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I want to make my own weapon

James Butts

A Damn Fool
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I want to make my own weapon

Hi I was wondering if anyone knew of any tutorials for making your own weapon or if somebody could tell me how in in writing and please make it as exact as possible (exact folder names and stuff like that). I am not great at modding but im not horrible I can spawn chests, retexture stuff, modify quest cards, add damage and augmentations to weapons, change alignment modifiers, and make clothes like the JOB mask (Just an example I can do this to any clothing) removable/ non removable and maybe a couple other small things. I am also not farmiliar with 3-D programs. could you also tell me how to make new spells, (if possible) new expressions, and post mods here (if I do manage to make a good one then I would probably want to post it). I would be very grateful if someone could help on either subjects I would be very ^_^ (If you need to you can move it I am new here and didn't know where to post it)

EDIT: I'm getting better at 3d programs I have sorta figured out the basics and now actually know how to load the meshes into the programs yay!!!! could somebody help me with finding free non trial full version 3d programs other than blender, xsi, gamespace light, or milkshape non of these are working to well for me (I can't get the .x exporter for blender because my computer won't load the page, gamespace light is very limited, xsi just won't install no matter what I do, and milkshape doesn't support .x files and is a trial program)


Re: I want to make my own weapon

i must kno how 2 modify quest cards!!! and really all you do to make 1 is you edit dmg make new model (which im not sure how to do) and add agumentions


Re: I want to make my own weapon

That's cool and all, but this has nothing to do with improving the forum.

Moved to Modders forum.


Re: I want to make my own weapon

theres the chocolate box 2 lazy 2 get link but just search new modding tool and find the thread about new modding tool..

Fabled Ravrn

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Re: I want to make my own weapon

Actually, ChocolateBox (CBox) doesn't allow you to model new things, such as an item or weapon like perhaps Blender.

All CBox does with models, is allow you to search for them in the graphics.big and import your own models, made via 3D program, into the game...i think.

CBox is really a combination of FableExplorer, AlbionExplorer, and 3D programs (importing models)