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n00b veteran, or something like that.


New Member
Aug 1, 2010
n00b veteran, or something like that.

Many moons ago, I was an active member of a website called alter-ego.net, one day that website disappeared, and I couldn't find a trace of it. That is, until today, I popped in my Fable (1) into my brand new slim 360, and was reminded of that site. I googled a bit and came across here.

Back in the day, when Fable was first released, I bought a Crystal xbox, which was bundled with the game, along with Crimson Skies. I was drawn into the story very quickly and wanted to learn more. Hence joining alter-ego.

Now that I have a 360, I bought my friend's old copy of Fable 2, and the adventure shall begin again.

I know basically all the secrets and stories of Fable 1, and nothing of the sequel and soon to be, sequel's sequel.

That's me!
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

I was confused when I first saw the title, but I understand it now. :lol: You seem committed to Fable; I like that. I imagine that at some point you'll be just as knowledgeable about Fable 2 as you are about TLC, but until then, should you encounter any problems or have any questions, feel free to bring them to me. ;) I guarantee you you won't find something that I won't be able to figure out.

And just as a piece of advice, keep an open mind when starting Fable 2. Many veterans of TLC didn't like it as much just because it wasn't like the first one and it didn't "feel like Fable". Obviously some had other reasons, but that's the majority of what I've heard on that topic. Just remember that it is a completely different game and it redefines what the Fable franchise is, or perhaps expands on the definition.

Oh, and welcome. I hope you stay for a while. :thumbsup:
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

cheezMcNASTY;411631 said:
welcome to projectego ^_^
when you beat fable 2 watch the end credits, you may see a website you recognize.

This was the case in Fable, watching the end credits and seeing alter-ego.

Necromancer11;411634 said:
I imagine that at some point you'll be just as knowledgeable about Fable 2 as you are about TLC,

I actually have never played TLC, just the unexpanded version of Fable. I do plan, however, to get TLC for PC very soon, because I really want to experience the entire thing. I've been teased by seeing my friend play TLC and getting to a certain special fight that isn't in Fable.
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

ShadowD347H;411647 said:
I actually have never played TLC, just the unexpanded version of Fable. I do plan, however, to get TLC for PC very soon, because I really want to experience the entire thing. I've been teased by seeing my friend play TLC and getting to a certain special fight that isn't in Fable.

Ah, I see. Well, it's good to hear that you're getting it on PC. I've played both versions, and the PC one is much better than the Xbox one.

ShadowD347H;411647 said:
I've been teased by seeing my friend play TLC and getting to a certain special fight that isn't in Fable.

Oh, there's more than just one of those. :D Which one is the one you're thinking of?
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

ShadowD347H;411623 said:
Many moons ago, I was an active member of a website called alter-ego.net, one day that website disappeared, and I couldn't find a trace of it.
Alter-ego was indeed a great community. I had the pleasure of chatting with Reynard - the site owner - a few times over Skype and was also a guest on a podcast with him about four or five years ago. I'm not sure what happened to alter-ego but The Brown Balverine will never be forgotten! ;)

Anyone who wasn't a member of alter-ego almost certainly will not understand the reference...

Welcome to projectego.net regardless! I hope you will feel as welcome here as you did over on alter-ego.
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

projectego;411690 said:
Alter-ego was indeed a great community. I had the pleasure of chatting with Reynard - the site owner - a few times over Skype and was also a guest on a podcast with him about four or five years ago. I'm not sure what happened to alter-ego but The Brown Balverine will never be forgotten! ;)

Anyone who wasn't a member of alter-go almost certainly will not understand the reference...

Welcome to projectego.net regardless! I hope you will feel as welcome here as you did over on alter-ego.

Ah i remember Reynard, he was a nice guy and showed his face around here for a little while too.
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

I wonder if we'll be featured in Fable 3's ending credits...

Welcome to Project-Ego, I'm curious if there are other members here from Alter-Ego.
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

projectego;411690 said:
The Brown Balverine will never be forgotten! ;)

*Tries to hold secret in* :ninja: *Tries to hold secret given to him by rosecruix* :ninja:

Anyway, welcome to the site!

Brown Balverine....*stops telling secret* :ninja:
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

BAH! We are far more awesome than this alter-ego place, because I am here, and I am the most awesome forum member since the last time I saw a post of droded's.

On the other hand, while I'm pretty sure I never joined that site, I do kinda remember some of this stuff you're mentioning. I'm going to assume it came up when this Reynard guy was here and I was around then.

Welcome to the forumses.

EDIT: No, he only ever posted three times, and they were all before I joined by a few months. So I dunno. I do kinda remember dropping by some time before I actually joined because I needed help with something. I don't know.

On the other hand, apparently he dropped alter-ego to found egomaniacs.com

EDIT2: Which also looks to be dead, which is sad.
Re: n00b veteran, or something like that.

Gikoku Harakami;411902 said:
I wonder if we'll be featured in Fable 3's ending credits...

We better be. This whole time I've been looking forward to being able to say that I'm technically credited in Fable 3. :lol: