Hi there,
don´t know if anybody is here but I´m building my own personal Fable TLC balacing Mod with Fable Exlporer. I´m almost finished. One of the last few things to do is to change the fireball Damage but I don´t have the right Idea how to find this thing.
At special Abilities there is no possiblity to change the damage, there are several entries for a fireball 0-4 Object, also a hero ability entry but I don´t have any clue. The values are extrem and I´m afraid to change something and broke the whole game.
Load ar the names.bin and the games. bin, do I need more?
I have found one Video there you can see a finished mod with changed fireball damage but the person don´t react to my message.
Would be pleased If something knows more about this topic
don´t know if anybody is here but I´m building my own personal Fable TLC balacing Mod with Fable Exlporer. I´m almost finished. One of the last few things to do is to change the fireball Damage but I don´t have the right Idea how to find this thing.
At special Abilities there is no possiblity to change the damage, there are several entries for a fireball 0-4 Object, also a hero ability entry but I don´t have any clue. The values are extrem and I´m afraid to change something and broke the whole game.
Load ar the names.bin and the games. bin, do I need more?
I have found one Video there you can see a finished mod with changed fireball damage but the person don´t react to my message.
Would be pleased If something knows more about this topic