Half Life 2 Episode 1 Details
After a long 18 month wait the news is finally here. After the Cliff hanger of an ending of Half Life 2, people were left wanting answers. Well on June 1st Half Life 2 Episode 1 will be released and according to Valve will start to answer some of those questions. The 2nd & 3rd Episodes have already been confirmed and are scheduled for release around the end of the year for the 2nd and next summer for the 3rd.
As people who played Half Life 2 to the end know, Half-Life 2 ended with an explosion taking place at the citadel. How they survive the explosion is quickly explained at the start of the episode. More importantly, new plot points are also introduced. The G-Man, the mysterious puppet master that manipulates Gordon, is no longer in the picture, and now Gordon is basically a free agent. The bad news is that they're still in the ruins of the Citadel, and the Citadel reactor is out of control. For the bulk of Episode One you will be dealing with the flight from the Citadel, as well as the race to flee City 17 before the Citadel reactor overloads and explodes.
According to reports Half Life 2 Episode 1 feels alot different from Half Life 2 and even the original Half Life. As through the entire 'expansion' you will be playing with Alyx by your side and according to the playtesters AI is good enough to make it feel like you're playing alongside a human player at times, which sounds great to me!
Strangley the weapon selection doesnt seem to have changed from what i have researched. You still rely on the ever fun Gravity Gun for the opening levels but it loses the supercharge it gained at the end of Half-Life 2 (shame lol). Then you still have the standard collection of guns and grenades, from the pulse rifle to the ever iconic crowbar.
The enemies are familiar aswel steminn from an army of Combine troopers, zombies, and other opponents that you saw in Half-Life 2. With some new additions, such as zombines, combine forces who have been converted to zombies thanks to head crabs. Who are a lot tougher than traditional zombies, and they have a habit of suicide charging at you with a live grenade in their hands.
Valve has said that Episode One packs about four to six hours of gameplay into the 'expansion'. Veteran first-person shooter fans will definitely have an easier time than casual action gamers as always, especially with some of the puzzles but with Episode 2 and 3 on the way we can expect alot more sooner than usual.
Overall im looking forward to it
After a long 18 month wait the news is finally here. After the Cliff hanger of an ending of Half Life 2, people were left wanting answers. Well on June 1st Half Life 2 Episode 1 will be released and according to Valve will start to answer some of those questions. The 2nd & 3rd Episodes have already been confirmed and are scheduled for release around the end of the year for the 2nd and next summer for the 3rd.
As people who played Half Life 2 to the end know, Half-Life 2 ended with an explosion taking place at the citadel. How they survive the explosion is quickly explained at the start of the episode. More importantly, new plot points are also introduced. The G-Man, the mysterious puppet master that manipulates Gordon, is no longer in the picture, and now Gordon is basically a free agent. The bad news is that they're still in the ruins of the Citadel, and the Citadel reactor is out of control. For the bulk of Episode One you will be dealing with the flight from the Citadel, as well as the race to flee City 17 before the Citadel reactor overloads and explodes.
According to reports Half Life 2 Episode 1 feels alot different from Half Life 2 and even the original Half Life. As through the entire 'expansion' you will be playing with Alyx by your side and according to the playtesters AI is good enough to make it feel like you're playing alongside a human player at times, which sounds great to me!
Strangley the weapon selection doesnt seem to have changed from what i have researched. You still rely on the ever fun Gravity Gun for the opening levels but it loses the supercharge it gained at the end of Half-Life 2 (shame lol). Then you still have the standard collection of guns and grenades, from the pulse rifle to the ever iconic crowbar.
The enemies are familiar aswel steminn from an army of Combine troopers, zombies, and other opponents that you saw in Half-Life 2. With some new additions, such as zombines, combine forces who have been converted to zombies thanks to head crabs. Who are a lot tougher than traditional zombies, and they have a habit of suicide charging at you with a live grenade in their hands.
Valve has said that Episode One packs about four to six hours of gameplay into the 'expansion'. Veteran first-person shooter fans will definitely have an easier time than casual action gamers as always, especially with some of the puzzles but with Episode 2 and 3 on the way we can expect alot more sooner than usual.
Overall im looking forward to it