Well there seems to be a lot more 'emo bashing' than 'chav bashing' on this site now... Mostly from fablefreak *rolls eyes*
anyways im off to bed cos I've got sixth form to attend tommorow.
I may post summore tomoz =)
This thread is LAME!
I'm sick of all the anti emo stuff on this site now. Clearly this thread was started as a joke but its getting a bit retarded.
According to the thread emos are people who wear converse, cut themselves and write poems.
Well to me an emo to can mean two things:
1) The friiendless individual who spends way too much time on "lets compare our scars" forums and acts all depressed.
2)Someone who wears skinny jeans and converse and dyes their hair or whatever.
I wear converse, and dress fairly emo. I've also dyed my hair and straighten it most days. I wear shirts that a size too small for me and ive even worn eyeliner a couple of times.
I'm happy.. and have a myspace!