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Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zamamee
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Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

Thx to gametrailers.com and ccoopa, he has started an interesting survey over in the Fable 2 forums. So lets make 1 here. :D


1. How will you play ?
2. What is the main feature your looking forward to in Fable 2?
3. Style of play? (sword, magic, gun)
4. Gender and will u have a family?
5. Most annoying thing you experienced in Fable 1? Was it fixed in Fable 2?
6. Biggest OMG WTF moment in Fable 1?
7. Will you get the collector's Edition?
8. What do you think of co-op/Xbox Live?
9. Finally, from what you've seen, Fable 2 out of 10 ?

As for me.

1. Male/Evil
2. Explorable World (no fences :lol:)
3. all 3 - swords, guns and magic (im gonna mix em up hardcore to get the most XP i can)
4. Male and yes ill have probably only 1 family with a kid)
5. The world and how u had to follow narrow paths. Yes it is fixed in Fable 2.
6. Maybe the length of the game.
7. Yes, already have pre orded it.
8. Co op looks great fun, I like it how my main hero will be able to do the story again with some1 else after ive done the game.
9. I don't believe games should be getting 10/10 (there are always flaws) But so far id give it a very high 9.
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. ill be good, then have a change of heart
2. The new magic system
3. sword and magic, occasional guns
4. male first time, with 20 different wives and 40 kids
5.easy money, looks like its been made more challenging
6. Why couldn't i kill the guildmaster? i was RIGHT there!
7. most likely no...
8. its gonna be good, but also most likely annoying
9. 8, it sould go even further!
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. Eventually, one of each. Probably Male/neutral first.
2. Probably the fact that you can buy every piece of land in Albion and the fact that its like 20 times larger than in one (which means more land to hoard)
3. Probably go allrounder first off, then make specialised games.
4. Male first of and yes, kids are cool.
5. How small the game world was, and lack of replayablilty. Damn straight it was fixed
6. Dunno. Maybe when I saw the stoners and then laughed my **** off.
7. Yup
8. Awesome as ****! :w00t:
9. Probably an 8. Some of the animations I've seen were pretty dodgy, but they can fix that, and even if they don't I can ignore it.
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. for my first play through i will be neutral most likely ill make the decisions i want to, i wont be scarred, but i wont kill everyone
2. free roaming and online coop
3.for first play through sword and gun
4.male i dont know about a family for first play through because i dont want to lose half my stuff to my wife if i get a divorce
5. i dont remember anything annoying about fable 1
6.also dont remeber a wtf moment
7.im thinking about it
8. love it dont see how there are any negatives
9.11/10... if metal gear solid 4 gets a 10 with 5 hours of gameplay and 8 hours of cutscenes i think fable 2 with a 100 hours of gameplay to own everything and 5 min of cutscenes deserves higher than 10
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. Neutral
2. Co-op
3. Gun primary with some sword play
4. Male and probably not. One night stands.....
5. No multiplayer/yes
6. when i just got the game and there was no limit to arrows/crossbow bolts
7. already preordered
9. 8 until i see the complete game to be as fulfilling as i hope.
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. Male, Neutral. Well...as neutral as possible. When there's a doe-eyed child, its impossible for me to resist saving it. When there's an annoying merchant, its also impossible for me to contain the ensuing carnage ;)
2. Definitely Co-op. I can't wait to actually pit my character against another one. I also look forward to completely screwing up a friends game world...
3. I'll probably give guns a try...but in every other rpg, fable 1, Oblivion...I have ended up going back to my old favorite, swords and magic. With an emphasis on magic.
4. Male. Family...I don't think I'll be able to resist the curiosity that this question brings about: How old will your kids get? Could they die of old age before you? I will inevitably try having a family, only to discover that the answer is, (as always) 42.
5. The constant loading screens. I recall once when I accidently backtracked back into the zone I just came from...then was forced to go through the loading screen for the third time to actually get to the place I wanted to go. Aggravating, to say the least.
6. Ahhhh...I remember it well. My character was powerful, looked the way I wanted it to, then *bam*. A cutscene gets me captured. Rather than letting me attempt to fight my way out and maybe just stacking the odds against me, I was automatically defeated. Lame. But oh, no, it wasnt done yet. I replayed the old "endure the warden's poetry while trying to steal the key" game three times before I realized that it was impossible to achieve. At least at that segment in the game. So my character ended up older, scarred, and seriously annoyed. Joy.
7. I don't see the point.
8. See item number 2.
9. If projectego lives up to it's promises...9. But as we all know, (sorry projectego...) they have a bad habit of boasting and not delivering. Ironic, since that was a feature in fable 1...
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. good
2. co-op
3. Magic
4. female and many families
5. gay hobbes
6. i got a headshot across the map...
7. yes
8. kickass
9. probably an 8 since PM always f...s up
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. How will you play ?
  • I'll play as myself which is a mixture of both good and evil (not neutral i'm just good with quite a few bad streaks running through)​
2. What is the main feature your looking forward to in Fable 2?
  • Female Hero!!!! and the Dog!!!
3. Style of play? (sword, magic, gun)
  • I'm a sword or Axe person but if i played a chick i would use guns (cause chicks with guns are Hawt!!!)
4. Gender and will u have a family?
  • Male for the first run through and i will have a wife with one child
  • Female for second run through and experiment ;)
5. Most annoying thing you experienced in Fable 1? Was it fixed in Fable 2?
  • The extreme aging over a short period of time
  • i hope to God it was
6. Biggest OMG WTF moment in Fable 1?
  • Jack of Blades' voice in TLC nuff' said
7. Will you get the collector's Edition?
  • Already pre-ordered at EB
8. What do you think of co-op/Xbox Live?
  • Meh.
9. Finally, from what you've seen, Fable 2 out of 10 ?
  • From what i've seen an 8. when i get the game if it lives up to the expectations i'll give it an instant 10
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. How will you play ?
2. What is the main feature your looking forward to in Fable 2?
3. Style of play? (sword, magic, gun)
4. Gender and will u have a family?
5. Most annoying thing you experienced in Fable 1? Was it fixed in Fable 2?
6. Biggest OMG WTF moment in Fable 1?
7. Will you get the collector's Edition?
8. What do you think of co-op/Xbox Live?
9. Finally, from what you've seen, Fable 2 out of 10 ?

1. Pure good first, then probably pure evil, possibly a girl. A butch one at that.
2. Becoming an assasin/owning eveerything in the the game/ co-op.
3. Ill focus firstly on sword, but probably move into everything :)
4. Male, maybe, cause PM said that they'll be in for a rocky ride in the story, but yeh probably.
5. No free-roam, a 'stick-to-the-path' environment. Yeck yeh they fixed it.
6. Walking into the darkwood bordello and meeting 'Pretty Polly'. Or Polly anyways.
7. For an extra 5 pounds? Heck yeh!!
8. An amazing feature, loving the orb thingy.
9. 9
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. Neutral, maybe a little corrupt
2. Live Co-Op
3. Sword and maybe a little magic
4. Male at first. Yes, i intend to get a wife and kids
5. The game was too short, yes they fixed that for Fable 2
6. First time i saw Infernal Wrath in TLC
7. Probably
8. Brilliant! Love the 'Albion Orb' idea
9. Defenetly a 10
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. Male, Kind and Pure
2. My own personal Pooch!
3. Damn good with a sword, mix in a little magic, and add a gun just for kicks
4. I'll be a dude with at least one kid
5. The game wasn't very expansive, which I'm sure is no issue in Fable 2
6. Killing Dragon Jack with the frying pan while only wearing pants
7. Hell F***ing yeah, dude. I do like pickles don't I?
8. It's "balls-to-the-wall-awsome"
9. I'd give a 9, I can't say it's truly almighty until I see the end result.
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. I'll be Good and Kind. I'll get rich then share the money round. And Male
2. The Dog.
3. Sword and Gun, with heal spells if there are any.
4. I'll be a monogamous male, with a couple of kids.
5. Linearity.
6. Jack's back?
7. No.
8. The games are good. Co-Op hasn't won me over yet.
9. 8.7
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. evi/l then good
2. all open world
3. magic and gun
4. man yes family/ then women with family
5. the length
6. the scars on your character
7. thinking about it
8 will try it out orbs look hot
9. 9.9
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. evil all the way
2. much larger and dynamic world(also that all the towns are bigger)
3. All of them
4. Man and a family
5. The non-dynamic world
6.when i came out of the ship of the damned (i think thats what it was called) in tlc and had a huge beard!!!
7.already preordered it
8. i reckon if it works it'll be really good(as long as other people dont kill my family, thats reserved for me):D
9. if it lives up to the hype, 10/10
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

Interesting thread! +rep

1. I'll be one of the 'Goodies'.
2. Co-op play and exploring just how much being good or evil will impact the game and influence your hero.
3. Swordsman with a little will magic thrown in.
4. Male hero with a family (if I can find someone to marry me!)
5. The original Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters needed more epic boss battles. Hopefully this'll be rectified in Fable 2.
6. I can kick chickens? SWEET.
7. I'll hopefully get the Fable 2 Limited Edition.
8. I think co-op play over Xbox Live is going to be great! As long as it botched up like GTA4's online multiplayer. There's only been a few games for my 360 that I feel are actually worth playing over XBL: Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Battlefield: Bad Company, Burnout series, etc.
9. 10/10 - I'm a Fable 2 fanboy through and through. ^_^
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. I will choose evil I always choose evil first.
2. The dog looks pretty sweat so the dog feature and co-op.
3. I will most likely to use the sword and the gun.
I will try both Male and Female and I will most likely get a family.
5. Cant think of anything.
6. Nothing
7. I will definitely get the Fable 2 Limited Edition
I think it will be great
10/10 from what I have seen so far
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. How will you play ?
2. What is the main feature your looking forward to in Fable 2?
3. Style of play? (sword, magic, gun)
4. Gender and will u have a family?
5. Most annoying thing you experienced in Fable 1? Was it fixed in Fable 2?
6. Biggest OMG WTF moment in Fable 1?
7. Will you get the collector's Edition?
8. What do you think of co-op/Xbox Live?
9. Finally, from what you've seen, Fable 2 out of 10 ?

1. I think Male/ Ultimate good
2. No fences and the Co-op mode
3. All styles i did that in Fable 1 and that was the best
4. Male and i would have like 20 kids and let them fight with balverines
5. The freaking fences. I think so
6. OMG you can have S*X :) WTF you cant see it:(
7. Thinking about it i think i will order it in august
8. I will do this the most
9. I think 9.4/10

+ Rep nice thread
Re: Fable 2 Survey - who will u be!

1. good,pure
2.The dog
3.all three of em
4.Male no family but mabye when ive
finished the story.
5. All guards looking exactly the same. i really hope they have!
6. jack of blades killing my mom. WTF was that for??!!!
7.ahhh yeeaa! cant wait!!
8.Cool but I dont think ill play with xbl unless my
friend decides to get the game.
9. 9.56