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Chronicals of Blade: Another way


Blade Mr.DK

Chronicals of Blade: Another way

Fight or Flight​

Rain splashed onto Blades bare chest as he lay there, deep in the entanglements of Wraithmarsh, alone but not quite. Something had drove Blade to the final strands of sanity he had left. It had been exactly a year to the night he had made his wish in the Tattered Spire. Though he chose to give the people of Albion back thier loved ones lost to the Spire, he lemmented his descision.
A deep gurgling noise made Blade to jump to his feet and obtain his weapon from the bloody corpse of an unfortunate balverine.
More Hollow men, he thought. Looking round, he could not make out the slightest prescence of a threat, he remained on his guard none-the-less.
Taking a first few staggering strides, reached into his bag and took out a health potion. He drank but it did him little help. Mentally that is. Because the pain in his heart was still flaring and love for his sister flared even brighter.
I must go on
Coming to a clearing, he decided to take in his surroundings. Everything looked different. The marshes had risen, 20ft reeds covered the majority of the area, dead trees towered over every square inch of land. Few paths led off into various directions, none being of any help to Blade unfortunatly. Evidence of balverine nests were present in the area: splintterd bones scattered everywhere, balverine footprints, and heaps of balverine dung!
The stench was dispicable.
Gathering his wits, Blade pressed on. However coming to the edge of the clearing, he heard the same gurgling noise he had heard earlier. Spinning sharply, he came face to chest with a Hollow man. Taken by surprise by the height of this creture, Blade was left momentarily defenceless. This was all the Hallow man needed. With one deadly uppercut it launced Blade head first into a boulder. The monster let out a victorious shriek as it moved in for the final blow. A dazed Blade rose his head, immediatly reaching for his Daichi. The monstrous figure of the Hallow man was drawing ever nearer. Noticing he had droped it when he had been attacked, he picked himself up to confront his attacker. They came within striking distance of eachother when a dreaded figure appered in the corner of Blade's eye. Jumping back from the oncoming charge he turned his head to the right to see a whole pack of balverines, 13 strong, all hungry. Un-armed and out-numbered, Blade focused his last trace of will left to raise the dead. As the balverines attacked the dead and the Hallow man, which had given up on targeting Blade, Blade ran in no particular direction, trying to put as much distance in-between himself and the hordes of beasts that fought franticly behind him. He knew it wouldn't be long before the balverines overwhelmed the dead and the 10ft Hallow man.
Where am I? I have to go back for my weapon. i can't just leave it there, it'll be lost forev...
At that moment something heavy pounded into the back of Blade's head, knocking him to the ground. Turning on his back he was pinned down by a even greater figure that spread more fear into his heart than 13 balverines put together: a white balverine. Judging by the sounds that echoed through the trees more were coming. But it didn't matter whether it be 2 more on thier way or 2 hundred. As Blade stared into the blazing yellow eyes of the balverine, he knew it to be the end. The great beast bared it's fangs and snapped at Blade's throat...

The Consequences​

1 year earlier...
As he walked back from the docks of Oakfield, Blade felt he had done the right thing. Not only by the people of Albion, but by himself. He proved to himself that he is not a selfless-currrupt being, but a pure good hearted one. On arriving at the Sandgoose, Blade was met by a crowd of well wishers and thankful citizens.
"Oh bless you Blade, bless you"
"May the light be forever in your dept"
"Thank you, thank you o'so much"
"Blade," called a familiar voice.
Turning, Blade saw Derek, one of the Sherrifs of Bowerstone.
"I have a letter here for you. It is from the people of Albion. And may I just say, from the very day you helped me in collecting those arrest warrants, I knew that you would grow up and be one of the most upstanding of all citizens"
Blade read the letter detailing that a statue had been erected in his honour in the Bowerstone Old Town.
Leaving behind the crowds that were addoring him Blade took the next carridge to Bowerstone to see his statue. He came to it, a few yards away from where he had lived as a child, set on a great plinth, standing there, for all to gaze up on and remember the selfless hero of Albion. Blade looked into the eyes of the marble statue. It was crazy but he saw in those eyes pain, anger and suffering. Yes, he had given back the lives of those who had died in creating the Spire, but at what cost? Deep down, he was not happy. He went after Lucien to avenge his sister yes, but he had the choice to also bring her back.
He stood there, many hours after, remebering his beloved sister: her voice, her face, her words. A single tear trickled down his cheek. "Rose..."

To be continued​

Blade Mr.DK

Re: Chronicals of Blade: Another way

Please read my fan fiction, I hope u like it. If you like the first two chapters I will write two more chapters for next week... and if u like those i'll write more... and so on, and on...and on...lol

Blade Mr.DK

Re: Chronicals of Blade: Another way

ohh, ur jus saying that...lol

Blade Mr.DK

Re: Chronicals of Blade: Another way
