Hold up... it may still be possible to get it. what if you used the shovel glitch., you might possibly be able to dig yourself off the hill, then get the key. I did manage to get to previously unnaccessible areas before using that trick. all you gotta do is put your back to the wall and dig, you will eventually push through the invisible barrier, then if you use sneak, you can walk around in straight N/S/E/W lines. Ive actually used this to get to bargate prison before you suppiosed to go there. IT was strange too, cause, I got to it from the path that you have to save the archeologist from. I crossed the ocean underwater, used the dig trick to get inside the prison walls ON THE ISLAND WITHOUT EVER LEAVING THE MAP!!!! and someone had actually programmed a walkinig path on the upper floors so you could roam freely. weird. anyway, might work for the key. gotta try it tonight.