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Jan 13, 2020
Hi there,

don´t know if anybody is here but I´m building my own personal Fable TLC balacing Mod with Fable Exlporer. I´m almost finished. One of the last few things to do is to change the fireball Damage but I don´t have the right Idea how to find this thing.
At special Abilities there is no possiblity to change the damage, there are several entries for a fireball 0-4 Object, also a hero ability entry but I don´t have any clue. The values are extrem and I´m afraid to change something and broke the whole game.
Load ar the names.bin and the games. bin, do I need more?
I have found one Video there you can see a finished mod with changed fireball damage but the person don´t react to my message.

Would be pleased If something knows more about this topic :)
Fireball is a projectile. With ranged weapons you have to modify the CWeaponDef of its associated Shot entry, from the CShotDef in the Object entry.

But fireball is a spell, and its root entry is the special abilities entry. It's a bit of a maze, I forget the exact order and can't look it up now, but you can trace everything from special abilities. There will be four entries referenced in the fireball spell. In them, look for CShotDefs, which will take you to Shot entries, which will have CWeaponDef entries which will allow you to change projectile impact damage.

But wait, there's more!

Fireball deals mostly explosion damage. In the Shot entries, there will be another link to another entry that leads to a Thing entry, the name will reference an explosion. In the Thing entry, there will be a link to a CExplosionDef (or something like that), in which you can modify the AoE damage done by each level of the fireball spell.

Again, there's four of them.

I used to think the game's binary data was compiled in a complete **** way, but seeing the data uncompiled I see now that it's only complicated by our method of reverse engineering. FableExplorer was and remains a good tool, but a better tool can surely be made.
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First of all thanks for replying, I though nobody was alive here :)

I know the Special ability root entry but there is only one cdev entry for Special effects, I alread found the shot entry but there is no link to the cweapondev. I changed the damage and firedamage at the fireballexplosion at the Thing entry but it doesnßt changed anything at all.

Sadly I can´t find a Cshotdef. Also at every bow weapon there is no link. Maybe somtehing broke?

Do you think I Need to load a seperate bin or big?

Edit: Do you even know if i´ts possible to mod a weapon so you can remove it, so you can Play without a weapon?
A mage with some Kind of weapon Looks always stupid :)
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At last I solve both Problems myself.
I don´t know how to change the hit damage from fireball, but you can change the expolosive Damage from it, at the shot entry and the use the proper thing fireball-explosion entry. But first that doesn´t change anything. Last night I get it, at the shoot entry there is a not cdef explosion entry, there were the link to the thing explosion entry missing. After that it was a piece cake.
For complete not visible sheated meele Weapons, look for the objetc entry of the weapon, than follow the cweapondef link, there set the sheatheobject entry from -1 to 0.
Thanks for all the help :)
At last I solve both Problems myself.
I don´t know how to change the hit damage from fireball, but you can change the expolosive Damage from it, at the shot entry and the use the proper thing fireball-explosion entry. But first that doesn´t change anything. Last night I get it, at the shoot entry there is a not cdef explosion entry, there were the link to the thing explosion entry missing. After that it was a piece cake.
For complete not visible sheated meele Weapons, look for the objetc entry of the weapon, than follow the cweapondef link, there set the sheatheobject entry from -1 to 0.
Thanks for all the help :)

Glad you got it sorted in the end.