I cheated again. . . .
Ok to sum things up, if you remember i cheated on my ex with a girl called becci, Im now with a girl i really like. I went out with becci for awhile yesterday and we were just talking when out of the blue she kissed me and pinned me against a wall i was like "eerm wtf?" She said she loved me loads and really wanted to be with me and kissed me again. I was like O_O **** OFF, the problem is she does this everytime i get a new relationship then if i do leave my gf for her it just goes horribly wrong. =/ I really love the girl im with and she's one of becci's closest friends. I can't tell hollie what happened because becci will twist the words and make it out like it was my fault. Beccii's really upset because i don't wanna be with her and she's like one of my best friends. What do i do? >_<
Ok to sum things up, if you remember i cheated on my ex with a girl called becci, Im now with a girl i really like. I went out with becci for awhile yesterday and we were just talking when out of the blue she kissed me and pinned me against a wall i was like "eerm wtf?" She said she loved me loads and really wanted to be with me and kissed me again. I was like O_O **** OFF, the problem is she does this everytime i get a new relationship then if i do leave my gf for her it just goes horribly wrong. =/ I really love the girl im with and she's one of becci's closest friends. I can't tell hollie what happened because becci will twist the words and make it out like it was my fault. Beccii's really upset because i don't wanna be with her and she's like one of my best friends. What do i do? >_<