Halo 3 Officially Announced
After months of speculation Halo 3 was officially announced today at the E3 in Los Angeles. There has just been an 104Mb trailer released and it was first availible on the Xbox Live marketplace.
Halo 3 is about Earth under Convenant rule: "With its defensive forces, all but obliterated, Earth has fallen to the unstoppable might of the Convenant. These alien occupiers have discovered something beneath the ancient African sands - something incredible... something Forerunner."
Everyone expected Halo 3 to start exactley where Halo 2 left off as it ended on abit of a cliffhanger but this is not the case as it appears now that it's set sometime a bit later in the future.
More news will come as it is released but at least we now know Halo 3 DOES exist and its on its way!
Annoucement Trailer: http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=Halo3Announcement
Trailer: http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?event=e32006&sid=6149725&pid=926632
After months of speculation Halo 3 was officially announced today at the E3 in Los Angeles. There has just been an 104Mb trailer released and it was first availible on the Xbox Live marketplace.
Halo 3 is about Earth under Convenant rule: "With its defensive forces, all but obliterated, Earth has fallen to the unstoppable might of the Convenant. These alien occupiers have discovered something beneath the ancient African sands - something incredible... something Forerunner."
Everyone expected Halo 3 to start exactley where Halo 2 left off as it ended on abit of a cliffhanger but this is not the case as it appears now that it's set sometime a bit later in the future.
More news will come as it is released but at least we now know Halo 3 DOES exist and its on its way!
Annoucement Trailer: http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=Halo3Announcement
Trailer: http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?event=e32006&sid=6149725&pid=926632