Jasontated is in the House Yo
Whats up my fellow fable freaks well facts about me hmm : i am a fable freak well that puting it lightly i have beeten the game 45 times and i am still playing it (i think i have a problem) well any way i have just started modding fable becuse befor i was playing on my xbox but well then the world ended(world ended = my dog ate my flipping Fable lost chapters Disc) so i realy did not want to spend 10$ to buy a new won so i just pirated it from the web but yea hmm more facts i am 16 love girls go nuts for caffeine and suger wine is fun to beer is kinda gay not going to lie hmm o and i never read wether or not i could say bad things on this site with out getting banned soo if i am not allowed i will most likly get banned for this message o and i do some skripting mapping and iconing SO i think everyone gets the idea right right if not go jump off a bed that is tied to a tree that happens to be hanging of a cliff.:w00t: sounds fun right "are you going to just stand there like a lemon"
Whats up my fellow fable freaks well facts about me hmm : i am a fable freak well that puting it lightly i have beeten the game 45 times and i am still playing it (i think i have a problem) well any way i have just started modding fable becuse befor i was playing on my xbox but well then the world ended(world ended = my dog ate my flipping Fable lost chapters Disc) so i realy did not want to spend 10$ to buy a new won so i just pirated it from the web but yea hmm more facts i am 16 love girls go nuts for caffeine and suger wine is fun to beer is kinda gay not going to lie hmm o and i never read wether or not i could say bad things on this site with out getting banned soo if i am not allowed i will most likly get banned for this message o and i do some skripting mapping and iconing SO i think everyone gets the idea right right if not go jump off a bed that is tied to a tree that happens to be hanging of a cliff.:w00t: sounds fun right "are you going to just stand there like a lemon"