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Jan 15, 2011
Sydney, AU
Hey. I make sucky introductions, so I'll keep this short.

My name's Ash, I was born in South Africa and am currently living in Australia. I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, and I thought I would sign up and start giving back. :)
I'm not much of a gamer, but I'm a huge fan of RPGs (Such as Kingdom Hearts, and Fable, obviously :P ) and any decent FPS.
I'm a bit of a hip hop head, but don't get the wrong impression.

Hope I'll have a good experience with all of you on the boards! :D
Welcome. To. The. Forums. :thumbsup:
Howzit boet?

Welcome to Project ego, enjoy your stay. Stay away from PurpleNurple he's all about the dagga ;)
And if Hermit offers to let you sit on his lap, please don't. Last time I did that I itched for, like, a month...

Welcome to the fascist dictatorship of last week! It's like the world of tomorrow, but with more sharp, pointy things and spiffier uniforms.

Also, I like chocolate milk, but I'm not so sure about bubblemilkchoc. I'll have to reserve judgment.
Hey Ash Ketchum! Heh, welcome to the forums friend! Make sure to keep your food away from Queen, or she'll devour it in a quick strike of unimaginable om nom noms.

That sure is some nice looking caek you're holding Mj....[licks lips]
Welcome to the fascist dictatorship of last week! It's like the world of tomorrow, but with more sharp, pointy things and spiffier uniforms.

Also, I like chocolate milk, but I'm not so sure about bubblemilkchoc. I'll have to reserve judgment.

It was the manliest name I could think of. :(

I don't know if that's the right answer. but I do recognize the word lekker. You are not by any chane Dutch, are you? :P

Anyway, welceom to ze FOARUMNZ.

Nah not Dutch.
and THAHNX :-)

huurrrrr deerrrrrrrrr bbuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrddd rrrrp

EDIT: welcome

Thank you. :P
Welcome to the forums, Bubble. I do hope you enjoy it here.... and if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask the staff...

Please.. *holds your hand* .. We're here for you..
Scott- have to say this. Your sig, although I am as hetero as they come, is incredibly distracting...I literally can't stop looking at it...