n00b veteran, or something like that.
Many moons ago, I was an active member of a website called alter-ego.net, one day that website disappeared, and I couldn't find a trace of it. That is, until today, I popped in my Fable (1) into my brand new slim 360, and was reminded of that site. I googled a bit and came across here.
Back in the day, when Fable was first released, I bought a Crystal xbox, which was bundled with the game, along with Crimson Skies. I was drawn into the story very quickly and wanted to learn more. Hence joining alter-ego.
Now that I have a 360, I bought my friend's old copy of Fable 2, and the adventure shall begin again.
I know basically all the secrets and stories of Fable 1, and nothing of the sequel and soon to be, sequel's sequel.
That's me!
Many moons ago, I was an active member of a website called alter-ego.net, one day that website disappeared, and I couldn't find a trace of it. That is, until today, I popped in my Fable (1) into my brand new slim 360, and was reminded of that site. I googled a bit and came across here.
Back in the day, when Fable was first released, I bought a Crystal xbox, which was bundled with the game, along with Crimson Skies. I was drawn into the story very quickly and wanted to learn more. Hence joining alter-ego.
Now that I have a 360, I bought my friend's old copy of Fable 2, and the adventure shall begin again.
I know basically all the secrets and stories of Fable 1, and nothing of the sequel and soon to be, sequel's sequel.
That's me!