Well, I think this is the perfect time to honor the folks of Lionhead and their ongoing legacy. Most know its history far better than I and in that regard I encourage you to post below of the people who stole our childhood.
First I'd like to mention Kiki Wolfkill. She helped work on the original Fable for Xbox and went on to become head of 343i the makers of the new Halo trilogy. She is quite famous in the Microsoft fan base in that respect. It was women like herself that made the Fable what it was. Without their visions there would have been no female heroes, no getting married, and no charm in Albion to pair its magic. Molynuex had to even put his foot down and cancel pregnancy and childbirth mechanics in the game. This is the reason every woman whose touched a controller mentions Fables as their favorite games and when people say there is a problem in the industry I always try to sell them on Fable.
I'd also like to mention Demis Hassabis. He is what you can think of as an OG (original gangster). He worked for Bullfrog and Lionhead, most notably he was responsible for the Ai in the franchise known as Black and White, a God game. The reason there are no remakes of Black and White was because his code was legendary and could not be reproduced even to this day. He has just made world history as his incredible coding has created an Ai that has beaten the world champion Go player twice now. Go is a game commonly referred to as chinese checkers. Chess was relatively easy to beat by past Ai because it had a small number of possible moves, so an Ai could calculate 8 moves ahead and so on until it became unbeatable. Go however has hundreds of possible moves making anticipating the next move until now impossible. Japan had spent millions of dollars and decades of research and concluded that it could not be done. He claims that his Ai will replace half of all jobs in the next 30 years and he intends to solve the problem of Intelligence in machine learning. You can read about this historic breakthrough here: http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/10/11192774/demis-hassabis-interview-alphago-google-deepmind-ai
Lionhead created rich lush worlds but it was only possible because of the incredible talent and ambition they had. Please use this thread to share your honorable mentions.
First I'd like to mention Kiki Wolfkill. She helped work on the original Fable for Xbox and went on to become head of 343i the makers of the new Halo trilogy. She is quite famous in the Microsoft fan base in that respect. It was women like herself that made the Fable what it was. Without their visions there would have been no female heroes, no getting married, and no charm in Albion to pair its magic. Molynuex had to even put his foot down and cancel pregnancy and childbirth mechanics in the game. This is the reason every woman whose touched a controller mentions Fables as their favorite games and when people say there is a problem in the industry I always try to sell them on Fable.
I'd also like to mention Demis Hassabis. He is what you can think of as an OG (original gangster). He worked for Bullfrog and Lionhead, most notably he was responsible for the Ai in the franchise known as Black and White, a God game. The reason there are no remakes of Black and White was because his code was legendary and could not be reproduced even to this day. He has just made world history as his incredible coding has created an Ai that has beaten the world champion Go player twice now. Go is a game commonly referred to as chinese checkers. Chess was relatively easy to beat by past Ai because it had a small number of possible moves, so an Ai could calculate 8 moves ahead and so on until it became unbeatable. Go however has hundreds of possible moves making anticipating the next move until now impossible. Japan had spent millions of dollars and decades of research and concluded that it could not be done. He claims that his Ai will replace half of all jobs in the next 30 years and he intends to solve the problem of Intelligence in machine learning. You can read about this historic breakthrough here: http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/10/11192774/demis-hassabis-interview-alphago-google-deepmind-ai
Lionhead created rich lush worlds but it was only possible because of the incredible talent and ambition they had. Please use this thread to share your honorable mentions.