Lionhead Shows Off 'Team Milo'

Lionhead Shows Off 'Team Milo'

A recent tweet from Lionhead Studios seems to suggest that Greenberg's comments about Milo being only a tech demo are wrong.
Lionhead's senior communities and video manager, Sam Van Tillburgh tweeted a picture from Lionhead Studios showing one of the offices working away with the subtitle 'Team Milo.'
Since then Lionhead Studios has also retweeted the photo hinting that maybe Milo is indeed more than a tech demo.
As Peter Molyneux told IncGamers earlier this year "Milo is a character in a bigger and more dramatic story that we're telling."
From the looks of things here the developer is working hard with Milo and despite all the 'tech demo' labels it very well could be a brand new IP from the Fable developers.