i need advice on whether i should preorder the lim edition or wait and get it the day it comes out.
the reason for this is that im in the uk and it comes out on a friday, therefore if i order it it probably wont come until monday - tuesday, even with 1st class delivery, but if i wait until the day, all the lim editions might be gone!!1 do u guys think fable 2 will be a big enough blockbuster that the lim edition will be sold out on the day??
i need advice on whether i should preorder the lim edition or wait and get it the day it comes out.
the reason for this is that im in the uk and it comes out on a friday, therefore if i order it it probably wont come until monday - tuesday, even with 1st class delivery, but if i wait until the day, all the lim editions might be gone!!1 do u guys think fable 2 will be a big enough blockbuster that the lim edition will be sold out on the day??