Fable Story
Chapter 1:"Taron hurry up or we'll be late for the meeting in Bowerstone North!", Said Tarons sister. "Aww, come on just cause dad's the head of the guard here in knothole glade shouldnt mean we have to go along too," replied Taron. This time Tarons dad Garret spoke."Come on Taron, Be a sport it's one night you'll be alright. Me and your
mom are coming too." So they set out from knothole glade on their walk for the cullis gate. They finally got there and warped through to the Witchwood cullis gate, but just as they came out from the cullis gate an earth troll slammed the ground in the mighty blow. Garret, being in front of the rest, was instantly killed from the impact hitting his skull. Rage began to surge through Taron and suddenly he had power he couldn't explain. Suddenly a bubble of just seeming force pushed infront of him and knocked the troll back onto the ground. The troll got up though and loaded a rock in its mighty hand ready to through and crush Taron. When suddenly to figures flew out from the trees at speeds not even human and bashed the troll back. One of them was the mighty hero Gareth, A dwarf who flew on a cloud and launched explosion pebbles from above from above. The other was the mysterious hero Scythe, Whos scythe had mysterious and incredible powers. Suddenly Scythe opened something looking like a riff in the timestream. As Gareth hit the troll at the feet with an explosion pebble and knocked him back into the riff. Scythe then closed the riff and approached Taron with Gareth floating at his side. Then Gareth began speaking in his suprisingly deep and burly dwarven voice, "You have more power then you know kid. You will find one day that the fate of the entire world will lay solely on you. You will have the power to rule the world with a cruel and evilness. Or be a hero to everyone and loved and respected."
Chapter 1:"Taron hurry up or we'll be late for the meeting in Bowerstone North!", Said Tarons sister. "Aww, come on just cause dad's the head of the guard here in knothole glade shouldnt mean we have to go along too," replied Taron. This time Tarons dad Garret spoke."Come on Taron, Be a sport it's one night you'll be alright. Me and your
mom are coming too." So they set out from knothole glade on their walk for the cullis gate. They finally got there and warped through to the Witchwood cullis gate, but just as they came out from the cullis gate an earth troll slammed the ground in the mighty blow. Garret, being in front of the rest, was instantly killed from the impact hitting his skull. Rage began to surge through Taron and suddenly he had power he couldn't explain. Suddenly a bubble of just seeming force pushed infront of him and knocked the troll back onto the ground. The troll got up though and loaded a rock in its mighty hand ready to through and crush Taron. When suddenly to figures flew out from the trees at speeds not even human and bashed the troll back. One of them was the mighty hero Gareth, A dwarf who flew on a cloud and launched explosion pebbles from above from above. The other was the mysterious hero Scythe, Whos scythe had mysterious and incredible powers. Suddenly Scythe opened something looking like a riff in the timestream. As Gareth hit the troll at the feet with an explosion pebble and knocked him back into the riff. Scythe then closed the riff and approached Taron with Gareth floating at his side. Then Gareth began speaking in his suprisingly deep and burly dwarven voice, "You have more power then you know kid. You will find one day that the fate of the entire world will lay solely on you. You will have the power to rule the world with a cruel and evilness. Or be a hero to everyone and loved and respected."