Hello, I didn't really introduce myself- I was just like "look at these cool icons I created!!1!!" Haha just kidding buuut hi I'm XRose! Nice to 'meet' you 
I came up with my username because I love Rose
she was so kind and sweet ;A; and just decided to throw in the X .___. at first I was gonna be named RoseX but it said sex and it would look funny lol.\\
My favorite fable game is 2. I haven't completed the first one because it scares me haha that seems lame but I'm afraid I'm gonna lose and die.
Well I like to edit. Been doing it for about a year now. I made some fable icons and other fable edits but I didn't upload them because I wasn't sure.
And, yea... I'm so lame .___.

I came up with my username because I love Rose

My favorite fable game is 2. I haven't completed the first one because it scares me haha that seems lame but I'm afraid I'm gonna lose and die.

Well I like to edit. Been doing it for about a year now. I made some fable icons and other fable edits but I didn't upload them because I wasn't sure.
And, yea... I'm so lame .___.