Guilt By Association?
I'm wondering about how the world will react to a good player with an evil henchman and vice versa.
To what extent will you be responsible for your henchmen's actions?
Will you get Evil points if your henchman does something evil? If not this could be a way that you can get rid of the pesky Bard without getting any evil points. Just invite a friend and turn safety off then sit back and watch. Sort of like leading villagers out of town and watching them get killed by balverines then going back and buy their houses in the original. This would make being an assassin so much fun! Get hired out to kill the citizens of another players world so that they can maintain the social facade of being good while still accomplishing their nefarious deeds.
If you are good and visit a friends as a henchman and they do something illegal and the guards end up attacking because they resisted arrest will you get evil points as well even if you don't attack back?
I saw Peter Molyneux do this in the LiveWire demo. If Hilary had just blocked and not attacked what would happen?
On the other end of the stick What if as an evil player you are with a good character and they perform an act of charity or good will? Will you get any good points? This seems less likely than the latter but it illustrates the point that I believe to be true. That is you are not responsible for your henchman's actions.
I'm wondering about how the world will react to a good player with an evil henchman and vice versa.
To what extent will you be responsible for your henchmen's actions?
Will you get Evil points if your henchman does something evil? If not this could be a way that you can get rid of the pesky Bard without getting any evil points. Just invite a friend and turn safety off then sit back and watch. Sort of like leading villagers out of town and watching them get killed by balverines then going back and buy their houses in the original. This would make being an assassin so much fun! Get hired out to kill the citizens of another players world so that they can maintain the social facade of being good while still accomplishing their nefarious deeds.
If you are good and visit a friends as a henchman and they do something illegal and the guards end up attacking because they resisted arrest will you get evil points as well even if you don't attack back?
I saw Peter Molyneux do this in the LiveWire demo. If Hilary had just blocked and not attacked what would happen?
On the other end of the stick What if as an evil player you are with a good character and they perform an act of charity or good will? Will you get any good points? This seems less likely than the latter but it illustrates the point that I believe to be true. That is you are not responsible for your henchman's actions.