Well, its seriously limited. Got a couple of the bins to load, Game, Scripts, and Names if i remember right. But if I wanted to remove things that relied on the Textures.bin, like most of the morphs, I cant do that. Can't really edit anything visual, since they didn't use BIN files for the textures archive, its some new proprietary format bs. bbb or something? I dunno. But I made a few simple edits using Shadownet, just had to force it NOT to use the Fable reg, and then swap the install loc to FA's location. But honestly its better to just mod TLC. I'd ask on the FableTLCMod Forums, but its gone kinda quiet over there. The TNG i rigged up was basically just an edit to the chest behind the Guild Demon Door, added various things, depending on which TNG was applied. Had one for Mages and Assassins. I tried running the Freeroam app, but replacing it that way didnt work either >_< Finally said screw it and went back to TLC for a bit.