Dead Rising "Exploit" Mode
Here's a funny, no a VERY funny thing you can do in Dead Rising that I discovered. You know when you start out in the mall, where you are asked to barricade the front doors? Well, if you trigger the zombies to get inside and eat everybody you are asked to escaped via the two stairs. Here is where a little "delay" can make a huge change;
Wait around when the zombies are swarming - to 5 p.m to be precise. Now, then play the game as normal and enter the warehouse. Now, to my surprise I didn't get the scene when Frank knocks Jessie over with a fire exstinguisher and gets a nice look at her panties, oh noe - I get the one where Franks kill a Wasp Queen!
So what does this do? Well, for one thing it messes up the story; As this is were your first case is supposed to start you now get total freedom for the remaining 3 days! You still get all the optional side cases from Otis, but you won't have to bother with the main storyline. This is great if you aim to get the achivement where you have to kill 53-something thousand zombies.
Just be sure to get to the helicopter on time aswell, because achivements like the big zombie slaughter one won't reward you the item you get for it unless you get this ending.
Here's a funny, no a VERY funny thing you can do in Dead Rising that I discovered. You know when you start out in the mall, where you are asked to barricade the front doors? Well, if you trigger the zombies to get inside and eat everybody you are asked to escaped via the two stairs. Here is where a little "delay" can make a huge change;
Wait around when the zombies are swarming - to 5 p.m to be precise. Now, then play the game as normal and enter the warehouse. Now, to my surprise I didn't get the scene when Frank knocks Jessie over with a fire exstinguisher and gets a nice look at her panties, oh noe - I get the one where Franks kill a Wasp Queen!
So what does this do? Well, for one thing it messes up the story; As this is were your first case is supposed to start you now get total freedom for the remaining 3 days! You still get all the optional side cases from Otis, but you won't have to bother with the main storyline. This is great if you aim to get the achivement where you have to kill 53-something thousand zombies.
Just be sure to get to the helicopter on time aswell, because achivements like the big zombie slaughter one won't reward you the item you get for it unless you get this ending.