Okay, who here has seen Hostel? The movie that has been dubbed as a mix between Euro Trip and Saw. I never thought a movie could suck so hard and rule so much at the same time. The first half, being the most sleep-inducing half hour of the film was rather dull, however when the 'Saw' element kicked in then the movie seemed to do a complete 360 and recapture my interest.
If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you do mainly because it's probably the single most gory filmd I've seen to date. I'm keen to hear your opinions.
Okay, who here has seen Hostel? The movie that has been dubbed as a mix between Euro Trip and Saw. I never thought a movie could suck so hard and rule so much at the same time. The first half, being the most sleep-inducing half hour of the film was rather dull, however when the 'Saw' element kicked in then the movie seemed to do a complete 360 and recapture my interest.
Seeing that already imfamous scene with the Japanese girl had me feeling uneasy, especially when...
The film's hero had to cut out her eye with scissors, ewww.
If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you do mainly because it's probably the single most gory filmd I've seen to date. I'm keen to hear your opinions.