My abandonment.
Math140 is currently raping me, violently and entirely against my will because I'm not a perv like that.
AAANyway, this is relevant, I swear.
I haven't been on since the 22nd, which for me is some kinda record (wow, 12 whole days!).
This is, in large part, because my workload this semester is, comparatively HUGE, and A) One of my classes requires me to get up obscenely early three days a week and go abuse my body (I'm doing PT with the Army ROTC) and B) I am really, truly, genuinely, failing math.
I'm a wannabe engineer. Most people don't want the guy they hire to design their boats to have failed calculus. This means that I REALLY need to pass. I've already flunked two tests.
Hence, I am semi-officially abandoning the forums. Which, well, I kinda already did for 12 days. I'm not sure how well this will stick, since I'm notoriously weak-willed, but we'll see.
Will return (barring failures of willpower) when I either start passing (or at least break even on pass/failing tests) math or the semester ends, preferably the first. Look for me in four weeks or so.
Hell, maybe by then I'll have finally bought Knothole Island, too.
Math140 is currently raping me, violently and entirely against my will because I'm not a perv like that.
AAANyway, this is relevant, I swear.
I haven't been on since the 22nd, which for me is some kinda record (wow, 12 whole days!).
This is, in large part, because my workload this semester is, comparatively HUGE, and A) One of my classes requires me to get up obscenely early three days a week and go abuse my body (I'm doing PT with the Army ROTC) and B) I am really, truly, genuinely, failing math.
I'm a wannabe engineer. Most people don't want the guy they hire to design their boats to have failed calculus. This means that I REALLY need to pass. I've already flunked two tests.
Hence, I am semi-officially abandoning the forums. Which, well, I kinda already did for 12 days. I'm not sure how well this will stick, since I'm notoriously weak-willed, but we'll see.
Will return (barring failures of willpower) when I either start passing (or at least break even on pass/failing tests) math or the semester ends, preferably the first. Look for me in four weeks or so.
Hell, maybe by then I'll have finally bought Knothole Island, too.