Hacking Comps
Idk how you guys here are, but if any of you are interested in hacking and programming, then I think I’m in the right place. Since this tread can be about anything, I was wondering if anyone here knew how to access bios on a windows 2000 computer.
If you want to know why then here is my explanation;
I found this old laptop that my father used to own a while ago, there are a lot of viruses on it so I was attempting to get rid of them. In the process, I accidently deleted my username, giving me the inability to access the computer at all. Admin was deleted and Guest was disabled. I was just going to hack it using a disk I had and in order to do so, I had to change the boot sequence to boot with the CD drive. I couldn’t find it so I wanted to try it in the bios. Issue being is I can't figure out how to access the bios on this old computer.
Idk how you guys here are, but if any of you are interested in hacking and programming, then I think I’m in the right place. Since this tread can be about anything, I was wondering if anyone here knew how to access bios on a windows 2000 computer.
If you want to know why then here is my explanation;
I found this old laptop that my father used to own a while ago, there are a lot of viruses on it so I was attempting to get rid of them. In the process, I accidently deleted my username, giving me the inability to access the computer at all. Admin was deleted and Guest was disabled. I was just going to hack it using a disk I had and in order to do so, I had to change the boot sequence to boot with the CD drive. I couldn’t find it so I wanted to try it in the bios. Issue being is I can't figure out how to access the bios on this old computer.