I'd love some co-op.
I'm waiting for my friend to get the game, but in the meantime, I'd like to try out co-op. ;]
I'm looking for all co-op achievements, (save the gift one, that's out of the way,) The crucible, and possibly if anyone's close to or can help with any achievements I don't seem to have, that would be great.
I'll be on for the next hour or so on XBL, send me a message.
I also need to Treasure Island of Doom, see 10 people get sacrificed, and gargoyles/keys. Yeah. :/ Only going to be on a little while tonight, but i'll be on later in the week too. ;}
I'm waiting for my friend to get the game, but in the meantime, I'd like to try out co-op. ;]
I'm looking for all co-op achievements, (save the gift one, that's out of the way,) The crucible, and possibly if anyone's close to or can help with any achievements I don't seem to have, that would be great.
I'll be on for the next hour or so on XBL, send me a message.
I also need to Treasure Island of Doom, see 10 people get sacrificed, and gargoyles/keys. Yeah. :/ Only going to be on a little while tonight, but i'll be on later in the week too. ;}