Hello, I just joined this forum a few minutes ago. It looks really cool, i've been addicted to the Fable series for awhile now, and it'd be nice to talk to a bunch of people who actually play it.
I have a lot of expirence with fourms, and I go on many other different ones. My GT on Xbox Live is RatCats.
Some stuff about ME.
I love animals, and currently have: 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 rats, 1 turtle. I'm about to get 2 more rats and 1 bearded dragon.
Soo.. Hey.
Hello, I just joined this forum a few minutes ago. It looks really cool, i've been addicted to the Fable series for awhile now, and it'd be nice to talk to a bunch of people who actually play it.

Some stuff about ME.
I love animals, and currently have: 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 rats, 1 turtle. I'm about to get 2 more rats and 1 bearded dragon.
Soo.. Hey.