you have blind populations that have proud patriotism and those that have for so long followed the messages of the government that they'll just as easily protest in disagreement on the legalization of drugs. As has already been the case in some states over the legalization of marijuana. Soo, it's a messy situation.
Great post, really good summary