So some time ago 343 the developers of Halo released Halo Online in Russia. Modders have created what is known as the Eldewrito server allowing you to play from anywhere and some extra maps to play on. Halo Online is an overhaul of the Halo 3 engine and what is interesting is that there were maps made that were previously unavailable to console players in the US and elsewhere. It uses local servers and you have to host yourself but the population has steadily been rising.
Microsoft isn't seeing a dime from this and already modders are taking it to the stratosphere. Imo this would be a good time to release the Mcc collection to Pc. But it doesn't really matter anymore.
You can learn everything about Halo Online at this subreddit: The installation process is very easy.
Microsoft isn't seeing a dime from this and already modders are taking it to the stratosphere. Imo this would be a good time to release the Mcc collection to Pc. But it doesn't really matter anymore.
You can learn everything about Halo Online at this subreddit: The installation process is very easy.