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Cbox and FA?


Sep 29, 2018
Anyone managed to get Chocolate Box working with Anniversary? Tried setting it up myself, but its giving me trouble.
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I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that Chocolate Box doesn’t work with Fable Anniversary unfortunately. I believe that the coding in Anniversary is different and so your not able to do this.
yeah, i got a few things working with FE, but its a bit tricky. The textures being in a different file format kinda screwed things up. Only wanted Chocolate Box for its built-in region editor >_< Can't get Anniversary to load my custom TNG files.
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Hi Ventusstrife, I’m impressed that you have had anything working with Fable Explore in all honestly. People have played about with Anniversary but the coding has made modding incredible difficult outside of Nexus of course. I know of knowone who has been able to get Chocolate Box to run on Anniversary unfortunately. It would be brilliant if it could be done.
Well, its seriously limited. Got a couple of the bins to load, Game, Scripts, and Names if i remember right. But if I wanted to remove things that relied on the Textures.bin, like most of the morphs, I cant do that. Can't really edit anything visual, since they didn't use BIN files for the textures archive, its some new proprietary format bs. bbb or something? I dunno. But I made a few simple edits using Shadownet, just had to force it NOT to use the Fable reg, and then swap the install loc to FA's location. But honestly its better to just mod TLC. I'd ask on the FableTLCMod Forums, but its gone kinda quiet over there. The TNG i rigged up was basically just an edit to the chest behind the Guild Demon Door, added various things, depending on which TNG was applied. Had one for Mages and Assassins. I tried running the Freeroam app, but replacing it that way didnt work either >_< Finally said screw it and went back to TLC for a bit.
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It’s such a shame as the XBox X version of Anniversary is such a stunner and I actually prefer it over Lost Chapters. This is mostly because of the Heroic difficulty in the PC version though, shame that XBox owners don’t have access to it. Yes the FableTlcMods forum is virtually dead unfortunately, so little activity over there. I can think of only a handful of people who use it now. Good luck with your modding.
Who made the original Chocolate Box..? Is that information lost in time? Because if we could find the source code, it might be possible to get it working with Anniversary. Sorry for necroing the thread, i was going to start a new one on the same topic when i saw this one, so i figured, why not comment on this one instead.

I'm pretty sure someone got Fable Explorer partially working with Anniversary, so it's not impossible.
Who made the original Chocolate Box..? Is that information lost in time? Because if we could find the source code, it might be possible to get it working with Anniversary. Sorry for necroing the thread, i was going to start a new one on the same topic when i saw this one, so i figured, why not comment on this one instead.

I'm pretty sure someone got Fable Explorer partially working with Anniversary, so it's not impossible.

I dont know who originally created it but I know @morerunes had the source code for it around 3 years ago.
I dont know who originally created it but I know @morerunes had the source code for it around 3 years ago.

Ahh, yes, Morerunes, i remember him. I corresponded briefly with him about TLC modding back in the day.

I've been scouring the web for the source code to no avail, so i think he's our best bet, even if he doesn't have it still maybe he could point us in the right direction? I'll keep looking either way. I'd hate to give up on this game, it has so much untapped potential.

Update: I managed to figure out who the original creator of Chocolate Box is, but from what i can see all his accounts on multiple websites haven't been in use for at least three years. Maybe that's why Morerunes was given the code?

Also found this subforum on the TLC mods forum, for what it's worth. Still seems to have at least one or two people active:
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Some great sleuthing there Hulkninja I’m impressed with what you have done to dig out all this information in Chocolate Box. The Holy Grail would be to get to Mod Fable in all those gorgeous Unreal graphics. Good luck, I hope that you will make some progress with this.
Some great sleuthing there Hulkninja I’m impressed with what you have done to dig out all this information in Chocolate Box. The Holy Grail would be to get to Mod Fable in all those gorgeous Unreal graphics. Good luck, I hope that you will make some progress with this.

Thank you very much lee!
I'll keep the search up for as long as i can muster!
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I don’t know if anyone is still watching this post but I managed to get passed the TNG issue and can edit the world mostly freely.
Most of the compatibility issues for Cbox had to do with the def.xml, no? I've been meaning to circle back to that and hit the UI defs, see if we can change up the UI in a fun and significant way.