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Fable: Dark Age

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Eccentric Genious
Mar 27, 2006
Northern Ireland
Fable: Dark Age

Fable: The Dark Age

Chapter 1: Birth of the Brethren

Cold night and the sound of forged steel still rung heavy across the land of Albion. The Dark Age had all but consumed the entire land laying waste to everything that was and paving the way for all that had yet to come. All that was evil and that defied the laws of the gods was now in plain sight for all the citizens of Albion to see. The Seven Year War had ravaged the land leaving it as nothing more than a shadow of its former self. A rippled reflection in a deathly mirror that foretold of things to come. Of Death, of pain, of suffering and of pestilence and violent retribution. Of fallen Heroes and long lost ways of the legendary Guild.

The night had come to rest upon Greatwood. The trees, stripped of their bark and leaves, towered naked in the night sky. That once beautiful sky, that now seemed to burn red with hate and anger at the fate that had befallen the land, left an eerie backdrop for the forest. The smell of burning rubble and torched flesh dispersed into the air after the attack on Bowerstone earlier that day. A glowing figure in white darted amidst the trees, a trail of perfect emanation left glittering in her wake. Stopping briefly behind an Elm tree she looked cautiously. It was dangerous for her to be here. A Seer of Avo. Her kind had appeared in Albion not long ago with the intent to save the world from its own destruction- it was too little and much too late. A tear of sadness rolled down her cheek for the Seer not only saw, she felt as well. The pain of the lands of Albion, the anguish of those who lived there, of those who died there. Her kind had the greatest of intentions when they came here, but now, now they were hunted by the minions of Orem, they were tortured and their bodies ground to dust, their spirits stolen by dark will users and imprisoned in glass vials, locked away in the hell fires of Orem’s bastion in the south.

She had to be careful for her message held great importance. The last of the Heroes of Albion needed to know about the prophecy, about the foretelling of the one that would come to save the land. She snuck quietly, once again her perfect white trail left hanging in the air along her path like a mist or fog. Her frail beautiful body bounced effortlessly from the ground as her feet seemed to guide themselves to the wall by the bridge, quickly she dropped down and twirled her white mythril fabric around the corner so she was concealed beneath the bridge. They were here, the four Heroes to be entrusted with the future of Albion. The lands last hope. She drew from inside her over garment four small pieces of papyrus paper, all with the same inscription. To each of the Heroes she handed one.

“And so the prophecies say- the time of Dark will come to pass and those with honour and love for justice and liberty will fear to hold their heads high and will cower in the shadows whilst those filled with hate and vengeance shall cast their wretched despair upon the land. One shall come to Albion, born of peasant and humble origins, and raised this Hero, shall be, to fight the evil and bring about the rebirth of the Kingdom of Old. The Hero of Albion. The last hope against the all consuming Dark.”

The Heroes read and understood their quest well. With forced smiles to each other they all knew this could be their last, and greatest, quest ever undertaken. Their power and skill would give way to another, to the saviour of the land. There, beneath the bridge they sat, a skin full of ale in raised hands, they drank one last time to the Guild, to the god Avo and to the fallen Heroes who gave their lives fighting against Orem, the false god. The Seer watched and blessed the four Heroes with luck and prosperity, both of which seemed to be non existent in these dark times and then she parted ways, for the last time. Her body once again flitting silently from tree to tree, that white glow streaking behind her. Making her way cautiously and carefully back to her place of solace and sanctum, to where the last of the Seers of Avo remained, behind the Demon Door at Lookout Point.

The four Heroes remained beneath the bridge in Greatwood for one final vow after the Seer left.
“May your journeys fare you well.”
The voice of Guyana spoke lightly, his chain mail armour blood stained and his soul disheartened but his mind rushing with the thoughts of his quest. From a small bag he removed four broaches, identical in skilled beautiful craftsmanship he pinned one to each of the four Heroes,
“We are the Brethren of Avo my friends.”
He pinned a broach upon Aylana,
“May his light guide you, keep you true and protect you from evil.”
He pinned a broach upon Serrian,
“We will meet again someday, until then we will grow. We will train others, hidden away from the evils of Orem.”
He pinned a broach upon Zarin and with a glimpse to the final broach he pinned it to his own cloak.
“We leave for the four corners of Albion tonight. Safe journey my old companions.”
The group dispersed from beneath the bridge. Each going their separate ways to find their own place in the world, to grow the Brethren of Avo and await the birth of the one who they were now sworn to protect.


Chapter 2: Loren, The Servent

Morning arose in the small village of Regalia and so to did arise Loren. Her eyes flickered open, in the mere moments of careless morning bliss she smiled, something she rarely ever did. Her life had been one of servitude and of pain. Her family mercilessly slaughtered almost two years ago in Bowerstone by Orem’s minions, she had been taken as a slave to one of the Generals and then sold onwards to Lords and Ladies, to those who would wish to carry favour with Orem. Those who would pay him gold, livestock and sacrifice their own children in his name for a masterful title, a piece of land and a safer existence. She had lost track of the places she had been through, her soul had grown all too weary of keeping track of how far from home she had gone. The reach of Orem and those who followed him seemed to know no boundaries. Her days were filled with the lustful urges of any young woman, not only lust for sexual desire but for things that made her feel complete. Love, a happy home and children. A pretty garden to plant trees, vegetables and fruits to live off, to barter with the locals and to feel wanted, not for services rendered, but for herself and for who she was. Sometimes her daydreams of these fantasies were the only things which kept her going. They were what stopped her from thinking of the dreaded truth, the fact that she would never be free of this life, not as long as she was alive.

She hurried herself to get ready, she had almost overslept. Throwing on her rags against her filthy skin she swiftly dashed downstairs where Lady Alvord was already waiting, a barrage of orders came next and as Loren busied herself she once again thought back to that perfect life she would never have. Her pretty house sitting on the edge of town, her husband tilling the garden while she followed trying to plant seeds but always being too preoccupied with trying to keep a close eye on her children as they rough housed on the dirt pathway. She was snapped from her reverie by the screams of Lady Alvord. The woman could be dying for all Loren cared but to dismiss the screams would mean a lashing with the nine tails, she had only ever received such a beating once but it was enough for her to learn that when master or mistress of the house called, or screamed, or made any audible noise she should come rushing. And rushing she did come. Lady Alvord, a woman who was noble only in name, was stood atop a stool, the frills of her not so elegant frock flailing wildly,
“By Orem’s hand!!”
Her cracked voice called. Loren gazed at her for a moment before looking around the room,
“What is it Ma’am?”
A sharp and icy glare shot from Lady Alvord’s eyes,
“A beast on the floor, gnawing upon my dress!”
Loren sighed, her head shook just a little as she knelt downwards to the floor. A small animal scurried along the ground, from her apron she drew a small piece of bread, stolen from the pantry of the house to feed herself that night. Loren motioned the small creature to her, her hands gripping the bread, slowly it came to her, nibbling on the bread, of no danger to anybody, hungry is all that it was. Loren lifted the small creature of Avo onto her hands,
“Ma’am its only a small beastie, I’m sure it meant no harm to you.”
Lady Alvord would have none of it, she grunted in a most unladylike fashion as she descended from the stool. With a snap of her hand she knocked the creature to the ground and with a swift stamp of her foot she crushed it. Loren stared, her eyes welled with tears,
“But--but ma’am it was only…”
Her sentence was cut short by a stinging slap across the face,
“Clean that bloodied mess up right away then get back to whatever it was you were doing!”
As the tears began to flood Loren’s eyes she rushed out of the room to gather what was needed to clean up the remains of the precious little creature. As she gathered the brush, the rags and the water she couldn’t help but think of her Father, a kind and genial man who had taught her many things, but most of all respect for the life of the land.

“My precious Loren, all things, all creatures no matter how small, within Albion are a beautiful gift from the god Avo. He gives life to those truly deserving of it. He nurtures those who need nurturing and he protects the weak and innocent. But sometimes the anger of our race can contradict his nature and his wishes. But sometimes we do destructive things. That is why it is people like you and I who must also help to protect these creatures from those who would do them harm.”

The words still echoed through her head as she washed the tattered rags of the cloth across the small blood stain on the textured wooden floor. Her Father was so caring, as was her Mother, both loved the land of Albion dearly and both also taught nature studies in their younger days. It was with the greatest hopes they passed on their teachings to their only daughter, so as one day she too would carry on their legacy. It was this life of respect for the creatures of Albion that had forged Loren’s caring nature. She hastily finished clearing away the remains, trying her best to her back an even heavier flood of tears.

The day had been long and arduous. More pain had come and gone. The anguish never ceased, never resided and once again her hatred for the lord and lady of the house grew. Loren’s head touched against her flimsy pillow, her thin layer of fabric she used a quilt just about reached her knees as she curled up in the basement of the house and once again drifted off to dream about the future she would never have.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Chapter Three: Scale Bastion

The screams of the eight, white armour clad soldiers echoed through the ruins of the Scale Bastion. The sound of clashing steel resounded through the small valley. The rain lashed hard against the grey stone walls, most of which now lay in ruination on the ground or had toppled inside the bastion itself causing the wooden floors and support beams to collapse. The figure of a Hero stood watching the brawl amidst the chaos, waiting for her moment to strike, Serrian smiled beneath her helmet. The past two years had been spent training these new apprentices in the ways of the Brethren of Avo, passing on the teachings of the Guild of Heroes so its memory would not long be forgotten. Now finally she had come from exile with her students to test their might against a scout squad of Orem’s minions that had set up camp inside the Scale Bastion. They had done well so far, quietly they had crept through the surrounding foliage and with a single quick strike they had killed most of the guards outside. With their battle roar they pushed onwards into the bastion, now would be the real challenge, if Serrian had trained them well, if they had paid attention they would survive, they would live to fight another day and they would earn their place as part of the Brethren of Avo. Clutching her axe Serrian smiled, she lived for the flurry of battle, now was her moment, she lunged into action. Her first strike was always her favourite, the crunch of a skull and the tearing of flesh pleased her greatly as she removed her axe from the head of one of the minions.
“Scaly green bastards.”
She muttered under her breath. The vengeance which fuelled her would have corrupted many Heroes by now but Serrian had a knack of keeping it under control. When the first incursion into the Guild by Orem occurred her brother had sacrificed himself to save a group of apprentices trapped in the Guild, he had given his life valiantly, struggled through the halls while Orem’s catapults tore holes in the walls and had the Guild still been standing he would surely have been honoured with a statue. This is why she fought so hard now, this is why, ever since that fateful day, she had pushed herself further and further, to avenge her brothers death. This is how she kept it under control, never would she dishonour her brothers memory by letting the hate or the vengeance corrupt her but she would use it. A crunch sound broke her thoughts as a spatter of arterial spray from one of the minions pumped into the air like a red mist. She swung left, then right, the axe severing limbs, ripping open holes in chests and decapitating those who stood in her way. Serrians feet traced the footsteps of the apprentices, she dodgy left and right, swung upwards and into an attacking minion, embedding her axe deep in the beasts sternum. The creature went sent flailing into the air for a moment before coming back and collapsing onto the steps like a tonne of bricks, it began to topple backwards, further and faster down the stairwell that curved around the inside the of circular bastion. Serrians hair was soaked through, she whipped her head around to check behind her, the strands of the grey hairs clumped together and hung like rats tails. A splatter of blood from one of the hell beasts had sprayed upon her face, it now became diluted with the rain and trickled down her nose and into her mouth, the taste of blood, of minion blood, vile and repulsive, was almost enough to make her vomit. But her stomach had faced stronger liquids and survived, especially the Bowerstone Bourbon that Guyana distilled in the basement of his sisters house. Serrian traipsed onwards up the stairwell, the rain now poured even heavier, it felt like shards of glass pouring from the sky. Like they were below a snow globe which had cracked. As her eyes squinted she saw a figure, one of the apprentices, battling with three beasts, fighting heroically but obviously overwhelmed. Serrian rushed, her heart racing. She slipped on the stone steps, the rain made it all the more difficult and the wind was picking up pace. She hurried as if it was her own life depended upon it. Closer. Closer. Finally. Her axe, no sooner raised into the sky than it was brought back down again, finding its path deep into the brain of one of the three minions. The apprentice motioned a thank you with a simple nod of his head. Serrian swirled the axe around, barely missing one of the minions the edge shifted against the wall causing sparks to fly. The collision had loosened Serrians grip on the blade. A minion dove forth, its scaly green clawed hands clasping at a long sword, it swung upwards then downwards and finally caught the edge Serrians axe knocking it right from her hand and sending it toppling down the steps. The beasts foot raised as it kicked wildly at the woman, her figure shapely and agile she avoided all but one blow, but one was all it took. She lost balance upon the edge of the steps, the wind blew harsh now and Serrian slipped. A sickening crack is all she heard, her eyes capturing the swirling sight of the other side of the bastion as she tumbled onward down the steps.
The cries of one of the apprentices echoed into the air as the rain lashed down unrelentingly. The harsh winds blew hard death across the bastion. Then black. Nothing but black.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Amazing, amazing! My friend that may be the best Fable Story these eyes have ever read. Bravo, that was truly a great story. I can't wait for more!
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Aarkan;31645 said:
Amazing, amazing! My friend that may be the best Fable Story these eyes have ever read. Bravo, that was truly a great story. I can't wait for more!

Thank you so much for the compliments, I have yet to fully read through your own piece but from what I skimmed over earlier yours seems to be of the same calibre, if not better than what I have written ^_^

Im only really getting started but there should be a couple more chapters up later tonight.

*wanders off to read your story*
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Thank you, but you're story blows mine out of the water. Can't wait for those new chapters!
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Chapter Four: The Rebellion

“We attack here come dawn.”
His finger came to rest on a specific point within a map. Orion had been leading the rebellion just outside of Regalia for only three months but in that time they raided more carts, killed more minions and eliminated more followers of Orem than the Regalia Rebellion had ever done before in its three years of existence. It had only came to be towards the end of the reign of the Guild of Heroes, just before it had collapsed to the might of Orem and his troops. The previous commander of the guerrilla group had been captured and killed by Lord Alvord, tough he hadn’t given any information about the rebellion before his death things had been tough for weeks afterwards, there were chaotic breaks within the group but eventually one man, Orion, had pulled them back together again. He reminded the disheartened group about what they were fighting for. They would not easily let the troops of Orem take the land of Albion, the rebellion in every area had this one thing in common and though they were few they were furious. This hatred of Orem fuelled their actions and at every turn they planned to hinder his progress. Completely stopping him was a dream too grandiose for any of the peasant folk in Albion. All they could do is hold out for a miracle and hope that they would survive on the rationed food that was left after the troops of Orem raided their village outside Regalia once again. Every month gold and crops were demanded to appease Orem, the one who called himself a god. The folk of the towns of Albion had spent every day of every week of every month like this for the past six years, things had happened gradually at first but when the guild fell so did the last hopes of Orem being stopped.

Orion looked at the tattered piece of parchment which had map scrawled on it, the rest of the rebellion troops had left, they needed their rest, to be with their families, or what was left of their families, before the attack at dawn.
“Are you certain this isn’t for vengeance Orion?”
A voice from over his shoulder spoke softly, the sage Lillis. Orion turned and shook his head,
“I barely knew Commander Yantis before Alvord killed him, with that known to you I would never risk the lives of the folk who trust in me to do the best for Albion for something as petty as vengeance.”
Lillis smiled, she was wise and knew wise words when spoken by another. Turning she paused at the door,
“Take care and swift journey. Return safely Orion.”
Orion had long since explained to the others about the Alvord family, how they used slaves, committed sacrifices to Orem and provided shelter for the evil ones any chance they got. They were a threat to Regalia and the surrounding area and had to stopped. This was the rebellions mission of the moment and soon they would venture out, for some of them it would be their last undertaking. Orion clasped his hands tightly together and spoke a prayer to Avo as he knelt by his tattered bed in his rundown shack that he called home.
“Guide out paths, pave our ways with safety, for what we do, we do in your name, Avo protect and keep safe the ones we cherish dearly.”
His hands unclasped he crawled into bed and closed his eyes but he could not sleep. The thoughts of things passed and yet to come gave way to fear and anguish, gave way to unrest, within his soul. Gently he crept from his bed, inside the small tent, at the encampment just at the edge of the forest outside the town of Regalia to the east of Oakvale. His feet seemed to be guided through the knee length grass as he walked towards a steep overhang on the cliff. He watched in the darkness as a single bird flew past. He remembered when this world was happy, when he was merely a child and the touch of Orem had not yet soured the lands or ravaged the spirits of those who dwelled there. Dawn would arise soon, but he would wait for it, watch it as it grew from nothingness and brought daylight to the darkened lands.


Chapter Five: Aftermath
Her eyes flittered open and that sharp pain once again staved itself into her head, that same feeling as before. What had happened? Her vision flickered for a moment as she tried to raise herself off the bed. Grappling to her feet inside the small shack in the midst of the woods she stumbled forwards only to be caught by Monroe. Her exhaustion from the smallest of efforts showed right away,
“The others?”
Her voice questioned the young man intently as he sat her back on the bed,
“Don’t you mind about that now. You’ve been out for almost an entire day, that tumble you took down the steps didn’t do you a bit of good. You need to rest.”
Monroe pulled away, his eyes avoiding direct with Serrian. He made it a mere stones throw away before Serrian had fumbled to her feet again, this time she seemed filled with vigour. She lunged at Monroe grasping him by the collar of his unkempt and stained shirt,
Her voice sounded out across the small house. Monroe’s eyes once again avoided contact with her.
He trailed off after only one word. That was all it took for Serrian to realise what had happened. Her voice gasped for breath as she collapsed backwards onto the bed. She burst into tears, each droplet seeped from her eye as her heart broke. Two years of training, they weren’t ready and now they were dead. It was her fault, she had underestimated the power and the numbers of the minions of Orem. It had cost her dearly.

Nightfall set in, darkness enshrouded the small quiet house. The forest that surrounded it trickled with the aftermath of the heavy rainfall, the wet season was in full grip of the countryside now, it wouldn’t be long before another torrential downpour lashed the leaves and broke the autumnal foliage from the trees before it would finally come to rest on the floor of the forest. Serrian wept long into the night, until dawn broke the sky with a fiery and passionate red. Her thin and flimsy sheets of fabric, folded together to make a pillow, were soaked with tears by the time the vibrant red had faded into that ever dull grey. Serrian stared out the window of the house, her eyes seeing past the trees and far off into the distance, back to the main lands of Albion. When she had departed the company of Guyana and the other brethren she had made her way deep into the countryside of Albion, she had met people along the way, those who had lost family, lost friends and had their homes taken away from them in a sea of flames set by the hand of Orem. These people would follow her and that they did, they followed her until their demise. And until their demise they had hope. An everlasting hope for the salvation of their land which they loved so much, which they sacrificed their lives for. It would not be in vain. Serrian turned to Monroe, her voice quiet, wrought with pain,
“Did they die well?”
The lights of the fire flickered against his face as he drew a deep breath,
“They fought well. They gave their lives to protect you, they sent me away with you. If they hadn’t held the bastion the minions would have followed us till the ends of Albion. It would have compromised all we have to achieve.”
Serrians head turned, they had their place by Avos side now, she wondered, how long would it be before she had her place there as well?
“When I was carrying you away, I heard their calls. They were not for pity, nor mercy. They were not of regret or fear.”
Monroe paused for a moment, he looked past Serrian and through the window, out into the forest,
“For Avo and for Albion.”


This will be made available as a text file for download when I have time so people can read at their own leisure even if they arent online.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Havent have chance to read it properly and im quite tired now and wouldnt be able to take it all in and give it the attention it deserves but its looking really damn good from what ive scanned through. I will read it in full tomorrow and give you more comments on it then.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

One word, amazing! I can't wait for more chapters! *jumps up and down* You are truly a god of writing.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Aarkan;31859 said:
One word, amazing! I can't wait for more chapters! *jumps up and down* You are truly a god of writing.

Im starting to get a bighead now lol, personally I dont expect many people to read it because its pretty lengthly and so far I have only gone through introducing the main characters with the exception of Orem. There is still a heck lot of stuff yet to come, I mean its going to charter most of a Heroes lifespan O_o
Re: Fable: Dark Age

Absolutely outstanding effort, Gary! Very, very well written indeed. I am extremely impressed.

Would you mind if I added your submission to a Fable fan fiction section I am creating for the main site? You would receive full credit for your contribution, of course.
Re: Fable: Dark Age

projectego;31865 said:
Absolutely outstanding effort, Gary! Very, very well written indeed. I am extremely impressed.

Would you mind if I added your submission to a Fable fan fiction section I am creating for the main site? You would receive full credit for your contribution, of course.

By all means go right ahead. Its currently unfinished and there will be more chapters added as time progresses but I intend to keep working on it with any freetime I have.

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