I am a Skill focused hero with max skill and max brutal styles in melee tab. I dont go full physique as I like to be slimmer and not a roid junkie.
I use the red dragon and Judges Steel or The Wreckager. Or the Maelstrom.
Im evil but pure. Fanatic. I wear a wizards hat rangers coat knothole armored shirt chasm pants and royal boots all dyed black.
I shoot with the red dragon and when enemies get close use either my sword or force push to know them back so I can once again shoot them.
Hero Name usually Conjurer, Mayor, or King.
I use the red dragon and Judges Steel or The Wreckager. Or the Maelstrom.
Im evil but pure. Fanatic. I wear a wizards hat rangers coat knothole armored shirt chasm pants and royal boots all dyed black.
I shoot with the red dragon and when enemies get close use either my sword or force push to know them back so I can once again shoot them.
Hero Name usually Conjurer, Mayor, or King.