For any of you who dont have many online friends the next article is going to be a little bit of bad news as Bungie has just revealed that the raid portion of Destiny will only be playable with 5 other friends and will not use its matchmaking system to pair you with random players to fill player slots.
Bungie writer Luke Smith
Raids are a really big bet for us. It's a bit of a risk because the activity requires you to have a group of five other friends to play with. We don't adhere to any of the standard rules for the rest of the game. Like, raids don't have waypoints, they don't tell you where to go, they don't tell you what to do. Obviously we're going to have big cool bosses, I think that we've given people a taste in Strikes of what the bosses are and what they can do. The raid bosses are different: they're still big monsters, much like what you're going to see, they're still scary, but they have a bunch of abilities that are unlike anything you've really experienced in a shooter before.
I don't say that to be a douchebag and I don't say it because it's a cool bullet point, I say it because when we were building this thing there was nothing that any of us could go home to play to try and learn from. I mean we were - as we were going - building and learning and failing along the way to find cool mechanics and occasionally we'd succeed.