fable 2 screen black/white?!?
I was carrying out an assasination contract and i was meant to be killing a gypsy, she wouldnt follow me so i turned safety off and shot her, but at first it wouldn't let me, and then some other villagers tried to shoot me so i shot them and then i shot my target, suddenly the screen turned half white on the top and half black on the bottom and a strange sound is happening, like bubbeling/boiling water? what the **** does this mean!!!! ahhh! ive tried everything, the pause button everything and nothing happens. i dont wanna turn my xbox off becuase that would mean loosing my game data(becuase im daft and didnt save it>_<) can someone please help me. lol:O
I was carrying out an assasination contract and i was meant to be killing a gypsy, she wouldnt follow me so i turned safety off and shot her, but at first it wouldn't let me, and then some other villagers tried to shoot me so i shot them and then i shot my target, suddenly the screen turned half white on the top and half black on the bottom and a strange sound is happening, like bubbeling/boiling water? what the **** does this mean!!!! ahhh! ive tried everything, the pause button everything and nothing happens. i dont wanna turn my xbox off becuase that would mean loosing my game data(becuase im daft and didnt save it>_<) can someone please help me. lol:O