Easier/Harder Fishing and Fishing Rod Explained!
Okay, this "tutorial" will cover how to make it easier/harder to fish using the normal Fishing Rod. For example, how to increase or decrease the Reel In speed for while the fish is pulling away, and when the fish is not pulling away.
1. Open Fable Explorer and double-click on game.bin
2. Find and double-click on OBJECT
3. Find and double-click on either 4309 - OBJECT_FISHING_ROD or 4310 - OBJECT_FISHING_ROD_UPGRADED. (the UPGRADED one is the Rod of Champions)
4a. In the new window, click once on OBJECT
4b. Find CFishingRodDef and click on the Links to (GameBINEntryID): link
5. In the new window that pops up, click once on CFishingRodDef
Okay, before I continue, I'm going to explain the addresses and values here... (Look at above image to see)
6a. AB28A97A - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
6b. D80B673F - unknown, This controls the Reel In amount when the Fish is NOT pulling away. Setting this higher will allow you to catch the fish with fewer clicks, while setting it lower will force you to click more to catch the fish. If you were to set it to 10.5 or higher, this would allow you to catch the fish with ONE click of your mouse.
6c. 9820A3C5 - unknown, This controls the Reel In amount for when the fish IS pulling away. Setting this higher will allow you to catch the fish with fewer clicks, while setting it lower will force you to click more to catch the fish. If you were to set it to 10.5 or higher, this would allow you to catch the fish with ONE click of your mouse.
6d. DEB345FC - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
6e. 9498EF34 - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
7. When you've finished changing the values(I suggest just 6b and 6c), click on Apply Changes then click on Actions - Save Mods and Run Fable.
Please remember, I've finished Fable TLC countless times, and I've spent hours fishing trying to get a good catch. So I decided to check out the Fishing Rod's values to see if I could change the Reel In amount. I don't recommend doing this unless you've finished your game at least twice, and have fished and are sick of the line snapping or the fish getting away. LOL
Hope you found this useful, enjoy!
Okay, this "tutorial" will cover how to make it easier/harder to fish using the normal Fishing Rod. For example, how to increase or decrease the Reel In speed for while the fish is pulling away, and when the fish is not pulling away.
1. Open Fable Explorer and double-click on game.bin
2. Find and double-click on OBJECT
3. Find and double-click on either 4309 - OBJECT_FISHING_ROD or 4310 - OBJECT_FISHING_ROD_UPGRADED. (the UPGRADED one is the Rod of Champions)

4b. Find CFishingRodDef and click on the Links to (GameBINEntryID): link

6a. AB28A97A - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
6b. D80B673F - unknown, This controls the Reel In amount when the Fish is NOT pulling away. Setting this higher will allow you to catch the fish with fewer clicks, while setting it lower will force you to click more to catch the fish. If you were to set it to 10.5 or higher, this would allow you to catch the fish with ONE click of your mouse.
6c. 9820A3C5 - unknown, This controls the Reel In amount for when the fish IS pulling away. Setting this higher will allow you to catch the fish with fewer clicks, while setting it lower will force you to click more to catch the fish. If you were to set it to 10.5 or higher, this would allow you to catch the fish with ONE click of your mouse.
6d. DEB345FC - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
6e. 9498EF34 - unknown, I am unsure as to what this address/value does, so I've left it alone. I suggest you leave it too.
7. When you've finished changing the values(I suggest just 6b and 6c), click on Apply Changes then click on Actions - Save Mods and Run Fable.
Please remember, I've finished Fable TLC countless times, and I've spent hours fishing trying to get a good catch. So I decided to check out the Fishing Rod's values to see if I could change the Reel In amount. I don't recommend doing this unless you've finished your game at least twice, and have fished and are sick of the line snapping or the fish getting away. LOL
Hope you found this useful, enjoy!