Still, I do wish there was some PC love, has there ever even been a Halo on PC?
But I did notice that you're playing it a lot more than Fallout 4, at least whenever I sign on and see you there. So it must live up to some hype, hopefully we'll be able to get it before I have to leave in Jan.
Just a rumor and a stretch at that but back when Microsoft announced more support for Pc someone asked if they would ever bring the franchise to Pc, and the spokesman said it was a possibility. Also 343, the studio that makes Halo now have spoken about a port, saying it wouldn't be hard for them and it would be cool but it's up to Microsoft. If they ported MCC to Pc I'd go out and buy one on the spot.Still, I do wish there was some PC love, has there ever even been a Halo on PC?
What erks me is that I unlock the worlds most bad ass armor and that it's so terrifically cool they have to put white paint all over it that you can't remove so everyone can see you from across the map.My last main gripe is there are no cosmetic rewards for performing feats in the game.
Fair enough. I'm not too bothered by micro-transactions as long as they don't impede any of the gameplay, is it just cosmetic stuff or? I mean if it's anything like Destiny then I'm cool with it, though I don't know why everyone was blowing up over some harmless taunts.It's good. Though, a bit less meaty than previous Halos. I've been wanting to play more Fallout, but I have Halo rituals that have to be completed. Namely, struggling through a solo legendary campaign. It usually takes a long time and lots of crying.
I'm also not crazy about the micro-transactions but pretending they don't exist the online is set up pretty great.
My last main gripe is there are no cosmetic rewards for performing feats in the game. I'll admit I'm an absolute sucker for cosmetics in Halo. You could get to max rank, beat campaign on the hardest difficulty, get all the skulls, and not unlock any armor for it. I really enjoyed unlocking a hard-to-get piece and showing it off in matchmaking, but that's no longer possible. Well, except for this one for getting this achievement but it's not even a feat you achieve in Halo 5. It's also bonkers hard most of the human race. Ever try Halo 1 on legendary? It's madness!
Each pack you open (via points from playing or $$) gives you weapons, vehicles, and power ups which you use in warzone, the big battlefield of a gametype. They also unlock two random cosmetics (silver and gold packs).Fair enough. I'm not too bothered by micro-transactions as long as they don't impede any of the gameplay, is it just cosmetic stuff or? I mean if it's anything like Destiny then I'm cool with it, though I don't know why everyone was blowing up over some harmless taunts.
Each pack you open (via points from playing or $$) gives you weapons, vehicles, and power ups which you use in warzone, the big battlefield of a gametype. They also unlock two random cosmetics (silver and gold packs).
It doesn't really impede gameplay, since you can unlock the stuff by doing matchmaking. You also get better requisitions when you rank up enough. The problem comes in with the items you get being single-use so if you love warzone and play it a lot, you'll probably hit a wall where you need more items but have to play something else for a while (or pay) to get more.