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I sense a disturbance.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Remember that guy who would play as female characters to get free stuff? Well now he does it for a living. This woman is burning out and I have to say this latest video was incredibly disturbing to me. I'm scared for this woman. I feel this is wrong.

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I think I missed that thread you made about #gamergate but here's a video from a fantastic women that completely sums up exactly how I feel on that subject.

If I was to ever bump into someone like Anita Sarkeesian, most likely ranting on about more rights for their vajayjays, I'd probably tell them to roll their neck in and look at themselves. Do you they really think they're gaining any respect from men, or women, by behaving this way? Because I have 0 respect for people like that.

About the video: I love Link and I love Samus. I prefer to play as a girl in RPGs, for a roleplaying experience, to play as an extension of myself, but that doesn't mean I have any issue playing as a guy. You know what I find beautiful? When a game can have a strong female character and no one makes a big deal about it. Why does it have to be a feminist issue just because some developers figured a male character would be right for their games? I don't know about you, but I'd flip my sh*t if they made Link into a girl.

I honestly think these women are hurting what true feminism is. You can paint yourselves whatever colour you please ladies but the truth is you're female supremacists. And I can't abide that anymore than I can abide Link being a dame.
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Of course not. And last time I checked she was a woman, which was about five minutes ago.

I saw this a few months ago anywho. I actually follow Emily Grey on twitter she streams PC/PS4 gameplay occasionally. A lot of porn stars are really nerdy and gamers which is kind of awesome.

People tend to think of them as brain-dead idiots who have less brains than a mollusk, but the majority of them are really sweet, intelligent, and funny girls who are uber nerdy.
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People tend to think of them as brain-dead idiots who have less brains than a mollusk, but the majority of them are really sweet, intelligent, and funny girls who are uber nerdy.

Which is exactly why I chose to share a video of her talking. She's exactly what all feminists hate. They find it so hard to believe that a strong, intelligent woman could ever voluntarily be naked on camera. I admire these kinds of women, and usually they're the ones who really know what's going on. What it's really like to live in this world as a woman. And I think it's cruel that feminists throw so much hate at them like they're the enemy. Everything feminism does, modern feminism, is so counter-productive. It really ****es me off that they categorise all men in the same bracket. Not all men are bad, and all those boys calling you ugly over twitter and Xbox live are not the real problem. Rapists and wife-beaters are the real issue and they are such a small minority when it comes to men as a whole. I know so many kind, sweet and intelligent men and it makes me angry that someone like my own fiance is included in their hate.
I think the fact that she's very against man-hating is a good start. She knows exactly what true feminism is and I'm glad that someone like her is a voice for women around the world as apposed to someone like Anita Sarkeesian who has got it all wrong.
To be more on point with the video, up till now every portrayal of a woman has been sexist. Finally, we can now know how to make the perfect female archetype! It is a genderless assortion of pixels, with no backstory, no character development, a blank space to insert you ideals and ego onto. That is a feminists perfect woman???

I don't want to rant but feminists will join a group, any group, then turn around and scream it's sexist because said group doesn't want to talk about feminism. They create a new group that focuses on feminism, splits the community, lops off the old guard and destroys the community itself. It would be sooo much easier to create feminism+

Gamers are the first to stand up to these people.

I think social justice warriors are disgusting. Gays, transitioning persons, oppressed, minorities all look for acceptance. These white people will sell their devotion aslong as someone accepts their rotten behavior. That is so backwards! Once a person says hey I'm not alright with that then they are drug through the mud, slandered blacklisted, and 'unpersoned'

I didn't like Emma Watson's speech. As I'm known as an effeminate male it's great that guys should be able to be girly, and that women can be jocks. But still their is no acceptance of a guy being masculine. She said they must galvanize young boys, feminist ideals should be inserted into curriculum at a young age. Their is still no acceptance of male victims. Men must still walk it off. W/e I will never take the stance of victim anyways.

And my oldest gripe with feminism, passed down to me from my sisters and mother is that feminism is anti mother and anti colour.
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I don't know much about her except for the fact that she was in Harry Potter and that she's hot.

Pretty much it. I still have to watch the last four Potter films.
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I don't know much about her except for the fact that she was in Harry Potter and that she's hot.

Pretty much it. I still have to watch the last four Potter films.
Trust me their not worth your time, if they are based off the novels I'm glad I never read them.
I loved the first three! And I have the books on my laptop to read too.
The first three were awesome. I can't list my gripes since you haven't seen the rest but if you're a fan of them you should enjoy them.
Didn't watch the videos to be honest as I have no stomach for GamerGate, but to say my piece: I am all for equal rights and feminism, but 85% of all the self proclaimed feminists I met were the feminazi type, I hate these types of people who push their own agenda but try to ignore the problems men have too, I follow Men's Activism groups as well as feminist groups and I just wish they could unite as they both have excellent missions, instead they battle and clamor for superiority under the guise of equal rights.

A friend of mine put it very well in a particular discussion, it was me, my female friend and her two in-laws (old friends of mine as well, both women) the one in-law mentioned something about inequality in the scientific community and how female scientists were under paid and that women were discouraged from such work by society, the other in-law agreed with her saying something to the effect of "The Patriarchy wants to keep women blind and stupid." my friend chimes in after this and reminds them that they each chose liberal art majors and dropped out of college, while she herself studied hard and is half way through her PhD in physics, and was making enough money in the lab to support both her and her husband with money to spare, then she pointed out that they both were living comfortably I at the time was making about $10 an hour supporting my wife who didn't work and my two children all by myself taking every single sacrifice to make sure they all got everything they wanted, during this period I had dropped from 180 pounds in weight to a little less than 130 pounds from simply starving myself, yet no one mentions it because men are supposed to be strong an in control of their emotions and lives.
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The women make less than men stat isn't job to job experience to experience but it's still real. Encouraging women to both enter into higher paying jobs and taking an equal role in assuming the role of the bread-winner will go a long way to resolving it.

As for women's roles in video games. I didn't watch the videos either ( I'm at work) but I've had strong reactions to how some games portray women. Being a dad and husband I'm more careful what I have on the tv than I used to be. More so with my wife than my daughter :lol:
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