I wish there will be custimizable clothing
Because in TLC the beginning clips shows the dude with dark platemail with asassin over his mouth and it really ****ed me off that I couldn't do that they're saying, "look how awesome this game is to bad you can't do that though." Another example of that type of thing would be, " The game is 15 hours long but you can only play 5 of them." And still in the screenshots and short trailers of FAB2 I've only seen piratey and gypsy type clothing no armour I will shoot somebody with my 8 barrel shotgun if there isn't any armour. I'm also hoping it'll be like I get to were this shoulder pad with this one and this belt with these pants but I doubt it. I do like the piratey clothing thoug pretty awesome looking.
Because in TLC the beginning clips shows the dude with dark platemail with asassin over his mouth and it really ****ed me off that I couldn't do that they're saying, "look how awesome this game is to bad you can't do that though." Another example of that type of thing would be, " The game is 15 hours long but you can only play 5 of them." And still in the screenshots and short trailers of FAB2 I've only seen piratey and gypsy type clothing no armour I will shoot somebody with my 8 barrel shotgun if there isn't any armour. I'm also hoping it'll be like I get to were this shoulder pad with this one and this belt with these pants but I doubt it. I do like the piratey clothing thoug pretty awesome looking.